Monday, December 28, 2015

Dee, Faith and Bone Cancer

I am learning a great deal about Running on Faith from watching my sister, Dee, battle bone cancer.
One of the thrills in athletics is pushing yourself beyond previously known limits and watching others do the same. This includes beyond what we previously believed as the line of physical and emotional exhaustion and resulting collapse.
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the men of old gained approval. By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible." (Hebrews 11:1–3, NASB95)
Dee could not compete in sports due to challenges with her knees. Despite this she has and does remain a strong encourager to myself along with other atlhetes and teams she follows.
However, I am truly inspired in watching her battle cancer. She first successfully defeated breast cancer from February 2014 thru September 2014. Last July bone cancer chose to challenge her.
Last week she entered ICU for the second time in two weeks, this time for two or three days before transferring to PCU (Perferential Care). Her attitude remains upbeat while her faith remains founded on the solid rock of Christ's words (Matthew 7:24-27).
The hospital released her on Thursday afternoon. She and her smile joined us at my mom's on Christmas Day. She is running an amazing race.
I have not once heard Dee complain or ask, "Why me?"

Yes, she has faced previous hardships including losing a son and our dad 10 weeks apart in 2006. Her faith and hope remain in Christ.
She possesses an iron will to win this battle with bone cancer, her son Wyatt provides extra incentive.
These types of athletic performances often result in the athlete receiving headlines and their picture in the newspaper as well as sometimes their name in every major paper around the world. Not so with most cancer patients.
Dee your battle with cancer epitomizes Running on Faith, pushing yourself far beyond previously known limits. You inspire me, your friends, family and many whom you have never met.
Keep fighting! Continue trusting God through Christ, focusing on "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction not seen."
We love you, Dee !I

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve God's Will through Christ!
Rick E. Meyer
Running on Faith Ministry, Inc.
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