Saturday, May 31, 2014

Always Joyful

See update below:

Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, Minnesota on June 21, 2014 quickly approaches. My excitement escalates in anticipation and preparation of running my first competitive marathon in fourteen years.


This course appears serene, beginning in Two Harbors and traversing southwest along Lake Superior to Duluth. My heart rejoices as God blesses my body, mind and spirit with the necessary ability and desire for consistent seventy-five to one-hundred weekly miles of training.


Tempo runs, intervals, easy runs and long runs each provide encouraging progression. Increasing calorie usage and rate of metabolism enhance the body weight’s mandatory descent to competitive levels. These increasing fitness levels radiate the symbiotic relationship of speed, strength and appropriate body weight. Running fast and far is fun!


Joyfully, I continually thank and praise God for these blessings.


My daily consumption of Cellgevity increases intracellular glutathione, which reduces inflammation and serves as the body’s master anti-oxidant.  However, I inadvertently allow my Cellgevity supply to deplete before the next shipment arrives.


Running and the activities surrounding graduation from Dallas Theological Seminary distract me from assuring a continued supply of Cellgevity. A week after emptying the Cellgevity bottle, inflammation along the tibia in the lower right leg from a sprain prevents running.


Darts of apprehension and doubt immediately strike my mind, especially because of my high expectations for the quickly approaching marathon.

“How serious is this injury?”

“Will I recover in time to run this marathon competitively?”


Gentle, yet convicting, promptings of God’s word and sovereignty quickly extinguished the enemy’s fiery darts (Eph 6:12, 16).


aRejoice always; apray without ceasing; in everything agive thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thess 5:16-18).”


Scripture radiates God’s complete eternal control (Job 40, 41, 42:1, 2). He causes what He wants to cause and allows what He wants to allow. Who is man to question God?


Additionally, these promptings initiate reflection of my scripturally derived purpose of running and all of life; glorify God in everything. Additionally, I define success as achieving God’s will for my life (Mt 7:21). I have expounded upon this in numerous other writings, so will avoid doing so here.


In congruence to these principles, relationships—with God and people—comprise the foundation of each of my activities. As disclaimer, God’s grace, mercy and love fill in the vast perpetual shortcomings in every area of my life.


Acknowledging God’s sovereignty illuminates physical setback to my training for the marathon as part of God’s intended training program for me. Consequently, I am rejoicing in this sore leg as much as I rejoice when running a great twenty-miler training run or a personal record (PR) in a race.


 Life consists of relationships. This sore leg provides opportunities to meet and converse with new people. These conversations each lead to discussing our day-to-day relationships with Christ and His people.


We when seek to obediently serve Christ, He provides opportunities to glorify Him through serving others. Loving others and rejoicing in God’s abundance during the exceptionally good as well as the less than favorable moments provides great impact on those with whom we encounter.


A joyful heart, praising God while loving and serving others deepens our relationship with people and God!


Yes, I am excited about this sore leg. It will heal. I will, by God’s grace, run fast and far very soon. Most likely, I will run well in Grandma’s Marathon on June 21, 2014.

Yes, Joyfully, I continually thank and praise God for these blessings.


However, regardless of my health leading up to a marathon or any event, life never promises the tangible results that we often seek, such as a great marathon. Yet, running serves as a catalyst through which the Holy Spirit intertwines my life with others.


Yes, God is preparing me for Grandma’s Marathon and relationships with His people using methods that I failed to consider a few weeks ago. He is the ultimate coach. I greatly trust my running coach, Lyle Claussen and I certainly trust to eternal, perfect God of creation in everything.

Whatever challenges you encounter, probably putting my sore leg to shame in comparison, seek to obediently serve Christ. Then, rejoice in everything, pray always and be thankful. Because, this includes God’s training program for your life at this moment.


In so doing, you will glorify God in your race (1 Cor. 9:24). Trust God!

