Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Water is Life

“Seek first the Kingdom of God and all else will be added unto you.”

Have you noticed that throughout history, the great cities are built along flowing rivers and/or oceans; they are built by water? Why do cities and industry flourish along rivers, lakes and oceans? Water is life! Life, whether human, plant, animal or industry is dependent upon water. The best agricultural soils are often found in river valleys. One of my favorite hymns is “Shall we gather at the River.” As a child I heard my dad sing and whistle this song innumerable times while we were along the river; whether working, fishing, hunting, or socializing with friends on a summer Sunday afternoon.

Water transports some nutrients in the soil and in the plant; water also enables plants to stand vertical. These are a few simplified benefits of water in soil and plants. Water cleanses, water refreshes. Our blood is mostly water. Water forms valleys, as well as the consequential hills. Did you know that the deepest soils are nearly always found in the valleys? More about that tomorrow. Water enables root growth, root growth provides stability and greater area from which the plant to draw the necessary water and nutrients to prosper. Water is life!

We too should build our ‘city’ of life by the flowing water of Christ. Water is frequently used in scripture literally and metaphorically. Jesus was baptized in Jordan River, the Holy Spirit descended as a dove saying, “This is my son in whom I am well pleased.” The water in a flowing river is a representation of the ground water underneath the surrounding land. When we build in the river bottom, we have the flowing water near-by; additionally we have ample water right below our feet; available for promoting and strengthening life. Water cleanses our hands, the waters of our baptism symbolically cleanse our sin; permanently washing them away because of Christ’s death and resurrection.

Water is necessary for seed germination, leading to wheat, leading to bread. Christ blood, containing mostly water germinate the seeds of the eternal bread of life in our life. We simple must accept the watering of our souls from Christ’s blood, we must seek and accept the Kingdom of God and all else will be added unto us.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ,

In Christ,

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

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