Saturday, January 3, 2009

How well do we Respond in 2009

2009 has arrived!

Have you evaluated 2008, determining those things you plan to repeat as well as those actions and decisions that are learning experiences?

Have you set goals and / or made New Years resolutions for 2009?

Have you ever felt as is someone "rained on your parade", attempting to pour water on your 'fire of desire', your passions? How do you respond? We often become aggravated, seeking a reason for this insanity.

In Kings 18 Elijah wanted the people to know God. Elijah was the only prophet of the Lord left; while Baal had 450 prophets. Elijah stated they would get two bulls, cutting them in pieces; then calling on the name of their god and Elijah calling on the name of the Lord. The god who answers by fire, is God.

Baal's prophets called repeatedly on their god, yet no fire came.

Elijah repaired the ruined alter of the Lord; taking twelve (12) stones for each of the tribes of Israel. He used the stones to build an alter in the name of the Lord. He dug a trench around the alter, believed to hold thirteen (13) quarts of seed. After arranging the wood, he placed the pieces of bull onto the wood He then had them dump twelve (12) large jars, 4 jars 3X, on the offering and wood. These became saturated, and the trench full of water. I have not used this approach when lightning a camp fire in the woods.

Elijah then asked God to reveal Himself so that all may know God is God; and that Elijah was obeying God's command. Elijah submitted his plans to the Lord. The Lord then consumed the saturated, drenched, offering, wood, stones, soil and water in fire.

All those who saw this fell down proclaiming the Lord is God. They believed because the fire of the Lord consumed all that had been saturated with water.

As 2009 progresses, our goals and resolutions may become saturated with water, losing the excitement that we have for each of them in the beginning of the year. The watering down, the "raining on our parade"; may come from negative, doubtful people we encounter during the year; the watering may come from those closest to us who are concerned of our disappointment as we set high expectations. Elijah certainly had high expectations. The watering down may come from our mind, as self doubt creeps in. In races, including the race of life, the beginning is filled with excitement; then along comes fatigue.

How will we respond? Will we consider the Lord has commanded water to be poured on our circumstances in order He may be glorified and known by unbelievers? Will we follow in Elijah's footsteps? Elijah repaired the ruined alter of the Lord. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Do our beliefs and actions need repairing; a realignment with scripture? Will we ask the Lord that the fire in us reveal Him, and our obedience to Him?

Will we submit our plans to the Lord?

When we offer our dreams, goals, and resolutions to the Lord; the fire of the Holy Spirit will descend on us. God will consume them, claiming them as His own. Those seeing the water saturated goals consumed by the fire of the Holy Spirit will worship Him.

As 2009 progresses, your goals, dreams, and resolutions will become watered down, rained on from time to time. Remain faithful and thankful, repair your alignment with scripture, offer your efforts and achievements to the Lord for His benefit. Be ready, you will then be consumed with the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Make it a Great 2009 in Christ!

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