July 2015
25 July 2015"Whatever you do, do your work heartily as for the Lord rather than for men." Colossians 3:18
This morning's warm and humid 11+ miler was one of the better regular runs--no prescribed workout or preset agenda--in a long time. Relaxed, felt strong and had FUN--including singing "Lift High the Cross" during the 8th mile @ 6:07 (feel sorry for those @ White Rock Lake that heard my out of tune voice...lol).
My sister's bone cancer diagnosis on Tuesday evening reminds me to appreciate every moment of health and to fully apply our God given talents. It's easy to take life and health for granted when healthy.
Yes, it was a bit warm and humid again this morning, yet I focused on the joy in Christ and the gifts of life, family, friends, health and running.
21 July 2015
While running intervals this morning in preparation for October's Marathon, I briefly reflected on pivotal moments of my running.
One includes, following several injuries over the previous 3 1/2 years, Lyle Claussen saying that I could run well if I consistently followed a program. I listened to him and went 13 years without another injury while logging dozens of 100+ mile weeks. The next injury occurred while stepping off a curb while passing people in a crowded marathon.
A...nother began 32 years ago today when I attended Congo's Cross Country Camp @ Rock Springs Ranch. The 80 miles in 4 days in the middle of a record setting hot summer further opened my eyes to the possibilities of our mind and body.
While running intervals this morning in preparation for October's Marathon, I briefly reflected on pivotal moments of my running.
One includes, following several injuries over the previous 3 1/2 years, Lyle Claussen saying that I could run well if I consistently followed a program. I listened to him and went 13 years without another injury while logging dozens of 100+ mile weeks. The next injury occurred while stepping off a curb while passing people in a crowded marathon.
A...nother began 32 years ago today when I attended Congo's Cross Country Camp @ Rock Springs Ranch. The 80 miles in 4 days in the middle of a record setting hot summer further opened my eyes to the possibilities of our mind and body.
Yes, we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Trust God in everything (Proverbs 3:5), including pivotal moments He places in Your life.
Mental Coaching and Podcast Subscriptions
Running is 90% Mental and the other Half is physical.See, Believe, Achieve Inc. now offers:
Mental Coaching
Podcast Subscriptions
Receiving awards following a recent Half Marathon from College Football's 5X National Coach of the Year, Bill Snyder, who serves as the Head Football Coach of the Kansas State Wildcats. |
- See. Believe. Achieve.
- Reach your Maximum Mental Fitness with Rick Meyer.
- Competition Preparation
- Mental Coaching
- Facing Competitive Challenges
- Breaking through Mental Barriers
- Develop and Enhance Your Championship Mentality
- Mental Toughness
Coaching Options |

“Truly internalized – it’s part of your motivational leadership.”
Barb S., conference attendee
"Based on your race times, we will offer you a professional athlete entry into the 2015 USA Masters Marathon Championship at the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon."
David Schneider, M.D. responded to my correspondence regarding the 15th anniversary of the 1995 Boston Marathon.
“Rick…that is a very happy memory. I was graduating from med school and went on a trip to Boston to see one of the last basketball games in the old Boston Garden. Because one of my buddy’s uncles was an executive at John Hancock I had VIP seats right on the finish line, sitting next to the Mayor. And here comes Rick Meyer, one of the top American finishers!! I jumped the barrier and followed you into the med tent. We hadn’t seen each other in 10 years, so you were a little shocked to see me (besides being in physiologic shock after crushing the hardest marathon in the world).”
David later served on the medical staff of the both the Los Angeles Lakes and Dodgers, once attending a Dodgers game with Tommy Lasorda who introduced him to Tom Hanks.
David Schneider continues, “My favorite memory…that night after the Celtics game, I walked back through that huge public square to see the results posted on dozens of mobile classroom chalkboards, lined up as far as the eye could see. I walked all the way to the first board, and there on the top sheet of paper on the board was your name, along with a bunch of East Africans!! YOU STUD!!! Not bad for the son of a corn farmer from Gaylord, Kansas.”
