Monday, December 28, 2009

Confess and Refresh

December 28, 2009

This is certainly a white Christmas! The eastern one-half of Nebraska experienced a blizzard last week, closing most of the highways in the eastern one-third of the state. Yesterday, Sunday, most highways re-opened; including Interstate 80. This morning, I drove the 140 miles from my mother’s home in south central Nebraska to Albion. I do not know the exact amount of snow in Albion, estimates range from 15 – 18 inches.

My driveway was covered in snow, the drifts deepening to three feet by the street. Consequently, the first order of business involved starting the snow blower, dozing through the deep drifts by the garage door; before starting on the drive. Two hours later, the driveway was opened and the car parked safely off the street in the drive.

I then transferred luggage and Christmas presents from the car to the house; the tea kettle began boiling water for a cup of rich hot chocolate. The refreshing, tantalizing, aroma of the hot chocolate filled the house’s interior atmosphere, including pulsating alerts to my sensory system. Suddenly, I realized: my breath was atrocious!! Grabbing my suit case, I dashed up the stairs, opening as quickly as possible. I then reached for the tooth paste and tooth brush; brushing my teeth and refreshing my breath. Instantly, I felt like a new man!

My breath did not instantly deteriorate; rather the fresh, aromatically pleasing air, alerted my senses of my breath being unacceptable. Have you ever experienced this occurrence?

Similarly, worshipping, praying, reading scripture and associating with other believers of the inerrant Word of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; alerts our souls of our sinful nature. Upon this sometimes instant recognition of sin in our life; we rush to confess our sin. Upon confession, the Holy Spirit immediately refreshes our soul.

This sin, like the bad breath, had been around for awhile; however like breathing the fresh aroma; breathing the Word of God, alerted us of our atrocious traits. You and I are easily rid of bad breath with proper hygiene activities. We are also able to quickly rid ourselves of sin in our life. The Holy Spirit convicts our hearts, alerting us to the sin. We must simply allow, through confession and belief, Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection permanently remove our sin: God says he casts our sins as far as the east is from the west.

Blizzards may close highways and cities, however the power of Holy Spirit and the forgiveness of sins by Jesus Christ will be in your heart regardless of any external or internal storms in your life or surroundings.

“For unto is born this day in the city of David, a Savior – Jesus Christ.”

In Christ,
Rick E. Meyer

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Run - Engage

Hall of Fame Coach Lyle Claussen: "If you want to run fast, you have to run fast!"

Too many runners plod along in training then left quandering their lack of improvement in speed; particularly on race day.

I find this wisdom fits every area of life. When I struggle with speaking and writing material; I frequently find that my reading, prayer, and meditation have also deplenished. At times, my mind is inadvertently failed to fully engage in thought.

Thus, I apply Lyle's wisdom: "If you want an engaged mind, you have to engage your mind!"

Let us submit our mind to the Holy Spirit, allowing him to fully engage our mind, body, and soul.

In Christ,
Rick E. Meyer

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Effects of Cheating

"Those who cheat, cheat themselves."
~ Bill "Congo" Congleton 1983

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

If it Seems to Good to Be True......

Christmas and Easter as well as all of scripture should reveal to us: If something seems to good to be true, it is probably God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit active in our lives and in our world.

We should question whether someone's motives, are they filled with the Holy Spirit.

Make it a Great Day in Christ!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Work - Ethics

Knowing Ethics Work in succeeding, leads to a successful Work Ethic. Conversely, not everyone with a Work Ethic, "hard worker," is Ethical. Numerous politicians are a prime example of this principle.

How do we know Ethics Work? By being filled with the Holy Spirit!

Make it a Great Day in Christ!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


It was a beautiful Friday afternoon as we arrived in Denver. The temperature hovered near 70 degrees in this late September evening. As a college freshman I was excited, having only been to Denver with my parents in January 1978. Unfortunately, I had a cold and suffering from my first and last bout with poison ivy. Despite this, I anxiously awaited running in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in beautiful weather the next morning.

As my teammates and I gazed out the downtown Denver hotel windows Saturday morning, we quickly were reminded of that old phrase, “What a difference a day makes.” The ground was covered with snow, the temperature dropped to 30 degrees overnight. Good thing we brought along warmer running gear. We boarded the school vans and traversed the 60 miles south to the Air Force Academy outside of Colorado Springs.

Frigid air once again greeted us as we piled out of the van onto the course covered with a blanket of snow. The effects of altitude’s decreased air density were quickly noticed as we warmed up, touring the course. Some suggested inhaling twice for every exhale; however I found this method less than beneficial. Eventually, after the women’s race, we did our final sprints from the starting line, including taking off our sweats. I do not like cold weather. The Starter’s gun sounded, with many runners in a flurry, especially those from perennial powerhouse Adams State.

Before reaching the first mile marker of the five mile course, I struggled to breath. The altitude, combined with a plugged nose and congested lungs, made breathing most challenging. Efficient breathing is necessary for running fast. Our muscles require oxygen; lack of oxygen reduces our endurance. Needless to say, I ran poorly, as did most of our team. In cross country, the winning team is the one with the fewest points as the determined by adding the places of a team’s first five runners. We scored more points in this one meet than my high school team scored accumulated in the nine meets of our senior season. Much of our competition was from high altitude schools.

Life is similar to this race; lack of breath hinders our performance. We are unable to perform well when we fail to allow the Holy Spirit to breathe in and through us. The Holy Spirit breathes through us when we are in scripture, prayer, and worship.

Yes, I struggled to perform at the Air Force Academy’s 1985 cross country meet due to my inability to properly breathe. However, I struggle even more when I fail to allow the Holy Spirit to breathe through me when I neglect, scripture, prayer, and worship.

Make it a Great Day in Christ!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Last Saturday, 28 November 2009, I stood visiting with a former classmate, Stephen. We patiently waited in the concession line during halftime of Smith Center’s State Championship game. After standing for a few minutes, I realized two other former schoolmates were standing next to Stephen during our entire visit. Shawn and Barry were a year ahead of Stephen and I at Gaylord Grade School; they were also starters on Smith Center’s inaugural football championship team in 1982. As you know, it is always good to see old friends. However, I simply did not look up, Shawn is several inches taller than me, or around at Barry. I nearly missed an opportunity to visit with these gentleman.

How often do we miss opportunities right next to us, because we fail to look up and around from our current position in life?

Ironically, three years previously, 28 November 2006, I stood beside my dad as he lie in his hospital bed at about 7:00 PM. I had spent several minutes praying for his health to return, then moved from his right side of the bed to his left side. He had not spoken all day as he slept. He awakened and spoke to me the first time since my initial visit at 11:00 AM: “Good bye,” while he extended his hand to mine for a handshake. I thought my optimism was annoying him as I shook his hand replying, “Good bye.” That was the last visit with my dad on this earth, three days later he died about 20 minutes before my arrival. I quickly realized what he truly meant with, “Good bye.”

How often do we miss interpret the full meaning of someone’s message because our vision, our perspective, is too narrow?

I must remember to look up and around for nearby opportunities, and have greater vision, and perspective to more fully understand the messages of family, friends, and professional peers.

Make it a Great Day in Christ!