Monday, February 16, 2009

Attitude - Time & $$$$$$

“One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth.” (Proverbs 13:7)

Success is an attitude! During the three (3) year period when I continuously ran 80 to 135 miles per week, in addition to working full time, every minute was valued. If an hour existed between getting off work and my next appointment, I ran 5+ miles, showered and drove to the appointment, meeting or social event. The run took nearly 30 minutes, leaving 15 minutes to cool down, shower, dress, and be in the car. In Kearney, Nebraska at that time, every destination was within a ten (10) to fifteen (15) minute drive.

Today, I view every minute as opportunity to practice or improve a speech, writing, working on a proposal or resolve a challenge of clients.

Transforming every minute into a goal achieving activity enabled me to become a reasonably fit runner, an award winning speaker, additionally an effective professional.

Other times in life, I have viewed thirty- (30) or sixty- (60) minutes as, “not enough time to do anything worthwhile”. As you probably suspect, my productivity drastically decreases when I lessen the value of a minute.

When I believe I have all the time in the world, time slips away; leaving me with little to achieve worthwhile goals. Conversely, when I believe each minute, each second, is precious and to be engaged, when I believe time is scarce; my effectiveness and achievement exponentially increase.

Proverbs 13:7 informs us that money operates on this same principle as time. When we believe money is abundant, we carelessly waste it as we do time. Conversely, as with time, when we acknowledge the scarcity of money, valuing each penny; assuring its proper allocation, our wealth increases.

Would you agree our Lord desires us to be mentally broke with time and money; to achieve all that He has called each of us for His Glory? Success hinges on our Attitude towards the Gifts of Time and Money from Christ!

Make it a Great Day in Christ!

Rick E. Meyer Speaking

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