Brent Seifert
Rolls Royce
Indianapolis, IN
Re: “GOAL Achieving” presentation in Chicago
November 13, 2014
Chuck Norris discusses the amazing health benefits of increase intra-cellular glutathione. https://www.max.com/cellgevity/rickemeyer/us/en
September 5, 2014
You may download podcasts released by Running on Faith Ministry, Inc.
The Introduction to these podcasts--laying the foundation:
One of my favorite quotes:
"Challenges are spiritual barbells." ~ Dennis Peacocke
Additionally, consider that each challenge you face increases your ability to relate to a greater number of people in a wider variety of situations without facing their identical challenge. Rather each challenge enhances your perspective and strengthens your faith.
"Challenges are spiritual barbells." ~ Dennis Peacocke
Additionally, consider that each challenge you face increases your ability to relate to a greater number of people in a wider variety of situations without facing their identical challenge. Rather each challenge enhances your perspective and strengthens your faith.
Thus challenges, when accepted and evaluated with a humble heart, enable you to have stronger, deeper relationships with more people. Which increases the impact of your life on others.
Yes, sincerely thank God for each of your challenges! #RunningonFaith
Yes, sincerely thank God for each of your challenges! #RunningonFaith
June 2014
Worry Stagnates, Faith Activates. Run on Faith, today!
"Worry is contrary to God" ~ Martin Luther
Philosophy of Leadership / Serving (a)
The Organization - Rick E. Meyer - Founder and President
Award Winning Speaker, Certified Trainer and Dallas Theological Seminary graduate:
Rick E.
Meyer illustrates Biblical truth and love as the foundation of enduring success
in business, academics, athletics and all relationships. During his uplifting
presentations, Rick connects these truths to creating success in our daily
lives, sending listeners away with the ability to imagine greatness while
encouraging them to trust God in Christ.
See, Believe, Achieve Inc. involves multifaceted market place ministry through motivational and inspirational speaking, public and private—secular and Christian seminars, blogs, authoring books and articles. Additionally engaging in business development as an independent associate with Max International, and running marathons. Max International provides health supplements, and develops associates into leader servants.
See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Success is
achieving Christ’s will, through the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit for
one’s life, perpetually seeking and attaining the necessary wisdom, knowledge,
and understanding.
God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are
perfect—complete—consequently God’s will for my life, and everyone’s life,
encompasses each aspect—membership, citizenship, relationship, endeavor—of
one’s life.
God’s Will creates and allows actions and consequences
symbiotically interacting with everything according to His wisdom.
will includes the will of the Father (Mt. 7:21), possessing God’s full depth
and breadth in our every thought, action, and interaction. I strive to remain
humble before the Lord, trusting He will lift me up (James 4:10).
(a)Excerpt: The Leader Servant
~ 3 December 2012
Dallas Theological Seminary – SL305 Dynamics of
June 2, 2014
E. Meyer earned a Masters of Art in Christian Leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary in
Dallas, TX. Rick also received
a Graduate Teacher Diploma for teaching Evangelical Training Association
Certificate Courses from Dallas Theological Seminary.
Research Project: The Holy Spirit's Guidance in Max International.Submit Inquiries to See, Believe, Achieve Inc.
Grandma's Marathon 2014
Driving thru St. Paul, MN last Friday (6/20/2014) on the way to Duluth, I reflected on once entering the Twin Cities Marathon (TCM) with a sore leg just as I had on this drive to Duluth. Despite the leg hurting during warm-up and the first mile @ TCM, I managed a 2:27 followed by a solo 2:24 twenty-seven days later.
I reflected on this for optimism, while diligently praying for speed, strength and wisdom. Unfortunately, this time the leg also hurt during warm-up and failed to hold-up, I quit running after passing the 1st mile in a blazing 11+ minutes--far exceeding my previous mile PW.
However, the Lord did and does saturate my heart with Peace, Joy and Gratitude (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), just as during the more favorable results. Additionally, I am exceptionally Grateful and Joyful to see friends achieve amazing performances in Duluth. Congrats again to each of you!
Grateful precedes Greatfull! Always Trust God! (Prov. 3:5-6)
I reflected on this for optimism, while diligently praying for speed, strength and wisdom. Unfortunately, this time the leg also hurt during warm-up and failed to hold-up, I quit running after passing the 1st mile in a blazing 11+ minutes--far exceeding my previous mile PW.
