Saturday, September 21, 2013


In July 2011, my ability to focus and concentrate in studying and meetings improved. I began sleeping even deeper than before with increased REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. I previously thought that I slept soundly. 

Even when I consumed extra beverages (non-alcoholic) before bedtime, I slept soundly the entire night. My dreams increased in vibrancy, and remained memorable in the morning. My running consistently improved, and I no longer suffered frequent injuries as I had for the previous several years. 
I entered a world-renowned seminary on academic probation in August of 2011. I had been a poor student from kindergarten through the fifth and final year of my undergraduate studies. I previously lacked focus, and desire to apply myself.
The two years of graduate school to date, have resulted in my receiving more 'A's than I did from kindergarten to receiving my Bachelor's degree, combined. Previously schools gave 'A's for anything at or above 90%--often times with curves, conversely graduate school requires a 94% (A-) or higher—with no curves.
I returned to competitive training in December 2012. I now recover from workouts as I did during my hay days of late twenties. The increased energy enabled me to lose over forty pounds.

My resting heart rate beats at an all-time low of 31 beats per minute (bpm), compared to 36 bpm in my twenties. My allergies affect me less and less each of the past two years.
The increased intracellular glutathione levels provide amazing benefits!
My Applied Research Project (equivalent of a thesis) for my Masters in Christian Leadership discusses business leaders receiving guidance from the Holy Spirit, including those associated with the company making and distributing this product.
My professor who serves as the primary reader of my Applied Research Project, and has an additional Ph.D. in neuroscience, encouraged me to share this company and product with the world.
At an annual business convention in Salt Lake City in early September, I met Dr. Herbert T. Nagasawa who developed this breakthrough technology, which enhances intracellular glutathione levels by 300% greater than all other known methods.
My entire life consists of exercising caution to speak boldly, until acquiring knowledge beyond certainty.

My word, conviction and reputation illuminate my representing Christ, living in His image. He calls us to do the Will of the Father (Mt. 7:21).
I BOLDY stake my word and reputation—how I represent Christ—in saying, everyone owes it to themself, their family, business associates and friends to check out the health benefits of glutathione.
  • Do you desire better health?
  • Would you like more energy?
  • How would live differently if you could recover from workouts or any activity more quickly, perhaps similar to how you did ten to twenty years ago?
  • Would enhanced health, quicker recovery and more energy positively influence interactions with your children, grandchildren, family, friends, co-workers and clients?
Increased intracellular glutathione provides increased energy, and enhanced health. Glutathione levels inversely affect the severity over seventy diseases according to the U.S. Government's website PubMed. Increased glutathione levels improve the probability of lessening the diseases.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

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