Saturday, February 23, 2013

Racing: Nervousness

One constant of racing since junior high school, the greatest pre-race nervousness exists in regards to the impending pain.
Will the soul and mind persistently seek the faith, focus and concentration to triumph over the torturing pain to extract the runner's best?

Thus the JOY of running and racing!!!

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Friday, February 22, 2013


Saturday June 22, 2013

New record low this morning for resting pulse @ 35 beats per minute (bpm).
Finishing an assignment before my run Saturday morning (02/16/2013), I glanced at my resting heart rate on the Garmin 610 monitor (HRM) provided by Garmin. The excitement of seeing my resting heart rate (HR) at thirty-nine beats per minute caused escalation to forty-six.
This ranks among the lowest HR readings of my life at age forty-six, certainly the lowest in seventeen years—in my twenties. Even then, only a concentrated effort brought the HR below forty, and certainly to my record of thirty-six. This low HR occurred while I consistently ran 80 to 135 miles per week with an average door-to-door pace ranging from 5:55 to 6:05 per mile. (UPDATE 3/01/2013: Heart Rate @ 36 matching the record low from the 1990s)
My heart condition and strength appears to reach new heights despite the odds of age and stressful life events. During the past six years, I remain completely healthy with my heart efficiency now improving to new heights—defying the odds.
Running contributes greatly to this health, especially the return to biweekly intervals the past two-months under of a terrific coach—I have been blessed with several exceptional coaches in my life.
The speed work increases capillaries along with my body weight plunging; these result in increased heart strength, and efficiency.
Moreover, Cellgevity increases my cellular production of glutathione which decreases intracellular inflammation, thereby causing my body to recover more quickly and enhances existing health. Over seventy diseases receive beneficial improvements from increased cellular production of glutathione.
Based on my workouts and energy level, the cellular level of my body
operates as if thirteen to twenty-years younger. Consequently, this enhances my energy and duration in studying along with the physical benefits.
The ultimate reason from my increased health, heart, energy, fitness and studying resides in the Lord Jesus Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit. He leads the scientists in developing Cellgevity, He leads the businessmen in developing a profitable business for distribution to numerous countries. God brings you and me into contact and knowledge with the right people for improved spiritual, emotional and physical development.
Knowing the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through word, relationship and associations provide His peace exponentially exceeding ALL human understanding, regardless of life's circumstances and events. His Light provides our power to Run on Faith
amidst life's storms, sometimes grasping to only Hang on by a Thread.
I am grateful for God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit providing opportunities through the world's best evangelical seminary professors, the Word of God, a world-class running coach, family, friends, scientists, businessmen and amazing Godly mentors for a healthy and a perpetually improving heart in my mid-forties.

Many factors, One Triune God! enable me to fully pursue my dreams, the dreams God continues revealing for me.

What are your Dreams?

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Contact Rick


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hope = Joy

"Hope is empty, unless Joy follows. Joy always follows authentic Hope. A persons Joy reflects their placement of Hope." ~ Charles M. Gibbs



See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Hope and Joy in Christ!


Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.



Monday, February 18, 2013

Food for Thought: Answered Prayers

The prayers heard, thus answered by God—the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ—in the Bible are those spoken with passion, emotion and belief.

Nehemiah wept and mourned when he received word of Jerusalem's destroyed wall (Nehemiah 1). David continually prays with strong emotion in First and Second Samuel as well as in Psalm. Jesus passionately prays in Gethsemane, as well as other times (Matthew 26:36-46).

You may respond, "Well sure, but Jesus died on the cross despite his passionate prayer."

If so, we miss the point of prayer! Jesus prayed for the fulfillment of the Father's will. Jesus' death and resurrection we spoken of by the prophets in the Old Testament, his death on the Cross fulfilled God the Father's purpose, as did the Jesus' resurrection and ascension (Acts 1:9). We pray too passionately pray for the fulfillment of God's will—because His wisdom exceeds all other thoughts, plans and logic combined.

