Sunday, June 19, 2011

Whom to Please?

I recently heard a sermon regarding the complexity of life. While life can be complex, the sermon failed to mention methods of simplification.

My friend and successful businessman, Charles, frequently states he has no reputation, or regard for reputation, outside of his relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Charles ellaborates, saying when he is alignment with the Holy Spirit, all relationships, including his wife and his mentor; fall into place.

The Bible instructs us in the Book of Psalm to please God, not men. Yes, God's creation is full of complexity and Christ's wisdom far exceeds the cumlative wisdom of all humans past, present and future. Seeking and pleasing the world is contrary to God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Simple is not easy, yet much less stressful. Simplify your life, choose to listen to, follow and obey Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Forget about pleasing other people. Please Christ, as you will please those he desires you please. Be prepared, for his word also says that we, like him, will be persecuted as Christians.

Invest your Time and Energy in conversation with Jesus Christ, seeking to please him. Your reputation with the Holy Spirit will be amazing!

Simplify Your Life: Internalize Scripture, Pray, Listen and record direction from the Holy Spirit. Test the direction with Scripture, including quickly forgiving those who hurt you in any way.

Simplify Your Life: Accept the Bible as the Pure Word of God.

Simplify Your Life: TRUST Christ with ALL of your Concerns and Hopes; Fears and Dreams.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

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