Monday, October 24, 2011

Home Runs & Christ

The Sunday School leader on Sunday shared that he sat adjacent to the Cardinal's wives and kids at the World Series Saturday night. When Pujol hit his first home run, his son continued playing his computerized game, viewing it as an everyday occurrence.

How many kids, including when we were children, are/were oblivious to parents' amazing achievements in their walk with Christ? Do/did we fully appreciate parents' day to day honesty, intergrity, genorosity, forgiveness, mercy, faith and love?

Do these exceed a home run in the World Series?

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Your Example ?

During the fall sports seasons, many fans expect great achievements from their favorite high school, college and professional teams.

In the mid-1990s while living in Nebraska; I led "Prayers of the People" before the congregation of a relatively large church. Most expected their beloved Nebraska Cornhuskers to win yet another National Championship in football.

My last prayer remained simple: Lord, help us expend our efforts and strive for excellence in our own lives to reach the national level of success we expect of our favorite teams.

If the members of your favorite team followed your example of effort, discipline and excellence; would they achieve your expected level of success for them?

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer


22 October 2011

Today’s workout consists of two miles of warm-up, and four repetitions of five minute runs with three minutes of jog run to recover. After completing the first five minute run, I removed my shirt. This was once as common on warm days as tying the shoe laces on the shoes.

The purpose of removing the shirt is keeping my body temperature lower, enhancing the ability to run fast. As my weight increased and my abdominal muscles lost form, I discontinued removing my shirt.

I became more concerned of someone seeing my real, undefined, un-honed stomach, than staying cool; thus kept it covered.

My abdominal muscles are once again visibly tuned or honed, although necessary improvement remains. Today my shirt is off during the run as my abdominal muscles, thus I am no longer ashamed for their public revealing.

We lack any need to cover our well tuned and well defined core muscles. Only when they lack clear, concise definition do we desire covering them up in public.

Once again, our core, abdominal, muscles are reflective of our core beliefs and values. When our values and beliefs lack Biblical definition, we tend to cover them up. We are inauthentic.

When our core values and beliefs are well honed, tuned and highly correlated with the Christian Bible, the Spirit of Truth; we gladly reveal our self. We are eagerly authentic.

Removing one’s shirt while running in the warm and hot air enhances achievement. Similarly, removing all false coverings, fully exposing our authentic self enhances our relationship with Christ.

Enhancing our relationship with God: Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit; enhances relationships with those with whom we regularly interact.

Authenticity, fully revealing our core values, is tuning our heart, mind and soul with God: Father, Son (the Lord Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit; obediently and lovingly living his Word.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Spiritual Abs

22 October 2011

“Why am I running so slowly, regardless of increased training?”

Despite increased training, stretching for increased flexibility and apparent leg turnover at a respectable rate, my pace is slow.

“Why is my stride length so short?”

I continually ponder these and other questions, seeking improvement. Enjoyment of running is nearly proportional to my capable pace.

I moved to Dallas the end of August 2011 to pursue my Masters of Theology (Th.M.) at Dallas Theological Seminary. This move prompts my commitment of regaining respectable physical fitness: losing weight and running relatively fast again.

Included with this commitment is strengthening my abdominal (ab) muscles, averaging less than one hundred ‘crunchers’ per week lacks sufficiency for fitness.

My ab work slowly increases with 50 to 200 per day three or four days per week, or an average of roughly four hundred repetitions of abdominal exercises per week.

A few weeks later, I notice my strides, measured by segments of sidewalk, are increasing. Additionally, efficient running form maintains throughout runs. The shoulders are back, hips forward, eyes and chin-up: running is fun!

Weight loss is a contributing factor, along with the significantly increased strength of my abdominal muscles.

This morning I completed 500repetitions of abdominal exercises, expecting a return of the eight-hundred to one thousand daily repetitions relied on when running 100 to 135 weekly miles years ago.

Yes, a strong correlation exists between the strength of one’s core and the ability to stride out, performing effectively and efficiency.

Running fast still hurts due from the required effort, yet I am able to achieve more with equal discomfort.

Does this have spiritual application? Absolutely!