The blind man called out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me (Luke 19:35-42)." The blind man emphatically pleaded with Jesus to receive his sight. Jesus healed him because of the blind man's faith.

Dwell on the power of God, and if your prayer request glorifies Him—this defines asking anything in Jesus' name (John 16:26, 27).

Pray with passion, emotion, faith, belief in the power of God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to deliver according the Father's will (Matthew 6:8-15, 7:21).

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ—Pray with emotion and expectation of reception!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

P.S. The official writing standards call for abbreviation of the books of the Bible. This serves well in saving space when communicating with others familiar with the Bible. However, Christianity should avoid all attributes of an exclusive insiders club. Rather, we desire to share God's word, which includes assuring the ease of anyone to easily define which book of the Bible referenced.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Dream Power

"When the Dream is big enough, the facts don't count." Dexter Yager

How big is your Dream? Dreams open your mind to possibility thinking. What is possible with your full reliance on Christ, pursuing the Dreams God reveals for YOU?
I had the privilege of meeting Dexter Yager and hearing him speak dozens of times for hundreds of hours, plus hundreds of hours listening to his speeches on cassette tapes and cds. I recall listening to him in the early morning hours during a business convention, continually emphasizing the power of the Dream.

"The Dream! The Dream! Gotta have a BIG DREAM!!!!" as he held his hands around the microphone, while holding close to his mouth for exclamation on the DREAM!!!
How big is your dream? Are you asking God to reveal His dreams for you, to you?

He once told of receiving a phone call saying that they lost a very significant amount of money in a sour investment. He, and his wife Birdie, immediately went to the car to expand, enhance and strengthen their DREAM! They continually sought God's dreams for their life, along with encouraging and assisting their business associates to seek God's dreams also.

Be patient and persistent in waiting for God's revelation, His timing correlates with His perfect wisdom.

"God, show me the Dreams you have for me." ~ Charles M. Gibbs

"When the Dream is big enough, the facts don't count." Dexter Yager

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Healing Wounds

Faith, Hope and Love founded in Christ Jesus heals all wounds (Isaiah 53:5; Luke 3:16; John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 13:13).


The Leader Servant leads and assists the wounded—spiritually, emotionally—to a new or deeper relationship with Christ for healing. Many have also received immense physical healing; however, our bodies will eventually die.


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Mentor Wisdom: Dream

"God, show me the Dreams you have for me." ~ Charles M. Gibbs


As an eight year old, God provided five Dreams for me as I stood by the old windmill tower between our two story white farm home and the red barn virtually straight west. I failed to recognize these dreams as God-given at the time of their reception. However, the evidence only strengthens, illuminates and deepens with time and a perpetually increasing relationship with God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.


Four of the five dreams have materialized, while the fifth nears achievement. These five core dreams serve as the hub and ignition of additional sub-dreams and peripheral dreams. God's dreams create an internal fire of desire, causing you to do whatever is necessary to attain the dream. God's dreams ALWAYS correlate with scripture, and benefit others as well as you.


His dreams for you fail to indicate in any way indicate that life becomes easy.


Rather pursuing God's dreams for our lives, seeking His will for our lives, thus obeying Him to the best of our ability enables us to live with internal peace despite the outward circumstances. Moreover, pursuing His dreams for your life opens opportunities and resources previous unseen or unavailable to you. People and opportunity suddenly appear or appear in new perspectives.


As I pursue the fifth dream revealed to me as an eight year old on our Kansas farm, the Holy Spirit provides the necessary wisdom, knowledge and understanding along with then necessary mental and physical energy. Pursuing God's dream in your life will energize you beyond belief, increasing the spring in your step, spark in your voice, and twinkle in your eye—yes, a literal increase of these attributes, which attract others to us for God's glory.


God revealed a sub-dream to me approximately ten years ago, perhaps twenty years ago, however I doubted my ability to acquire this dream. In the past two days, two Christian men have independently assured my need to focus on this dream / vision that continues surfacing despite defying human / secular logic. All things are possible with Christ, when in obedience to Christ because this operates in cooperation with God's will for your life (Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27).