However, the Lord did and does saturate my heart with Peace, Joy and Gratitude (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), just as during the more favorable results. Additionally, I am exceptionally Grateful and Joyful to see friends achieve amazing performances in Duluth. Congrats again to each of you!
Grateful precedes Greatfull! Always Trust God! (Prov. 3:5-6)
May 14, 2014
Rick E. Meyer
Joyful & grateful to graduate from Dallas Theological Seminary this past weekend. Prayerfully seeking to obediently serve God.
April 10, 2014
"For the cause of Christ, who may I serve and help today?" ~ Charles M. Gibbs
What is your Mission Statement?
This one correlates with scripture and the desires of my heart.
I desire engagement in businesses, and any activity, in which I may fully acknowledge my belief in, trust of, and dependence on Christ. Why would any Christian desire presence among those hating and rejecting Christ? Those who hate Christ also hate Christians (John 15:18-19).
March 31, 2014
I am frequently asked why I run. Running is a provided tool by God with which I am to serve and glorify Him (Col 3:17).
Success is achieving Christ's will for your life (Mt 6:33, 7:21). Perpetually seek God's wisdom, knowledge, and understanding neccessary for attainment. God's will for our individual lives derives from His one complete will for creation.
"Success is pleasing God." ~Dr. Stanley Toussaint
I run to serve and glorify God through the resulting relationships. When we serve and glorify God, the world frequently hates us (John 15:18-27). I heartily acknowledge that I have, do, and will fall short in my attempts to please God (Romans 3:23). My dependence for success rests fully on Jesus Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Whether running or anything else, seek to serve and glorify God through the resulting relationships (Col 3:17).
March 30, 2014
We frequently say and hear, "go the 'extra-mile'". Yet, how do we meet, much less exceed, God's love and holiness? (Mt 22:37-39).
March 30, 2014
Good month of training, as I ran 355 miles, which includes five days of rest--no running. Far from my all-time high of 500, yet the highest monthly total in years.
March 29, 2014
When I give my best in a foot race or work day / project, I lack sufficiency for an extra-mile--literal or proverbial. I am only able to go an extra-mile when I fail to give my best in the original task. Give your best in serving God, achieving His will each and every moment, and you won't have to go an extra-mile.
March 20, 2014
Does the Peace of God (Phil 4:7) instigate Trusting God, or does Trusting God instigate the Peace of God?
We receive salvation in Christ through belief and trust (Acts 16:31; Ro 10:9). Upon believing, we receive the indwelling Holy Spirit who provides inner-peace (Ro 15:13; 1 Co 6:19; Eph 4:30; 2 Timothy 1:14).
Increase Recovery, Energy and the Master Antioxidant
This includes enhanced mental focus and enables me to train as a 29 yr old.
March 11, 2014
Enjoyed a good 22-miler this morning, beginning through the SMU campus then to Walnut Hill and Inwood. I ran through several neighborhoods while working my back to SMU. The run ended with an out and back on Katy Trail, adding a mile near the American Airlines Center. What a beautiful morning to run, and meditate on God's word, presence and promptings.
Increased Recovery and Energy; along with decreased inflammation greatly aide training. www.max.com/337072
March 9, 2014
Paul begins each of his letters acknowledging that he is
a servant of Christ instead of a leader for
This includes when
declaring himself an apostle. “A common feature of all these meanings (of apostle) is their
predominantly passive character. In none of them do we find any suggestion
either of initiative on the part of the ἀπόστολος or of authorization
linked with the mission. The most that can be said is that the word denotes the
quality of being sent, unless we are to regard it as no more than a stereotyped
term.” [1]
Are you asking and willing for the indwelling Holy Spirit to maximize your serving Christ in everything?
Are you asking and willing for the indwelling Holy Spirit to maximize your serving Christ in everything?
[1] Gerhard Kittel, Geoffrey W. Bromiley, and Gerhard
Friedrich, eds., Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Grand
Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1964–), 407–408.
March 7, 2014
what is your Dream / Vision for me?"
"How may I serve you today?"
"What may I learn and how may I mature in you today?"