When I struggle to achieve in life, when lacking efficiency and effectiveness; this is often attributed to a lack of focus on my core values.

Increasing the honing, fine tuning, of my core values which is my relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit increases my achievements in running life’s race.

We hear the voice of the Holy Spirit easily in our lives, we easily discern between right and wrong; we increase our physical and mental health.

The Bible also illustrates that sometimes physical ailments glorify the Father in heaven. Consequently, decisions and achievements are easier. “Easier,” is absent meaning “easy.”

Achievements continuing requiring exhausting effort, thus pain remains. We are able to “stride out” in life with the confidence of knowing right from wrong and discerning the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

How do we fine tune our Spiritual abdominal muscles? The Bible says, “…without faith it is impossible to please God,” and “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”

We strengthen our spiritual core when studying, and meditating on scripture; praying and listening for the small quiet, yet distinct voice, of the Holy Spirit.

As previously discussed, keep a journal of your “hunches” to increase your discerning proper understanding of the Holy Spirit’s voice in your life. The Holy Spirit always speaks in congruency with scripture. If any thought contradicting scripture lacks being from the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Do you desire greater achievements and efficiency in life? Are you willing to endure the pain of training and achieving God’s will for your life? Are you aware achievements aligning with the Lord Jesus Christ are often different in comparison to achievements as defined by the secular, non-Christian, world?

As I hone and fine tune my spiritual core, I complete my school and professional assignments much quicker; yet equally as exhaustive. Effort is mandatory, regardless of our fitness level! Faith without works is dead! (James 2:26)

Exercise and strengthen your core, your spiritual abs, daily!

Let’s run effectively and efficiently with Christ together; daily increasing and honing our spiritual core beliefs. This keeps our chin-up, shoulders back and our hips forward; progress with confidence in our Lord Jesus Christ.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Friday, October 21, 2011


My keynote address at a Manhattan banquet a few weeks ago began:

“The Holy Spirit is my teleprompter!”

The Holy Spirit directs my thoughts and words while speaking and writing. These thoughts and words derive from studies and experiences directed and revealed to me from Him throughout life. This includes new perspectives revealed while speaking. I respond with obedience to the Holy Spirit, enabling my brain immediate triggering of my breath and vocal cords in creating the necessary sound waves for verbally projecting these thoughts.

Being prepared to speak anytime anywhere includes continual reading and reflecting on subjects of both of extreme and limited interests as well as observation and reflection of reading and life events. Additional preparation includes prayer and submission to God the Father, His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Additionally, as previously discussed in blogs, keep a hunch or intuition journal to calibrate the voice of the Holy Spirit from your own.

Some lacking an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit will discourage your hearing the Holy Spirit at every available opportunity presented. Some will cast doubt on your receiving the Holy Spirit. Rebuke their message as discouragement!

Seek the Lord in all, submit yourself to the Lord and He will direct your thoughts.

Is the Holy Spirit your teleprompter in all communications?

Give Him praise, credit and Glory in Everything!

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Finisher or Competitor

October 18, 2011

The phone rang Saturday evening; Lyle Clausen returned my call from earlier in the day. Lyle is in the South Dakota Hall of Fame, inducted at the age of forty-seven for running and coaching achievements prior to reaching age forty.

Achievements continued during his coaching tenure at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. The cross country teams’ accumulated NCAA Division II team finishes of 8th, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 7th between 1990 and 1995; along with many athletes recognized as ‘All-Americans.’ His running achievements include finishing the marathon in every minute in the 2:20s at least twice.

Additionally, Lyle mentored me in training for the marathon. He emphasized proper training, training with a plan of increasing speed and endurance; callusing my body and mind to the pain experienced while running a competitive marathon. Running under three hours, qualifying for the Boston Marathon was a relative easy accomplishment without proper training.

Running in the 2:40s was achievable if lacking prudent direction. However, I sought to be as competitive as possible; moreover Lyle continued prodding the desire for excellence. We believe in honoring the Lord Jesus Christ by fully submitting our body and mind to the training he places before us to achieve His will for our life.

