Thursday, June 9, 2011

Store Treasures in Heaven

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where you treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Mt. 6:19-21

A devastating tsunami hit Japan on March 11, 2011, April thru May 2011, tornados rip through numerous states including Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, Massachusetts and Missouri; killing hundreds while destroying billions of dollars worth of property.

This week, dam flood gates along the Missouri River are releasing record amounts of water down-stream due to a combination of poor planning and record snow and rain amounts upstream. Fortunately, I have not heard of any resulting deaths. Millions, probably billions, of dollars of property loss is rapidly occurring.

Devastating fires are destroying portions of Arizona.

These events remind us, anyone can lose all of their physical possessions, treasures, in minutes. Only by God’s grace are some of us spared. Where are your treasures stored? Are they stored in heaven? Are you placing and keeping your heart with Christ?

Storing our treasures, our hearts, with Christ in heaven does not protect us from earthly devastation. Investing in heaven, committing your life and heart to Christ, does protect your heart and soul. Christ assures us inner peace, regardless of earthly circumstances.

Christ will provide for you and your family when all hope appears vanished. Investing in heaven, Jesus Christ, enables five loaves and two fish to feed thousands of people. Those losing homes and property need food, water and shelter.

Invest in their needs; invest in their souls, invite them to church, send them a Bible. A Church full of the Holy Spirit, preaching the inerrant Word of God, will supply all of their needs, providing eternal inner peace. This eternal peace begins instantly, on earth.

Are you investing where moths, thieves, rust, fires, tornados, and flooding are absent any power over your investment? Are you investing in heaven, in ministries boldly proclaiming salvation through Christ alone?

There are many excellent ministries, here a few:

Grand Junction, CO - Young Life or Young Life Kent Frieling serves on the Board in Grand Junction

Gull Lake Ministries – Daniel Wallace: Director

Campus Crusade – Jason Coorts

Prayerfully and generously give where you believe the Lord is leading you to do so. The results for all, including you, are amazing.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

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