Right now, ask God to show you the dreams and visions He has for you. Record them in writing and vocally to the best of your ability, keep a recording advice available always—including by your bed to write as He reveals greater clarity. Record how these dreams benefit others. How will this dream enhance you serving others for God? Pursue these God given dreams with every ounce of energy you possess to the glory of God. Regardless of your current level of attractiveness, you will increase your attractiveness because of the Holy Spirit's radiance shining in and from you to the world—to each person with whom you interact.


"God, show me the Dreams you have for me." ~ Charles M. Gibbs


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.


Friday, February 8, 2013

Am I Applying the Greatest Knowledge?

Most of us have heard that knowledge is power, and ultimately we must apply this knowledge. Most of us have heard this enough times that we can repeat in our sleep.

I have previously written and spoken about the comparison of Potential and Kinetic Energy with Potential and Kinetic Knowledge. Both contain power, however kinetic (released or moving energy) produces results. Water behind a dam equates to potential energy while, released water equates to kinetic energy. Released water may produce electricity, move soil, run a mill, drive an old steam engine or a plethora of other possibilities.
Do you and I efficiently apply our knowledge? Prudence suggests you apply / live your most valuable knowledge, always. How do you rate your accumulated knowledge? You probably rank the most valuable knowledge as that which will make you the most money or provide the greatest enhancement to your life.

My greatest, most powerful, most valuable knowledge resides in the Lord Jesus Christ as my savior because of His death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins. The knowledge includes the relationship with the other members the Godhead trinity, the Father and the Holy Spirit. This knowledge and relationship includes knowledge of the God's inerrant Word of the Bible—the Holy Scriptures.

If you or I value any of our other knowledge greater than the knowledge of God the Father, Son (the Lord Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit; then we place greater value in the other knowledge than in God and eternal life. Does anything in all of creation exceed God?

Knowing—believing—God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is the greatest knowledge anywhere in creation, anytime in eternity. Consequently, we should always apply our greatest knowledge; this knowledge includes prayer, worship, praise, studying and internalizing greater depth of God's word and living it every millisecond, always.

Please join me in craving the greatest knowledge, the knowledge of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I invite you to apply this most powerful knowledge in all of eternity, every moment of your life.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ in the living your knowledge of Him!
Rick E. Meyer


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Praising God….

Today, one of my professors—while lecturing on the book of Psalm—told of the personal, powerful impact and blessings received from spending time praising God for who God is in the mornings while at White Rock Lake in Dallas.

Timeless, Biblical Wisdom....!

This professor describes, among other blessings, receiving powerful insight into a project. This insight and wisdom transformed the project from respectable to amazing. The Holy Spirit's intercession results in amazing achievements.

Last summer I faced a challenge. Regardless of the amount of time and angles I pondered and prayed, no solution appeared. I then responded to the Holy Spirit's command to visualize the desired achievement of the challenge and to respond as if I the results were already received. I have used this technique to some degree in running, including back in the early-mid 1980s.

Last summer, as I visualized in response the Holy Spirit and seeing the result achieved, I began praising, singing and dancing—good thing that I live alone. J After several weeks of praising, singing and dancing, the Lord assured me that I would receive the desired result on August 15th. Logic defied this revelation until the moment I received an anonymous phone call on August 14th informing me that they were providing the promised results. I also emphatically praised God for who He is—the God of all creation, the one for whom every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:9-11)

The power of praising God is incalculable and beyond human comprehension. Because in praising God our souls express love, adoration and appreciation for whom God is to the best of our understanding. The word praise appears two-hundred-and-ninety-two times in the New American Standard Bible (NASB). The definitions range from meaning to praise, to glorify, to bless (bless = to remember), song of praise, to agree, to confess, hallelujah, thanksgiving, admire, to exclaim and various combinations of these words.

