Thursday, September 3, 2009

Seek God's Kingdom First

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his (God’s) Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you.” (NIV) or “But seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (KJV)

After hitting the ‘snooze button’ on my alarm clock a couple of times this morning, I groggily wandered into the restroom; a funny name considering we seldom rest in this room, for my morning shower. The shower’s hot water message provided great relaxation as my cognizance of my morning’s schedule elevated. Quickly, my concerns focused on the day’s necessary tasks.

There is no available time for devotions, prayer, and scripture reading before my 7:30 AM breakfast meeting. I must quickly choose what clothes to wear, specifically which clothes are clean.

Images and inquisitions raced through my brain: "What breakfast entrée will congruently satiate my taste buds and appetite? As an independent contractor, what are the income projections? When am I completing the writing of this ever enduring book project? Will I find an editor and publisher? Will magazines and publications print the short stories? Should I publish a devotional book?”

Yet, while these concerns saturated my mind, I deemed myself too ‘busy’ for prayer and scripture. Does anyone else fall into this same trap? What activities are best for commencing each day, each task, and each daily challenge we encounter?

Jesus instructed his audience their clothing, food, shelter, and financial security are a derivative of prayer and being in scripture. He stated in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his (God’s) Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you” (NIV).

My morning’s distractions lack excuse. The above scripture, which I had not deeply pondered in years; became imprinted on my mind the last two nights as I fell asleep in bed; as opposed to the ‘rest’room.

Why do we frequently default to believing self-ability surpasses God’s ability? Jesus tells us, God our Father already knows our needs before we ask. Christ chastises us in Matthew 6:30, “O ye of little faith.” Ashamedly, I am too often guilty of relying on self-confidence instead of, ‘God Confidence,’ defined as faith!

Despite my inappropriate beginning, this day remains profitable and productive. Perhaps this success encourages us to remain self-reliant. Would we accelerate our development of “God Confidence;” if we failed miserably each time we neglected prayer and studying scripture? The question remains, “How greater would today’s productivity be; if only I sought first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness?” Allowing, depending on, him to provide all of my needs through guidance, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment, love, and forgiveness.

As you begin your next task: “Seek first the Kingdom of God…”

Make it a Great Day in Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
Rick Meyer Speaking

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