During this Saturday’s phone conversation, we delved into discussing the marathon. Lyle described the paradigm shift from previous decades when any healthy person who toed the marathon starting line expected to be competitive to today’s paradigm where many participate simply to cross the finish line.

Lyle spoke of the days when the accepted, yet unspoken, standard for men was 2:36 and women 3:00 (three hours). Conversely, an abundance of today’s young, healthy participants are content finishing in four or five hours. Stating the obvious, the body's necessary adaptations for good marathons take time; often several years of consistent building of speed and stamina through running and training.

These slower times are a function of complacency and the resulting unwillingness for proper training. Training, in addition to speed and endurance, includes diet and weight management. Finishing the marathon is now an accepted achievement, regardless of lack of competitiveness in light of one’s ability if properly applied. “Hey, but you participated and finished,” is now considered a compliment.

A competitive marathon requires submitting every ounce of energy you possess. This physically hurts, thus few are willing to fully engage. The internal satisfaction of accomplishment is beyond comprehension of those simply striving to participate and finish.

Is the marathon mentality of participating instead of competing reflective of society’s spiritual life? Do many of us engage our walk with Jesus Christ as simply an activity to meander along, desiring only to participate and finish? Do we still engage in challenging training to callous our heart and mind to life’s ups and downs necessary for achieving the highest level God calls us to achieve in glorifying Christ?

Are we developing our spiritual speed and endurance? Are we increasing our speed of responding to Christ’s people with love, forgiveness, rebuke and assisting them in increasing their vision and our vision? Are we increasing our ability to endure responding to God’s word, love and rebuke?

Are we seeking to love God and his people with every ounce of energy we possess? This too is often externally painfully while internally gratifying beyond any measure.

Or are we simply content to participate and finish as Christians unwilling to truly challenge ourselves?

Are you a finisher or a competitor?

Flourish in the abundant life, fully submit and engage your spiritual life in training and running with Christ.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, forgiving us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him a liar and his word has no place in our lives." (1 Jn. 1:8-10)

Imagine a beautiful, sunny March morning with the temperature rising from the 40s to the 50s. It was such a day during my stay with Uncle LaVerne and Aunt B on their farm while my parents were away for a few days in the mid-1970s.

This particular morning I am to wait by the pick-up while they feed the cattle in the yard by the old cement silo. My waiting includes climbing on a nearby gate of welded “sucker rod,” and sitting in their 1970 something dark green Ford F-100 long box pick-up with manual transmission. I repeatedly push the cigarette lighter in to heat, and remove it once it pops-up after reaching the predetermined temperature.

For some reason, I choose to touch the hot end of the cigarette lighter, yes this decision lacks wisdom. The rapidly moving, ferocious, heated wavelengths of the lighter slap and break my finger’s skin. My finger is mildly burned! The idiocy of my decisions and resulting actions shines as bright as the sun on my conscience. How does one hide a small burn mark on their finger? Other than wearing gloves or putting one’s hand in their pockets the task is impossible. Additionally, these two options are temporary at best.

Uncle LaVerne and Aunt B return to the pick-up, they inquire of my finger’s wound. I am too ashamed of my idiocy, both of playing with the lighter and touching it. I say that the burned occurred from climbing on the iron gate. They are surprised the gate is that hot, and remind me to be careful next time. Certainly, they knew I withheld truth, yet never further challenge me on it. They knew my Holy Spirit convicted conscience provides ample lecturing. They are correct!

Why did I lie? Lying is never justified, always deemed wrong by my parents and relatives. Why is confessing our mistakes frequently difficult? Would you agree at least three primary reasons exist?

1. We are ashamed of our mistakes and want them to go away.
2. We are prideful, thus avoid confessing we messed up.
3. We are concerned of the blame others place on us with our confession.

Yet, the Bible teaches confessing our mistakes-our sins-enables God to forgive our mistakes. God, because of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, forgives our sin when we admit them and our dependence on Christ for our salvation. Furthermore, our forgiven sins are cast as far as the east is from the west; they go away when we admit our mistakes.

Will you, like me, humbly and readily admit your mistakes; readily acknowledging that Jesus is the only one who provides this forgiveness and permanently making them go away? All those filled with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will also readily forgive your confessed mistakes too.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.