Friday, September 21, 2012

How does one Repent?

Frequently we hear repenting defined as turning from our sins, reversing direction. In other words, if one has challenges with greed, alcohol, lust, or any number other sins, they are instructed by many Christians to repent with the intended meaning of turning from those sins, discontinuing in their practice along with being sorry for one's sins. I too have stated this and similar suggestions over the years.

Unfortunately, as Dr. Stanley Tousaint adamantly expresses, the above method teaches salvation by works. Dr. Tousaint rhetorically asks, "How many sins must you turn from, or be sorry for, to receive salvation?"

If repenting fails to include being sorry for our sins, or turning from our sins, how does one repent? Repent is turning to God. After turning to God—God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit—one then becomes sorry and changes direction. The latter results from repenting—turning to God.

As you read the Bible, substitute turn to God for repent. This exchange allows the continual smooth flow of the passages.


See Christ, Believe Christ, Turn to Christ, Achieve with Christ!


Rick E. Meyer See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

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