Grandma's Marathon 2014

Driving thru St. Paul, MN last Friday (6/20/2014) on the way to Duluth, I reflected on once entering the Twin Cities Marathon (TCM) with a sore leg just as I had on this drive to Duluth. Despite the leg hurting during warm-up and the first mile @ TCM, I managed a 2:27 followed by a solo 2:24 twenty-seven days later.

I reflected on this for optimism, while diligently praying for speed, strength and wisdom. U...nfortunately, this time the leg also hurt during warm-up and failed to hold-up, I quit running after passing the 1st mile in a blazing 11+ minutes--far exceeding my previous mile PW.

However, the Lord did and does saturate my heart with Peace, Joy and Gratitude (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), just as during the more favorable results. Additionally, I am exceptionally Grateful and Joyful to see friends achieve amazing performances in Duluth. Congrats again to each of you!

Grateful precedes Greatfull! Always Trust God! (Prov. 3:5-6)


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!


Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

a Phil 4:4
a Eph 6:18
a Eph 5:20

Monday, May 19, 2014

My Sheep hear My Voice

My Sheep hear My Voice (Jn 10:25-30)

 As I ponder the above passage the last few days, my farm background recognizes that Christ does not distinguish the age or other attributes of His sheep that hear His voice.


On the farm, we brought the cattle home from the pasture after corn harvest in the fall, they roamed and fed on the corn stalks throughout the winter. Cattle referred to the entire bovine herd, cows, calves and bulls. About this same time, we weaned the calves from their momma cows. Calves specified those young cattle born the previous spring.

All good ranchers, shepherds, cowboys and farmers similarly quickly clarify any differences that he (or she) communicates about their herd when applicable. Christ the ultimate shepherd (Jn 10:11), refers to the entire herd of sheep in this passage. He avoids any distinction of age or maturity of His sheep—such as lambs, ewes or rams—that hear His voice.

Conversely, God establishes precedent for specifying livestock age (ex. “young bull”) when necessary for the meaning of His message (Ex 24:5; 29:1).

In an effort to avoid false assumptions, thus striving to Teach Truth, I phoned my sister, Dee, and brother in-law this morning. Her husband, Brian, of 18 years has raised sheep for the last approximate 35 years, with the on-farm herd number varying from a few hundred to at or in excess of one-thousand sheep. They have experience with sheep!

Because of Brian and Dee’s longevity with sheep, working with thousands upon thousands—including different breeds. Additionally, they have raised sheep born on their farm, other farms in Nebraska, North and South Dakota as well as from Wyoming and I believe Montana.

Consequently, I give great value to their vast experience and observations characteristics of diverse sheep ranging from newborn lambs to older ewes and rams over several decades.

After exchanging pleasantries and proudly learning of my nephew and his best friend winning spelling awards at school, I inquired of the characteristics of baby lambs. Brian had long left the house to care for the sheep and the crops. 


Rick:   “Do baby lambs recognize your voice?”

Dee:    “Most of the time, sometimes it takes a while.”     


They (virtually all) really respond to Brian (their shepherd), they know him and his voice.”

The baby lambs quickly recognize and respond to their shepherd Brian’s voice, he feeds, waters, and cares for them every day. Just as Christ is our shepherd who feeds, waters and cares for us every day.

 In other words, their observations are based upon great numbers and great diversity of sheep as opposed to one time, or one year, with one small symmetric herd.

Considering Jesus’ complete knowledge of the attributes of sheep and men, it logically seems that His statement (Jn 10:27) includes infant humans that are His sheep. Just as some baby lambs take a while to recognize their shepherd, so do some people take time to recognize and respond to Christ. Those not in Brian’s herds fail to respond, just as some people fail to respond to Christ.


On the farm and ranch, the owner claims, feeds, and tends to all livestock that he owns. Just as an infant human baby knows the voice of their mom and dad, so Christ’s baby lambs know His voice.



Respond to the voice of Christ the Shepherd, belief in Him is the only way to salvation and eternal life (Jn 14:6-7).


