Friday, July 8, 2016

In Memory of Dee...

In Memory of Dee Isaacson, my sister, September 26, 1964—April 27, 2016

My sister, Dee, lost her battle with bone cancer at her home on Wednesday April 27, 2016 at 2:30 PM. Her life consisted of abundant cheesecake-type relationships, rich and filling. Dee focused on loving God, His people (Matthew 22:37-39), and her need for forgiveness of sins for eternal life with God only through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:14-21). 

Dee maintained her optimism, sense of humor and strong faith in Jesus Christ through the end. She epitomized Running on Faith, fully trusting God with all aspects of her earthly and eternal life. She recognized each step and breath, whether healthy or sick, as God’s gift of an opportunity to love and to serve.
God enabled us to grow-up in a family and community that hinged on faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I fondly recall Mom sitting on the dining room floor with Dee and me teaching us to sing, “Jesus Loves Me.” Mom also taught us to read from a Children’s Bible as well as numerous books of Bible stories we received from relatives, neighbors, and teachers. I last visited Dee Monday night, April 25th, saying goodbye with a strong firm hug then gently rubbing her back. Yes, we love you Dee!

Revised from the original version written December 28, 2015

I am learned a great deal about Running on Faith from watching my sister Dee battle breast cancer, followed by bone cancer.

One of the thrills in athletics is pushing yourself beyond previously known limits and watching others do the same. This includes beyond the point of what we previously believed as the point of absolute physical and emotional exhaustion, the point of physical collapse.

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the men of old gained approval. By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was Dad and Dee: Christmas 2005.

not made out of things which are visible." (Hebrews 11:1–3, NASB95) The Greek word for hope, elpizō, is “to be confident and reasonably expectant of a future event.”

Dee could not compete in sports due to challenges with her knees, yet she strongly encouraged myself, other athletes and championship teams. Additionally, she truly inspired me in her courageous and faithful battle with cancer. She initially defeated breast cancer from February 2014 thru September 2014. Last July bone cancer chose to challenge her. 

 The week of Christmas she entered ICU for the second time in two weeks, this time for two or three days before transferring to PCU (Preferential Care). Dee continued her upbeat attitude as her faith remained founded on the solid rock of Christ's words (Matthew 7:24-27). 

“Trust in the Lord with all Your Heart…”

The hospital released her on Thursday afternoon. She and her smile joined us at my mom's. We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Day. She continued running an amazing race on amazing faith. By March 2016, she was able to once again able to offer a little help with sheep chores.
Left: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” John 10:27 Wyatt with his sheep (Febr. 2016), Tornado and Twister. Amazingly, even baby lambs recognize and respond to their shepherd’s voice.
Right: Brian and Dee five weeks before the initial cancer discovery and diagnosis.

As an example of her faith, I never heard Dee complain or ask, "Why me?"
Yes, she faced previous hardships including losing a son and our dad 10 weeks apart in 2006. She kept her faith and hope rooted in Christ. 

Dee’s iron-will for victory over bone cancer illuminated her faith in Christ along with her love of her husband, Brian, and son Wyatt.  

These types of athletic performances often result in the athlete receiving headlines, their picture in the paper, their name in every major paper around the world, and perhaps appearing on ESPN’s Sports Center. Not so with most cancer patients. 

Dee your battle with cancer epitomized Running on Faith, pushing yourself far beyond previously known limits. You inspired me, your friends, family and many whom you have never met.
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart…”

Faith and Trust: 
  1. Do you place full faith in Christ’s death and resurrection for the forgiveness of your sins? (John 3:14-21)
  2. Do you fully Trust God in all of live? (Proverbs 3:5-7)
  3. Loving others, desiring God’s best for them, as much as you love yourself. This includes strongly desiring others knowing Jesus Christ as savior (Matthew 22:39).
  4. Do you worry about things out of your control? (Mt 6:27)  “Worry is contrary to God.” ~ Martin Luther
  5. Do you seek the God’s kingdom above all else? (Matthew 6:33)
  6. Do you place your faith, trust, and hope in God or man and government?  
    1. “It is better to take refuge in the LORD Than to trust in man. It is  better to take refuge in the LORD Than to trust in  princes.” (Psalm 118:8-9) 

Keep Running on Faith!
Rick E. Meyer

The hospital released her on Thursday after-