Sunday, October 28, 2012

Talent vs. Wisdom

The Bowl Championship Series (BCS) places the Kansas State University football team second in this week's rankings. The top two teams at the end of the season play for the National Championship. Alabama is the current top ranked team.


Numerous articles and conversations express amazement at Kansas State's undefeated season to date against tough competition, considering the experts rank their recent recruiting classes low—lacking the talent of the other top programs.


This imbalance of talent, with K-State on the bottom end compared to their opponents perplexes media, fans, and probably coaches and players across America—the other coaches and players probably are hesitant for a public confession.


A number of factors exist in explaining how a team with little talent defeats and annihilates teams possessing superior talent. A few of these factors include.

  • Better Coaching
  • Inaccurate Recruiting Rankings
  • Better Game Day Focus
  • Greater Physical Preparation
  • Greater Mental Preparation
  • Injuries vs. Staying Healthy
  • Enhanced Team Chemistry
  • Selfishness vs Teamness (it's a word now J)


Bill "Congo" Congleton, became a Hall of Fame Coach and Coaching legend at Manhattan High School in Manhattan, Kansas during the 1970s through the early 1990s. He shared wisdom with me while I served as one of his assistant coaches while I attended Kansas State during the late 1980s. Congo proclaimed his teams with average talent with above average intelligence will consistently defeat teams possessing above average talent with average intelligence. Congo's achievements validate his belief.


How does one measure intelligence? Grades or test scores fall short in measuring intelligence. Dr. Burns at Dallas Theological Seminary succinctly states, imperfect professors attempt to measure imperfect students with grades. Additionally, does equivalency exist between an "A" at two separate University's organic chemistry class? A future Rhodes Scholar recipient ruined the curve in my organic chemistry class at Kansas State. Does equivalency exist between an "A" with two different professors or graders?


I have visited with three different students of a renowned graduated school who turned in their papers and received a high or low score and then were asked to resubmit because the grader lost their scores. The students resubmitted the same paper, printing of a fresh copy. The exact same paper received nearly polar opposite scores with the second grading. In other words, how accurately do grades reflect intelligence?


One best define Congo's use of intelligence as Wisdom. Wisdom includes properly acting after collecting, and understanding information. Greater wisdom increases the volume of information and rate of response. Wisdom enables good decisions and constant monitoring with quick, proper adjustments.


If one possesses greater physical ability, yet acts with foolishness, or complacency—ignoring wisdom—they will consistently fall to those with less physical ability and greater wisdom. The well-known Bible story of David—a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22)—versus Goliath—the uncircumcised Philistine, illustrates wisdom versus talent (1 Samuel 16:1—17:58).


Where does one attain wisdom? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Begin with reverence, prayer and study of God's word.


Achieving greatness depends more upon wisdom than talent. Choose wisdom in honing, expanding and applying your talent. With prayer, joy, fellowship, and studying God's word, you too will be among the best in the nation and world in the endeavor God's calls you to engage. The great seldom receive fame, the famous often lack Godly wisdom.


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!



See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Engineering Pluralism

(Second Draft—Stay tuned)


Many in today's society believe in and promote the religious pluralism while they snarl at theism—one God represented in trinity of the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Religious pluralists believe all roads, all religions, all worship services lead to salvation. They dispel only one true God. Rather, everyone defines their own god and method of salvation.

"Don't tell me or anyone else that our religion is wrong, that we worship a false god."

The apostle Paul encountered this same argument particularly in Athens during his second missionary journey.

For those promoting religious tolerance allowing each person to define and worship their own god—repudiating the one true God—would you fly in an airplane or stay in a building designed by those practicing Engineering Tolerance or Pluralism?

Imagine engineers denouncing math and physics standards. Two plus two may equal one, three, seventeen, infinity x infinity. Additionally Pi may no longer equate to 3.14 and whatever digits follow, instead perhaps 8,9632.5000, because some self-defined mathematician had a vision one night to redefine pi.

If one believes in false gods, or defining one's own god, surely engineers believing in false values and calculations, or defining their own values and calculations will create wonderful, reliable aircraft and buildings in the name of tolerance.

Prestigious academia who denounce the true God, will surely update their plethora of science departments by removing intolerant standards. Come on academia, set the trend with Engineering Pluralism.

Do I have any volunteers to fly these aircraft or live in these buildings?

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with the one true God, Father the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Pride vs. Humility

William Shakespeare once wrote, "Brevity is the soul of wit."


"Pride = Self Centeredness

Humble = God Centeredness"

~ Dr. Lanier Burns


Friends, I pray you and I choose a humble attitude of centering on God the Father, Son (the Lord Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit today and every day.

Be Blessed!


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!



Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Capture Wisdom

I regularly reflect upon Congo's reply.

His message nearly dashed over my head at the time, escaping into the abyss of nothingness.

Wisdom simplifies the complex.

Wisdom, like bolts of lightning dancing across the summer sky, vanishes as quickly as she amazes us--if uncaptured.

How much effort should you exert in your worthwhile pursuits? Should you record garnered wisdom?

"Depends on how good you want to be."

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!


Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.




Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Clusters of blue-grayish clouds dispersed amidst blue windows peering into the stratosphere, blanketed the Texas heavens this October afternoon. The calm, soothing air resided as unnoticed as car horns in a New York based movie.

I hurriedly parked my beige Buick LaSabre at home after a full day of classes at Dallas Theological Seminary, where I am pursuing a Masters of Art in Christian Leadership. My cerebral cortex seemingly pulsated in processing the wisdom of great professors. I raced to my car's trunk—opened with the push of a button—clasped my left hand and fingers around the handle of my briefcase. While propelling myself the door, I simultaneously readjusted the keys in my right hand in preparation of opening my apartment door.

The black wingtips, socks, slacks, and blue polo shirt rapidly became dispersed on and by the bed. Decades of repetition enabled redressing in running clothes, in only a few seconds. Gray shoes with green outlined lettering, along with black running shorts and a white shirt reading "See, Believe, Achieve" on the back transformed this body and mind from student, and professional to "super runner." Well, maybe just a "runner".

The first two miles my body resembled a rear tractor tire—appearing fast, yet moving forward at the speed of cold honey—I then dropped the hammer in an attempt to sprint for one-minute, followed by one-minute of jog rest. Each one-minute of full speed running covered a perpetually increasing distance through each of the first ten repetitions. Increased stride length, measured by the cracks on the sidewalk, produced the greatest contribution as the rate of leg turnover remained nearly constant.

In other words, my achievements significantly increased while my extended energy remained constant, because of increased flexibility. My optimal speed and flexibility persisted for the final ten one-minute runs. Near the end physical fatigue, represented by lactic acid, and mental exhaustion began seeping in as high ground water into a basement. Consequently, my focus and concentration zeroed in on remaining flexible and quick.

Following a cool-down, I ate supper in energetic contentment exceeding my exhaustion, because my flexibility, quickness and persistence allowed me to challenge myself to achievement and growth.

How are you increasing your flexibility for greater achievements at work, at home with your family, and serving your community?

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve greater flexibility in Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.