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Friday, May 16, 2014


Excerpt: The Leader Servant  ~  3 December 2012

Dallas Theological Seminary – SL305 Dynamics of Leadership


Vision is nitroglycerin to motivation. Motivation engages one’s motive into action. Vision enlivens the determined results and events in one’s mind before literally occurring. Hall of Fame Coach, Bill “Congo” Congleton frequently taught, “The mind cannot tell the difference between a real and an imagined event.”

Vision is not self-actualization! Rather, optimal visions activates each of the five senses—touch, taste, hear, see, smell—in response to the desired achievement. Consequently, powerful visions generate emotions such as laughter, tears, fear, and joy. The desired achievement mandates evaluation. If the vision fails to produce strong emotions, then either details lack or the vision fails to inspire the person. If the vision fails to inspire, one should prudently discern whether to improve, keep or change the vision.

As a Leader Servant, I strive, and encourage others, to positionally see God in my mind’s eye through His Word, Prayer and fellowship. I seek to evaluate each thought and action first with His Word. Does scripture directly oppose my thoughts or actions? If scripture lacks specific opposition, I then pray and visit with my mentor, or spiritually mature members of the board or friends about the issue.

I also engage in the exercise of visualizing God in all his majesty to the best of my ability. I am in instant awe! All challenges, temptations and concerns reduce to clay particles, which God molds according to His will (Rom. 9:21).

Power of Vision and Faith

Vision creates positive, internal challenges. Challenging one’s mind-body-spirit simultaneously creates exponential benefits. Nehemiah’s vision of rebuilding the Jerusalem wall caused him to prepare diligently by calculating the necessary supplies, required documentation, work force, time, favor, dependence on God, and danger.[1]

Greatness occurs with faith in Christ and His word, recognizing that God created us in His image, fully reliant upon Christ’s strength, power, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Faith often defies logic, and greatness occurs when we dwell on a specific vision of serving people for God.

When the components of greatness combine in any order or combination, the achievements increase exponentially. God desires each of us to live on faith, “Without faith it is impossible to please him” (Hebr. 11:6), and “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:14-26). Faith results in maximizing our service to God with the attributes He gifted us.

The Leader Servant’s Godly character seeks methods for maximization within the context of how God created us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The Leader Servant praises God for how he created us, instead of praising the creation (Rom. 1:18-25). He also understands the exponential effects of the components of greatness.


Components of Greatness:                                                                 Achievement:


Effort                                                                              10X

Effort + Faith                                                                               100X

Effort + Faith + Desire                                                              1,000X

Effort + Faith + Desire + Belief                                              10,000X

Effort + Faith + Desire + Belief + Vision                             100,000X

Effort + Faith + Desire + Belief + Vision + Mentor           1,000,000X


  • Effort – Magnitude of self-exertion.
  • Faith – Trusts God fully and completely, pursuing the prize which remains invisible to the secular eye.
  • Desire – Value determines Price. The higher the Value, the greater enormity and duration of physical and emotional pain you are willing to suffer for achievement. This emphasizes the need and benefit of perpetual spiritual maturity.
  • Belief – Knowing your physical, mental, financial and spiritual resources exceed the price of the achievement; trusting God to provide these resources.
  • Vision – Submit your boundary fence of possibilities to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The Servant Leader knows success from Thinking Inside the Bible.
  • Mentor – A person coaches, discusses and guides you, and who internalizes the Bible and engages in a continual communicative relationship with Jesus Christ.


E=mC >E=mc2: Energy = mass*Christ (Light of the World) > Energy = mass*speed of light2  


The Servant Leader inquires of those in their organization, “What is your Christ filled vision? Are you fully activating your faith?” Much is spoken and written about getting one’s “second wind.” In reality, the second wind scratches only the surface of success for the Leader Servant.

We achieve Christ’s desired greatness in our lives well beyond our second wind, rather in our fifth, sixth or tenth wind. Each wind is the point you desire relief because of reaching the edge of physical and/or emotional collapse, when your mind and body say, “enough.” 

Sadly, most people make a big deal of attaining just their second wind. Faith, Vision and Desire are essential components of enduring through the tenth or whatever the necessary “wind” in pursuit of greatness in serving Christ and His people.


