Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bandage: Good or Too Restrictive

Thought the end of a finger had a REALLY dark tan all afternoon: Instead the bandage was a tad tight.

Yesterday while slicing potatos to make hashbrowns, my finger became caught on the slicer. The caused several cuts on the top of my finger. I placed two bandages on the finger, then replaced those with another bandage. I believed the bandage need to be wrapped tight on my finger for bleeding to stop and healing to occur.

I left the tight, restrictive bandage on too long. Whenever I glanced at my finger today, it appeared unusually dark. I lack excess concern because I wanted my finger to heal, and avoid additional bleeding. I continued rationalizing the tight restrictive bandage was good for my finger.

After exercising tonight, I realized my finger was nearly black. I quickly cutoff the bandage. The finger's natural color returned, along with its vibrant health. The wound is healing without a bandage, there is no bleeding.

My finger could easily represent the U.S. economy and the bandage equivocating Government and its regulation. There are moments when a bandage on a sector or portion of the economy is beneficial to assist it regaining health.

However, regulations, like bandages are potentially more harmful than good. Especially if too restrictive and left on too long. Just as my finger became discolored, the economy also becomes discolored. Only by removing the restrictive Government 'bandage' do we restore economic vibrancy.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

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