Praising God opens our heart, mind, and soul to God: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. This enhances our ability to hear and respond to the Holy Spirit's voice (virtually always non-audible) in our lives. Additionally, God loves to receive praise from us, His children—His creation. The first commandment informs us that He is a jealous God and that we are to have no other gods in our life—only Him the true God. Jesus sums up the law and the prophets in Matthew 22:35-37 in instructing us to love the God with all of our heart, mind and soul.

Jesus also describes how to receive everything in your life that God wants in your life, according to God's timing, seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).
Consider re-reading this sentence to grasp the supremacy of God's wisdom in this passage at least ten times per day for the next thirty days. Praise God for His intervention of providing our needs and desires according to His wisdom—remember to ask and praise Him for placing His desires on your heart.

We praise, adore, glorify, remember, confess and exclaim to and about our greatest love, that which we seek first in our lives.

Begin your day with praising God for who God is.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ—in Praise, Singing and Adoration!
Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Faith in Action vs. Inaction

Do you receive hunches—intuitive suggestions—to encourage or compliment someone? Are you hesitant to act because of the risk of how they will receive the message, even though you intend for good?

Perhaps you receive hunches to pursue illogical dreams and goals. (This articles intent lacks demarcating dreams vs. goals) Does your Christian Spiritual mentor challenge you to act beyond your comfort zone? Yet you question obedience because of the necessity of leaving your comfort zone despite the action directly correlating with a portion of your God-given dream or vision (Habakkuk).

Hall of Fame Coach Bill Congleton use to frequently quip, "You don't find gold without digging." Digging for gold requires releasing both your right hand and left hand from that which is familiar and comfortable to grab your shovel and dig for the gold mines of greatness planted by God, found when acting on faith in and of God (Rick E. Meyer, 2003 District 24 Toastmasters International contest speech).

Ultimately, our hesitation arises from our concern of what others will think of us, along with whether we act in obedience to God. Knowing our full identity resides in our being created by God in His image and only His opinion of us that matters, we freely release the concerns of others. Consider that if we please God, all in communion with the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will also view your action favorably to the extent of their concern and involvement of your activity on their life. If we please God, then those who oppose us in pleasing God resultantly oppose God—at least in this specific moment and action.

Frequently I have hunches—intuitive suggestions—to encourage or compliment someone: Listen and Respond to Christ's Voice.

Despite receiving hundreds, perhaps thousands, of positive feedback for past hunches / intuitive actions, I continue having moments of hesitating on future compliments, encouragements and pursuing dreams. Each time requires stepping out on Faith, faith in properly hearing and responding to God's voice. How about you, do you struggle with these same challenges?

Remember the spiritual warfare constantly surrounding those striving to serve Christ (Ephesians 6:10-18). Christ's enemies passionately, and fully seek to defeat all obedience to Christ. The methods abound including messages of doubt regarding self-worth, effectiveness, the "reality" of you God given dream. The enemy, sometimes demons, sometimes our own minds, attempts to convince you and I to give-up on our dreams, give-up on encouraging others, to give-up on acting in obedience to Christ's commands.

When you emotionally let go of that which is familiar and comfortable to you, grabbing the phone, keyboard or coffee to compliment, encourage someone or pursue your God inspired dreams, you are most likely serving Christ himself through others whom you impact (Matthew 25:31-46).

Succinctly summarized: In matters of compliments, encouragement and dreams, I prefer Faith in Action over Inaction!

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ in Faith!
Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Doctrinal Statement: Ecclesiology and Sanctification

By: Ben Lowery, Claude Williams, Katherine Bailey, Rick E. Meyer, Rodney Knudsen, Sarah Yopp
Dallas Theological Seminary
Fall 2012

We believe edification is an essential mark of the church, to teach, equip, and build up believers in their faith. This is done through fellowship, hearing the preached Word, observing the Lord's Supper, discipleship, prayer, confession and service. Members of the church make up one body, with Christ as the head, and are edified by corporately sharing their differing Spiritual gifts, growing together in unity and maturity.


The prudent unified local and universal church pursues the commission of making disciples of all nations. The church recognizes individual and corporal relationships developed from representing Christ's image, provides evangelism's foundation.

