Monday, June 30, 2014

Philosophy of Change (7 Dec 2013)

Change may represent the best of times; change may represent the worst of times. Motive, purpose and communication influenced and defined within spiritual context determine the positive or negative nature of change. God superintends in and through chronological, cultural, economic, geographical, historical, and political context. One may view and consider each of the latter contextual attributes on a global, national, regional, state, community, organizational and individual basis.
Earthly change occurs by and through the thoughts, words and actions of individuals in response to, or rejection of, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit governs change and guidance through the prayer, internal promptings, and internalizing His Word by those strategically positioned in the previously listed attributes as well as those with whom we associate on a personal and professional level.[1]

Profitable change originates only from the Holy Spirit (Mt 7:21[i], 12:25[ii]; Mk 3:25[iii]). He indwells the heart of every believer (2 Co 1:22[iv]), and prompts and guides all people, including non-believers, to achieve His will (Exodus 2-13). As one who serves God in serving His people our responsibilities mandate pointing others to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. He guides our heart, mind and soul with His thoughts. God’s thoughts written on our hearts and minds result in our image and character more closely resembling His image. Everyone should rejoice in this change!



Christians, walking in the Spirit (Ro 8:5[v]), earnestly yearn for God’s guidance in their every thought, word and action. Considering that each new thought, word or action changes our mind, body or soul to some extent, life consists of constant change. Mature Christians continually submit all to God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Effective change mandates establishing, and continually affirming, God’s love and glory as the foundation of change (Mt 7:24-25[vi]).

As demonstrated, this paper establishes and acknowledges God’s sovereignty, provision and guidance as the bedrock of all change. However, we will focus primarily on strategies and implementation of change. The eternal triune God represents the only constant in creation’s entirety; He remains unaffected by the effects of time (Heb 13:8[vii]) that He created.

Considering Change


Frequently, speakers, leaders and those in authority presumptuously state, “People resist change.” Those walking in the Spirit resist only change that contradicts the Holy Spirit, because this creates internal turmoil instead of internal peace. The mature spirit-filled Christian receives internal peace that represents congruency with the Holy Spirit. However, wisdom mandates knowing that one’s degree of spiritual maturity affects the ability to recognize and accept this congruency. Consequently, we must remain lovingly patient in working with those striving, yet failing to grasp our level of comprehension. Others may comprehend the Spirit’s agreement or disagreement more rapidly than we do. Spiritual maturity[2] welcomes others perhaps ahead[viii] of us.

Charles Gibbs adamantly states, “I have no ego. My only reputation exists in the Lord.” This enables illuminating insight and empowerment when strategizing and implementing change. Those walking in flesh, only welcome change that pleases the flesh, such as the physical, financial and emotional realm. People typically resist change that they fail to understand or from a source whom they fail to trust.

Summarily, the acceptance and rate of change highly correlates with congruency with the Holy Spirit, communication, trust and each of the components embedded in these necessities.



Vision is the nitroglycerin of motivation. Vision—or dream—instigates, inspires and empowers change. While some may argue that vision and dreams differ, this discussion defines and uses them interchangeably. Change may represent a different direction, a different rate of action, a different type of action or all of these factors.

Dexter and Birdie Yager built the world’s largest Amway distributorship by focusing on the “DREAM!!!” for themselves and inspiring others to find and pursue their own God-given dreams. Dexter persistently described, invited and challenged the dream both in conversation and on stage speaking to tens of thousands of people.

During his two to four keynote addresses in the early hours of the morning, Dexter would hold the microphone close to his mouth with his hands cupped around it, “You gotta have a Big DREAM!!!! The Dream, the Dream, the Dream, it starts with the DREAM!!!” Dexter Yager counseled leader servants such as Ronald Reagan, Dave Thomas, Jerry Boggus[ix] and numerous others in his organization…..

Desire and urgency of change directly—perhaps exponentially—correlate with one’s dream or vision. Vision drives us to prepare and perform when battling complete exhaustion. Dreams and visions, when fully developed, involve all five senses and evoke all appropriate emotions. An effective dream or vision causes loss of breath, laughter, tears of joy and rolling waves of every other emotion that one experiences when attaining the dream or vision.

If one fails to experience some of these change causing emotions, either the vision/dreams needs further development or the person and the vision are incongruent. Only a properly founded vision or dream congruent with a person’s God given desires will ignite the internal fire of desire of pursuing the Holy Spirit inspired change. Discussions and evaluations should occur of any changes in the vision or the positioning of the person.

When the leader servant helps anyone find and develop their vision to include all five emotions—seeing, tasting, feeling, smelling and hearing as if living the event or the achieved the organizational structure—the person will strongly desire to make the necessary changes. For example, Coach Claussen scheduled a twenty-mile run for me on New Year’s Day 1995. A portion of my ministry vision included placing among the top ten Americans at the Boston Marathon.

The eighteen inches of snow packed streets and roads and sub-zero temperatures with wind-chill at minus twenty-five degrees initially caused me to consider changing my run from 20 to 15 miles due to the inclement weather. I then focused on my vision’s integration with my ministry. Instead of running the original twenty-miles, I ran twenty-five miles in absolute miserable conditions. While the complacent pontificate about “going the extra mile,” a Holy Spirit inspired vision causes one to go the extra FIVE miles[3]. Vision instigates significant change.



Trust accompanies the Spirit, especially with those also walking in the Spirit. We cannot cause someone to trust us. However God does at times give us favor with others, and we can speak with truth and transparency. Additionally, we should engage in all other characteristics of those who earn authentic trust.
Trust quickens the acceptance of change, which impact effectiveness in every organization. Trust originates from honesty and knowing that “I am looking out for your best interests” to the best of my ability within the context of my responsibility. In other words, our trust originates from loving our fellow man as much as we love ourselves.



“Encouragement is a divine instrument of change.” Charles Gibbs uttered this succinct and accurate message during one of our weekly mentoring phone this past year. I completely agree.

In my “Life and Soul Agronomist” presentation, I equate encouragement with water for crops. It is impossible for crops to experience positive change without water. So man needs encouragement for positive change. Water brings mobile nutrients to the roots, and softens the soil to allow roots to grow to immobile nutrients.

Encouragement provides nutrients of the mind, and soul such ideas and appreciation, among many others. Moreover, just like specific plants demand specific amounts and types of nutrients, each individual requires specific types and amounts of encouragement. Water carries nutrients through the plant to each specific location within the plant. We intentionally and specifically place our encouragement.

Water provides turgor pressure enabling the plant to stand up, and the leaves to have the proper angle for maximum light absorption. Through turgor pressure and nutrient and molecular movement, water is instrumental in photosynthesis. Encouragement enables others, amidst the change and growth in life, to stand tall, absorb the light of Christ in serving others and glorifying our Lord.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Featured Christian Speaker in Dallas on Gig Salad

[1] Rick E. Meyer, The Holy Spirit’s Guidance in Max International, Dallas Theological Seminary, Applied Research Project. 2013. 3,4.
[2] (Stanley D. Toussaint, TAI Series: People Come in Four Sizes,2012)

[i] Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.
[ii] And knowing their thoughts Jesus said to them, “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself will not stand.
[iii] If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.
[iv] who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge.
[v] For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.
[vi] “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. “And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock.”
[vii] Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
[viii] This may represent greater spiritual maturity. It may represent greater experience and perspectives in the specific context. “Ahead” in this context does not insinuate a secularly “higher” position.
[ix] Jerry Boggus is one of those I interviewed (staying two nights in his home near Augusta, GA) for my Applied Research Project: The Holy Spirit’s Guidance in Max International.

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