Revelations 3:16 "So because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth." God certainly was not lukewarm about you and I in John 3:16!
As I finished lunch today; I conducted a freshly revealed experiment to confirm the results of which I was confident. I collected one (1) cup of cold water from the kitchen faucet, chilling my fingers; pouring this into an empty ice cream bucket. I then captured two (2) cups of steaming hot water from the same faucet, pouring these into the same bucket as the one cup of cold water.
What was the result? As anticipated, the water was lukewarm. Are you any better at drinking lukewarm water than me? I nearly vomited during this attempt.
Do any of us desire to be lukewarm? Most of us agree we prefer avoiding the state of lukewarm. How do we become lukewarm? There are an array of methods in becoming lukewarm; let us quickly examine a method we probably have not previously considered.
If we spend two-thirds (2/3) of each week steaming hot for our passions and beliefs, and one-third (1/3) of our time living outside of our passions; we, like the water, remain lukewarm. Yes, even in sleep our mind pursues our passions.
How do you spend your business day? Are you pursuing and expressing your red hot passions while engaged in your profession? Do you suppress your strongly held beliefs while at work, rendering them cold? Remove the cold areas from your schedule as they, combined with your red hot passions transform you into lukewarm.
Define your red hot passions, determine an avenue allowing you to pursue, and express, your passions.
Submit these plans to the Lord, Christ will guide you as He desires for you to be hot, not lukewarm.
Warning: Be ready for action and opportunities; listen to your hunches as this is the voice of the Holy Spirit if we are in scripture, prayer, and devotions. Permanently leave the world of lukewarm. Talk with Christ, Walk with Christ, be Hot with Christ, Achieve with Christ.
Make it a Great Day in Christ!
Rick E. Meyer
Rick E. Meyer Speaking
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
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