"God, do I glorify you in promoting this product or service to myself and others?”
~ Charles M. Gibbs
"How may I serve you today?"
"What may I learn and how may I mature in you today?"
"God, do I glorify you in promoting this product or service to myself and others?”
~ Charles M. Gibbs
An excerpt from my DTS Applied Research Project,.
February 24, 2014
Compliments instantly trigger those walking in the Spirit to humbly praise God for His blessings and activity in their life.
"Encouragement is an instrument of divine change." Charles M. Gibbs
February 15, 2014
Stewardship mandates we strive to use creation to glorify God, the creator.
All things were created by Him and for Him (Co 1:16-17)
"How may I/we use this resource to glorify God?"
Sin reverses the order of creation, thus sinful stewardship exhorts using creation to glorify creation. "How can I/we use resources to 'save the earth?"
Only God can save or destroy the earth! When we truly communicate with Him through His word and prayer, He will guide us appropriately according to His will, which correlates with His wisdom.
Stewardship in running requires that we seek to glorify God, always!
February 14, 2014
The intensity of prayer in our hearts often reflects our desire and dependence to walk in the Spirit (Ro 8:4).
February 10, 2014
"The Leader Servant yearns for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in serving and glorifying God. Walking in the Spirit commands we recognize God as our only Leader. Servants joyfully acknowledge all glory belongs to God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit."
This excerpt from my Applied Research Project (APR) came to mind this evening when pondering Leadership. I can only consider myself Leading--in front--If I turn my back on God, thus walking in darkness. When walking in Him, His Light radiantly defines the Leader.
I shared with both readers of this paper, Dr. Lanier Burns and Charles Gibbs, that I wish my diploma read, "Masters of Art in Christian Serving".
February 10, 2014
Keep Running Records for later Optimism:
I was Very disappointed with my 10K time in Edinburgh last weekend. However, records show that I ran a 37:?? 10K (~6:00 pace) in August of 2000, followed by a 2:32:08 (5:48 pace--chip time) in the 2000 Twin Cities Marathon in October--my first marathon in four years after taking 3 years off from running.
Another factor to record: Body Weight. Edinburgh's 38:16 @ ~165 lbs vs. 2000 races @ prime weight of 145 - 148 lbs. Extra cargo, physical and emotional, serves as a great detriment to performance/achievement.
Release the extra weight of your sin, worries and concerns to God through Christ Jesus (Ps 55:22; Mt 11:30, 28-30).
"Worry is contrary to God." Martin Luther
Keep and Review your Records. Keep the Faith--Trust God!
Tuesday October 1, 2013
Do you and I stand in awe and fear of God? As a child in Kansas, everyone attending church stood in awe of God.
This awe and fear seemed to resemble that which we read about as spoken and written about by Moses and the Prophets.
In my observation, we have viewed and treated God as more common than Godly during past approximate ten years, and perhaps the last two decades.
The more I stand in awe and fear--Respect--of God, the greater my desire to study His word in which He reveals His character, salvation, eternal promise and promise of returning to rule.
Conversely, any hesitation that I have to read, and study His word, along with spending time with Him in prayer, reveals my declining sense of awe and reverence of God
As I Run on Faith, seeking to achieve His will for my life, I must remain reverently in awe of the God of all creation, the God of power and might, the God of Judgment, Mercy, Grace, Light, Truth and Love.
I am Running on Faith to the 2016 Olympic Marathon. Knowing and confessing that it is not me, but Christ who is in me! I can't, Christ can, We--Christ and I--Are by the power of the Holy Spirit!
God the Father, Son (the Lord Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit owe me nothing. All that I receive hear and in eternal life, through the Lord Jesus Christ's death and resurrection for the forgiveness of my sins (John 3:16) and the sins of all who believe, results from God's goodness, mercy, grace and love.
There is only one God, now and forever. Jesus says that He and the Father are one, and they send the comforter, the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus Christ explains that if you know Him, you know the Father. If you know the Father, you know the Lord Jesus Christ.
All who know the only God of all creation, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, know the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit whom we receive upon believing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior for forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
When I know parents, I instantly recognize their attributes in their children. If I do not know fathers, I can look at a child for an hour, day, month or year and never recognized their father's traits in them. I only recognized them as the son or daughter when I know the parents.
