Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Power of Goals

Twenty years ago, May 25, 1996, I drove to Gaylord (KS) to run a moderate 16-mile training run to complete the first 100 mile week in preparation for the New York City Marathon in November.

I ran the first 10 miles north, west and south of Gaylord averaging 5:40 to 5:50 pace. With 6M to go, I headed east on Hwy 9, turning south at Hager's.

Two miles later, as I passed the end of the sidewalk at our old farm, I clicked my watch split, 11:02. Out of nowhere, I instantly recalled setting a goal in 1982 to run that 2M stretch in 11:02--about 30 seconds faster than my 2 mile PR at the time. We left the farm in 1983.

I never did put that goal in writing!

I made a U-turn and was so excited about hitting and remembering that goal that I stepped-up the pace a little for the next 2 miles, running miles 14 thru 15 in 9:37.

I then recalled my excitement in jr. high when I first ran that 2M stretch without stopping. Whatever your goals, keep plugging away!

After the run, I showered at Aunt Charlene's in Smith Center. Then went to Brian and Dee Meyer Isaacson's wedding.

Running on Faith Ministry

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