The church repetitively proclaims the salvific good news of Jesus' death and resurrection to unbelievers. The church will appropriately defend, and clarify the gospel. Abiding in the Vine of Christ produces the fruit of love and spiritual nutrition to share with, and attract all the world-— neighbors, city, state, nation, and globe. The church acknowledges the evangelist lacks control of evangelism's results.

The chief end of a man is to praise God. Therefore, the chief end of the church must also be to exalt and praise God in a similar manner. The church's worship should focus on the glory and majesty of our Creator and Redeemer, the triune God in all things and through all things.

The term worship is sometimes applied to all Christians' life, that everything we do should be an act of worship and to glorify God. We worship God with joy, with confession of Jesus Christ as Lord, confession of sins, the reading of God's word, through music and song and with Thanksgiving, all to the glory of God and his will. 

 A primary component of the proper ordering of the church is the Biblically established offices of the church. These include: Elders (Pastors and Overseers being included in this category), Deacons, and possibly Deaconesses. Historically there has been a plurality of elders with one functioning as the head Elder/ Pastor. The elders are responsible for the care of their local church, and they seek to develop the believers in it for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12). Deacons and Deaconesses assist the elders of the church in ministry tasks, serving as the servants of the church. While there is some flexibility in how a church is organized and lead, a church without these functional offices cannot claim to be Biblically based in its leadership structure. As an essential corollary "church leaders imply church members." How else will the leaders be able to distinguish whom they are to lead?

We believe that there are two ordinances, or sacraments, mandated in scripture. These sacraments are to be administered by ordained ministers of the Church. The first sacrament, baptism, is the sign, seal, and symbol marking entrance into the church for a disciple; it accompanies the forgiveness of sins; and it is a prerequisite for participation in the second sacrament. The second sacrament, the Lord's Supper, is the means of ongoing covenant renewal for the baptized disciple and is rightly observed corporately and ideally observed weekly.

We believe that in order for a gathering of people to be considered a church, among other things, the body must be comprised of people who hold to basic orthodox beliefs and practice them as a corporate group. These orthodox beliefs being the triune God as creator and redeemer, the fall and resulting depravity, the person and work of Christ, salvation by grace through faith, the inspiration and authority of the scriptures, redeemed humanity incorporated into Christ and the restoration of humanity and creation. Acknowledging that in any church there will be a small minority that does not belong to Christ the standard of orthodoxy applies to the true body of Christ.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

1 Corinthians 16 & Argument Summary

Collection for God's People 16:1-4

Agabus predicted a great famine under Claudius Caesar.
Consequently, prudence suggests the Corinthian church now collect funds each Sabbath for future financial provision of ministry, and to assist those in Jerusalem. Paul's advice to the Corinthians resembles the leadership principle of Joseph in preparing for Egypt's famine—plan ahead by consistently saving a little for future use. Each person's contribution hinged upon their income and asset availability. This certainly assisted in defining the expectation for each person, as they pondered their giving to avoid guilt of giving too much or too little. Because of the prevailing selfishness in the Corinthian church, which most likely resulted in criticizing others, Paul most likely provided this guide to head off interpersonal attacks from within the church.

Personal Requests 16:5-18

Paul explains his plans for another visit to the Corinth, going through Macedonia. He adds that may spend the winter in Corinth, ministering to them the Corinthian church. The voyage will commence after Pentecost, because great ministry needs and opportunities opened in Ephesus accompanied with opposition. Paul's writing this to the Corinthian church functions in telling them his plans, however he also teaches them about his approach to ministry—"take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves", and understand opposition often accompanies opportunity.

Martin Luther once said that wherever one builds a church, the devil builds a chapel next door. Paul requests the Corinthian church to protect Timothy if he visits them. Timothy, like Paul, conducts the Lord's work. He then tells of Paul encouraging Apollos' visit of Corinth, instead of Apollos' desire. In other words, forget your jealousy and envy because none of us arrive seeking self-gain. Other visitors include Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus. Paul requests they receive a warm greeting in Corinth because these guys encourage Paul. Selflessness remains an ongoing message to the church in Corinth.

