Monday, August 24, 2015

Fifty-Five Pounds Lighter

When I moved to Dallas four years ago, I nearly had to keep an eye on the weight limit of the bridges along the route. I am now about fifty-five pounds lighter and feeling much better. The loss is mostly, perhaps wholly, due to changing my mindset.

Isn't the power of our God designed and created mind amazing? Yes, each of us are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139:13-15).

We each have our own challenges. For some it's too much or too little weight, for others it's one or... more various other challenge.

Let's keep our mind set on the things above (Colossians 3:1-2). God, for the cause of Christ, how may I serve you now?

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.
Running on Faith Ministry

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Do you use age an excuse or God as a reason?

Feeling Blessed:
Despite wounding my foot in the 2nd mile of a 19 mile run on Sunday (orig'ly supposed to run 22M) and waking-up with it a little sore each of the last two mornings; this morning's 400s are very comparable to my 400 workouts in 1996.

Normatec and CryoSauna at CryoUSA yesterday all enhanced the recovery of the foot, along with icing before going to bed.

Internalize God's word--the Bible, trust God in everything. This necessarily includes the people, opportunities, desires and challenges that He places in your life.

Whatever your calling, focus on God instead of your age or other external circumstances.
Remain Joyful, Prayerful and Grateful in everything as this is God's will (as opposed to an off-hand suggestion) for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thess 5:16-18).

Keep Running on Faith in Christ

Rick E. Meyer
Running on Faith Ministry Inc.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Running Faster, Better Health

Success requires the synergistic synchronization of all the right pieces. 

For example, I once overhauled a four-barrel carburetor. Would you believe that leaving out a couple of tiny screws and springs greatly hindered the vehicles performance? I know...I initially believed that I was more efficient than the engineers...

Similarly, as an agronomist, I witnessed enhanced crop yields by increasing levels of individual micronutrients in the soil by only a few ppm (part per million).

Semmingly small deficiences can result in significant performance losses.

Intra-cellular glutathione serves as one of the success pieces in optimizing the performance of your body.

Increased intra-cellular glutathione plays a key component in quickening my average training pace over the past 26 days--measured by Garmin--17 sec/mile while running an additional 9% more miles compared to the previous 26 days.

(I occassionally take time away from supplements to provide a "check strip" for their effectiveness.)

This indicates an increased efficiency of my body's complete performance including enhanced overall health. How efficiently is your body performing?

Are you enhancing or hindering your health? Consider investigating the benefits of intra-cellular glutathione (along with the nutrients of other products). While seemingly small, intra-cellular glutathione provides a powerful punch!

Yes, Chuck and Gena Norris endorse the company and the products.

For athletes, it's critical to assure that any supplement is "Certified Drug Free" by the Banned Substance Control Group (BSCG).
As Ronald Reagan once stated, Trust, but verify.

It's also gluten free.

Let me know of your questions, etc..

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve Christ's will (Mt. 7:21, 1 Thess 5:16-18)!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve

Monday, August 3, 2015

Engage People

One of the meaningful events of traveling is meeting and engaging people. This includes listening to the promptings of when to remain silent or succinct.

I asked the shuttle bus driver from the airport a few questions and thoroughly enjoyed listening as he gleefully shared about his 8 kids and numerous grandchildren, then about his military service as he and his dad both served in the Army's 24th Infantry Division. He in Iraq, his dad in Korea. As we neared the hotel, he opened up about his Christian faith and his leading youth in Bible study. Imagine if I had failed to engage him, I would simply see him as a shuttle bus driver eating potato chips. He ate chips because he forgot to bring his left over baby-back-ribs that he grilled at home last night.

While waiting for the elevator at the hotel, a lady in her mid-30s approached pushing a luggage cart. Despite her attempts to appear positive, I sensed something deeper. As anyone would do, I asked a few simple questions inviting her to share without any obligation. She and her husband left Michigan for vacation, during the drive he didn't feel well. Eventually they airlifted him to the hospital three days ago. I asked for their first names and then prayed for them and will keep them on my prayer list.

I am thankful that God placed the opportunity and desire on my heart to engage these wonderful folks. Yes, I am traveling on business, yet as Christians we are on call 24/7 to serve God's people in whatever way He asks. Even if only to engage them for a few brief moments of our lives.

The best service projects are often moment to moment, one on one engagement! For the cause of Christ, who may You and I serve Now?

Rick E. Meyer
Running on Faith Ministry Inc.
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.