When we know God the Father, we instantly see Him--His attributes--in Christ.
Because I know and trust God's sovereignty and provision, the government shutdown has no effect on me. God is my provider! Historically, hostile rulers and governments seek to deplete its citizens of all hope, including hope in God.
Once they deplete the people of hope in God, the hostile rulers and governments scare the people into believing that they, the ruler and government, serve as the only source of sovereignty and provision.
The hostile rulers and governments want people to worship them, they also encourage worship of idols and false gods. They deny the true God, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. They mock His written word, the Bible.
David, as recorded in Samuel, serves as a terrific example of leaving these rulers for God. David had at least two opportunities to harm Saul, yet refused to harm Saul who sought to kill David, because of David's love and reverence for God.
I fervently pray that hostile rulers, goverment officials, and common citizens repent--turn to God. I pray in love for them because Christ first loved me.
Only by God's grace do I know, worship and receive salvation from God through Jesus Christ. He forgives me, despite my mistakes--my sins. I pray that all those who oppose God, will know Him now.
My hope for life on earth and life eternal exists in only the God of creation, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Through Him, by Him and for Him I seek to love Him with all of my heart, soul and mind, and love others as much as I love myself (Mt 22:37-39).
My hope for building profitable business(es), speaking to groups and achieving the Olympic dream in the 2016 Olympic Marathon, resides in Christ alone.
Acheivements are good as long as they transpire in response to loving and serving God. My sufficiency resides in Christ, whom I stand before in reverent awe.
Do you reverently fear God? Where do you place your hope for today, tomorrow and eternity? Is your sufficiency founded in Christ or man?
See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.
Saturday September 21, 2013
After completing graduate school in December, I plan to run, deliver keynote addresses and seminars, increase my writing and share with/educate the world about the amazing benefits of glutathione.
What do you know about glutathione? You owe it to yourself, your family, business associates and friends to check out the health benefits of glutathione.
Visit www.max.com/chuck/337072
See Christ,
Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. MeyerSee, Believe, Achieve Inc.
Monday July 22, 2013
Last Monday (7/15/13) my resting pulse was 31 beats per minute.
Saturday June 22, 2013
New record low this morning for resting pulse @ 35 beats per minute (bpm).
Wednesday June 19, 2013
Running on Faith:
Last Thursday (06/13/2013) I finished the day exhausted. The week began with an early Sunday morning one-hundred minute run in heavy rain, and close lightning, followed by teaching Men's Bible Study at Park Cities Bapties www.pcbc.org. That afternoon I flew to Houston to lead two days of seminars. I arrived in the seminar room by 7:00 AM both days, after late nights with dinner followed by work. I returned to Dallas late Tuesday due to a delayed flight. Once home, I ran 10-miles before going to bed.
On Wednesday, I awakened at 5:00 AM while arriving in the seminar room in downtown Dallas by 7:00 AM for Wednesday and Thursday seminars. I also received CryoTherapy at CryoUSA Wednesday evening due to a sore hamstring.
After Thursday's seminar, I joined friends for our weekly meeting at Taco Joint. Two hours after eating two Soft Tacos, I returned home for a run. Do I really want to run? Yes! Beginning June 1st, I doubled my daily Cellgevity intake due to increase training. Immediately upon arriving home, I swallowed the four capsules of Cellgevity while drinking the Max ATP energy solution.
I then changed from a suit into running clothes. I immediately recognized that I felt better running than I had in years. The Garmin watch recorded my first mile in 5:52, the second in 5:48. The next two miles I focused solely on my running form. My body adapts proper form much easier with the loss of approximately forty pounds in the past twelve months.
As I glanced at the lines on the sidewalk, I quickly recognized my air distance significantly increased compared to "normal" runs. Garmin recorded my next two miles in a cummulative 9:22. My fastest two-mile training run in years. The increased energy from Cellgevity enables wait loss, increased focus, and increase energy in each run. I am eagerly anticipating my next marathon on October 6, 2013.
God places the people and opportunity in your life to achieve His will. Equivalently, God places us in people's life, and places on our heart to positively impact them to achieve His will.