Final Greetings 16:19-24

Paul concludes his letter extending greetings from Priscella and Aquilla. They followed Paul from Corinth to Ephesus where they stayed while he returned to Jerusalem completing his second missionary journey. Paul includes the greetings of "all the brethren." He encourages they exchange a holy kiss, contrasting with the command to "accurse" any who fail to love the Lord. Paul concludes the letter with a final assurance of his authorship, thus removing doubt of an imposter, and his love for them in Christ. This love includes the discipline of those rejecting Christ's love, which equates to them being an enemy of God. Paul's passionate conclusion summarizes his passion for Christ, and their relationship with Christ. This conclusion to the Corinthian church serves to communicate why Paul repudiates their sinfulness displayed in selfishness, sexual immorality, and clinging to secular philosophies such as denying the raising of the dead. His concern, correction and discipline originate from Christ's love through Paul to the Corinthians.


    Paul sternly, yet lovingly, addresses the division outlined in letters from Chloe's household and Apollos. He immediately provides his authorship authority as an apostle of Christ by the will of God. Paul amplifies the church's sanctification, and the need to perpetually mature in Christ. He provides a descriptive outline discussing the root cause of division and false doctrines. He then answers their questions as evidenced by the Greek phrase, peri de which translates now concerning in English. Paul emphasizes fleeing temptations of immorality, and the necessity to strengthen the weaker brother, as well as to avoid offending them when possible. He instructs the prudence of humility, and seeking God's wisdom.

The significance of the bodily resurrection of Christ and believers also earned reiteration throughout the letter. In chapter thirteen, Paul defines the root of overcoming every challenge in the church. When man's heart serves as a conduit for God's love, man seeks wisdom from the Spirit of God. He possesses previously incomprehensible desire to live, speak and interact with others to draw them to and strengthen their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul concludes expressing his love for the Corinthian church.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

(Acts 11:28)
2 (Genesis 41)
3 (Hall of Fame Coach Bill Congleton)
4 (Luther n.d.)
5 (Coffman 1984, 282)

Friday, February 1, 2013

1 Corinthians 15 -- Resurrection

Christ's Resurrection 15:1-11

The Sadducees—and others—doubted Christ's Resurrection, enhanced by the provoking of those opposing Christ. Paul addresses this by bluntly stating the gospel he preaches saves, except if "you believed in vain." The fact of Christ's death for our sins, burial, and resurrection on the third day all correlated with the Scriptures. Paul continues with the historical fact and verification of Jesus appearing to Peter, then to the twelve, followed by showing himself to over five-hundred—many of whom remain alive.


This latter part certainly enhances historical proof, as these remain available for personal questioning and verification of seeing the Risen Christ. Paul's chronological description of events continues with telling about Christ meeting James, along with the other apostles. Lastly, the resurrected and ascended Christ appeared to Paul—this inadvertently supports Paul's authority in the letter's salutation. Paul's diligent, historical recollection of Christ's fulfillment of Scripture and specify the witnesses—many of whom remained alive—substantiates this occurrence.

Resurrection of the Dead 15:12-34

Paul challenges the Corinthians who deny the historical, verifiable, resurrection of Christ and the eventual resurrection of the dead. He continues the foundation of his argument in stating the truth of the gospel, his witness, and his message demand Christ's resurrection, and the raising of the dead. Some of the Corinthian church members believed the resurrection of Christ, yet denied the resurrection of the dead as they clung to the beliefs of the Greek philosophers. Paul bluntly nullifies any faith, salvation, and witness of Christ denying the resurrection, or the raising of the dead.


Christ's resurrection, the raising of the dead, and forgiveness of sins are codependent. Paul continues explaining the necessity of Christ's death and resurrection. Effectively, Paul teaches a math or physics lesson—yes, God created math and physics—a denominator cancels its numerator of equal value, and a Law of Physics states that for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. Christ's death and resurrection cancel out man's fall through Adam. Christ's death and resurrection provide the opposite and equal reactions to man's fall in Eden.