For example, the mental challenge of running six miles or twenty-nine miles resembles a thick, poured cement wall. It appears virtually unbreakable, until an exhaustive examination, aided by the mentor and Holy Spirit, reveals a hairline fracture.

Faith, desire, belief, and vision are thoroughly mixed with focus and concentration; creating a liquid solution seeping into and through the fracture.

Their gradual expansion disseminates the wall. The pristine view of “Champion” faintly appears in the distant horizon. The credit and glory of this dissemination belongs solely to Christ as the Leader Servant gains another assist in helping people achieve Christ’s will for their lives.


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve, Inc.

[1] (Meyer, Leadership Observations in the Life of Nehemiah 2012)

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Except: The Leader Servant  ~  3 December 2012

Dallas Theological Seminary – SL305 Dynamics of Leadership

The Leader Servant’s high proficiency demands effective communication. Effective communication comprises an array of subtopics: verbiage, tonality, rate, volume, eye contact, body posture and positioning, facial expression, attitude—desire, love, patience, method of written, oral and the various technological categories of each, and the variability of all these. The best communicators practice, practice, and practice!


Body posture, facial expression, attitude—desire, love, patience affect all communication regardless whether the audience sees or hears the communicator. We subconsciously convey these attributes through our dialogue, whether in person, on the phone, writing a letter, blog, text message, e-mail or post on Facebook or LinkedIn.


Additionally, prudence advises stating one’s tonality in written communication, especially when the environment is tense. For example, Paul concludes 1 Corinthians by telling them how much he cares about them after a letter with many heated messages, encouraging the Corinthian church to get their act together.

When necessary, I commence e-mails saying, “Please read this in cordial, conversation tonality.” This results from experience when some have interpreted my attitude in the communication as angry or upset, especially when I seek to concision in a hurried moment.


Eye contact is vital, this captures and maintains the listeners attention along with letting them know that you value them as a person. Additionally, the lack of eye contact usually indicates dishonesty, shame, shyness or insecurity.

This indicator enhances our ability to adjust the communication on the fly, whether speaking with one or present to several thousand people. Varying verbiage, tonality and volume also enhance the listeners ability to stay attentive.


Paul instructs the Corinthian church of the necessity to have interpreters if speaking in tongues. He points out that communication’s effectiveness includes comprehension. The Leader Servant understands listener comprehension includes adequate articulation and volume of the message for them to hear.

Several years ago, 1974 Horatio Alger award recipient William Bailey served as my mentor for my public speaking. He previously mentored renowned speakers such as Jim Rohn, and Less Brown.

Mr. Bailey said, “Rick, you have a terrific, powerful message. However, we need to improve your articulation and voice’s tonality.” I visited a speech pathologist weekly in first and second grade.

William Bailey suggested I read aloud Shakespeare or King James version Psalm, “as if to 500 people”, for fifteen to twenty minutes every day.

My articulation and tonality improved greatly, consequently others willingness to listen and respond to my message also increased. As a Leader Servant, I continue developing my voice and encourage others to do the same.


The Leader Servant strives to include as many as possible in the organizations communications, especially e-mails. Obviously, confidentiality and topic aide in determining scope. Supporters and donors desire inclusion of communication. If they desire, they may request omission from the list or delete the e-mail.


How does one improve verbiage? Strive to omit most “be” verbs such as “is, was, be, being, are,” etc. They do have appropriate uses, we must choose carefully. One may often find a powerful verb to use. Negations should also be avoided to the best of one’s ability.


For example, instead of the Leader instructing his group to “Don’t be late,” or “Don’t forget…”, the effective Leader Servant instructs them to “Be on time” and “Remember.” The subconscious fails to register negative connotations such as “not,” and “no.”

Consequently, the words “Do not be late” register in the subconscious as “Do be late.” The conscious does have the ability to recognize and acknowledge the negation, however this requires 40 percent[1] more brain power than the absence of negations.



See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.


[1] (Glahn 2012)