See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
January 2013
My research project at Dallas Theological Seminary includes discussing how business associates and leaders in Max International listen and respond to the Holy Spirit in business. Naturally, I am excited that Chuck Norris and his wife Gina endorse Cellgevity and Max International.
At age 46, I am running better than I have in years! God has blessed me with amazing training partners and coaches over the years, Bill Congleton, Lyle Claussen, and now Joe Boyle in Dallas.
Additionally, increasing my intracellular production of glutathione yields seemingly miraculous physiological results with Cellgevity, ATP and MaxN-Fuze (www.max.com/337072/chuck ). God--the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit--receive all the glory, credit and honor.
The amazing people and opportunities are simply a product of others responding to God's command.
Are you listening for and responding to God's command for your life? What dreams does God have for you? All things are possible through the one true triune God!
Tuesday April 16, 2013
My prayers for the Peace and Hope of God found in the power and relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to internalize and comfort all affected by yesterday's bombing in Boston.
The BAA Boston Marathon represents greatness, legends, competition, guts, glory and comradeship. This native Kansas farmboy fondly recalls running beside some of the world's top runners from Kenya, when competing years ago.
In the second half of the race my silent cheerful laughter, nearly turned audible as I passed a Kenyan ranked the world's #1 distance runner of the year for the previous year.
The french root for competition, competre, signifies bringing out the best in yourself and others. The BAA Boston Marathon epitomizes runners gathering from around the globe to bring out the best in one's self and each other. Testing the human body and mind endurance and pain tolerance in journeying from Hopkington to Boston.
Those responsible for yesterday's tragedy epitomize selfishness, envy, greed, foolishness and despising God. I pray that they, plural or singular, will repent--turn to God--believing in the Lord Jesus Christ's death and resurrection for their eternal salvation.
Because God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit loves me, I pray the orchestrators of yesterday's tragedy will quickly know / believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of their sins, receiving eternal salvation.
Any lesser desire lowers my heart, now elevated in Christ, to the current depths of their heart.
I look forward to running the 2014 BAA Boston Marathon--God willing and by His Grace, mercy, love, health, and power.
Trust God! See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Update: Friday March 15, 2013
Are you pursuing God's will, His dreams for your life? Are you asking Him in prayer, seeking through reading His word in the Bible and associating with Spiritually Mature Christians, for Him to reveal His dreams for you?
I am in the middle of my fourth semester (March 2013) at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas, on track to earn an M.A. Christian Leadership in Decemeber 2013.
God continually reveals His dreams as well as perpetually greater depth and breadth of His provision and sovereignty. He provides all of our needs: emotional, physical, financial, relational, and recreational. We simply trust Him.
We acknowledge that we deserve nothing outside of His Grace through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of each our sins (Romans 3:23; John 3:16; Matthew 6:33).
We serve Him with all of our Heart-Mind-Soul, loving others as much as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:37-40). We humbly, joyfully, gratefully and prayerfully thank Him for everything--any and all gifts and challenges (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
At age 46, I am running better than I have in years! God has blessed me with amazing training partners and coaches over the years, Bill Congleton, Lyle Claussen, and now Joe Boyle in Dallas.
Additionally, increasing my intracellular production of glutathione yields seemingly miraculous physiological results with Cellgevity, ATP and MaxN-Fuze (www.max.com/337072/chuck ). God--the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit--receive all the glory, credit and honor. Chuck Norris and his wife Gina endorse Cellgevity and Max International.
The amazing people and opportunities are simply a product of others responding to God's command.
Are you listening for and responding to God's command for your life? What dreams does God have for you? All things are possible through the one true triune God!
Tee Shirts and Performance Shirts are available for ordering directly from GTM Sportswear. Shirts with a 50% Cotton / 50% Polyester blend are available by calling GTM using the phone number on the link.
One may order from either my website store or the direct link to GTM Sportswear.
GTM's website recieves an overhaul, will return in January 2013.
In the interim, please call (800) 336-4486 for orders.
Rick E .Meyer Website Store
GTM Sportswear
What do you See?
Do you Believe?
Are you, with Christ--by the power of the Holy Spirit--Prepared to Achieve?
See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.
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