Paul describes the order of the resurrection, and the ultimate end, to help this church understand how and where they fit in to the big picture. Additionally, coherently detailing the plan increases believability. The necessity of this discussion continues with those who follow the previously mentioned Greek philosophy denouncing the raising of the dead. "Christ the first fruits" compares the whole crop's sanctification by the crop's first fruits, so Christ's death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins sanctifies all who believe in Him. Paul continues emphasizing to the Corinthians the significance of grasping, understanding, believing the death and resurrection of Christ and the dead.


Jesus Christ will gather those in the church, including raising the dead. He will then hand these over to God the Father. Scholars dispute the specific time intervals demarcating the end events. Some believing in seemingly instantaneous end of the world, others with a more literal Biblical interpretation envision greater amounts of elapsing time such as a millennium. Paul fails to specify in this passage, yet prudence suggests the Corinthian church ponder and believe the clarified specifics. When Paul speaks of death, some Corinthians viewed this as the destruction of the human body, rather than the correct understanding of Christ reigning victorious over death. Consequently, Paul continues clarifying false views and beliefs.


Paul's argument continues against those denying the Resurrection. Some scholars believe "baptized for the dead" represents some Corinthians receiving baptism for those dying without receiving baptism. Paul argues that eternal salvation resides in the Christ's resurrection. He then addresses the issue of Corinthian church members associating with fellow members who endorse immoral lives and false doctrine. Paul warns of evil's effective infectious plague nature, using a proverb of Menander, "Bad company corrupts good morals". He further commands they halt sinning.


One cause of continual sin arises from spiritual drowsiness, thus he instructs them to wake-up. Runners sometimes fall asleep during a race, consciousness and open eyes remain while they go through the motions of running. They remain in the race, and the casual observers continue viewing them as competitors. However, they allow the emotional fatigue from the race to remove their focus and concentration. While asleep, they fail to drive forward striving to win the prize. Moreover, competitors easily pass the runner without his responding. This results in mediocrity at best. Paul commands the Corinthian believers to wake-up in their race of the Christian life. Avoid going through the motions of believers, rather engage in the challenging relationship with Jesus Christ, pushing toward the incorruptible prize in chapter nine. Otherwise, the evil—immoral—world will easily overtake the drowsy Corinthian church members.

Resurrection of the Body 15:35-58

Paul discusses the distinctive nature of creation's flesh, this certainly debunks any argument in Corinth about fish, animals and man having the same flesh type. This supports the order of creation, as he describes the creative formation of man from dust. Man's nature of dust precedes his spiritual nature. Many Greek and Roman pagans believed in the immorality of the soul, though disembodied, absent Christ or any knowledge of Christ. Paul previously addressed this in a different format. Now he approaches Corinthians' false doctrine from yet a different perspective to illuminate scriptures proper understanding.


Paul's explanation continues in sharing that in the end—at Christ's return, every believer will receive a glorified body, with which they will live eternally with God. He further defines the immediate benefits of this truth and understanding. Because of eternal life, death has lost its sting. The removal of death's sting, applies to both believers who physically die, as well as the loved ones of dying believers. Those who have lost loved ones quickly understand the power of the latter, while the meaning lacks clarity for those whom have yet to experience this grief. The Corinthian church's membership certainly contained believers in both groups. Paul ultimately encourages them to remain hopeful because of Christ's death, resurrection, and their ensuing new life and new glorified body at the end—when the last trumpet sounds.


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.


(Pringle n.d., Vol. II, 6)

2 (Boa, et al. 1997, 1267)

3 (Acts 17:32)

4 (D. S. Toussaint 2012, Class Notes)

5 (Ex. 16, 19)

6 (Lowery 1983, 544)

7 (Radmacher, Allen and House 1999, 1487)

8 (Genesis 1:26)

9 (Getz 2011, 1590)


Bibliography at the end of Intro and Chapt. 1