Saturday, September 29, 2012

Do You Seek God First, and Love Others?

During each speaking engagement—keynote or seminar—I directly or indirectly uplift, Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you, and loving others as much as we care about yourself (Matthew 6:33, 19:19, 22:37-40; John 15:12).

Gratification bubbles abundantly as a deep spring when attendees latch onto this message throughout the day, recognizing that life's gold mines reside in relationship with God. This includes our desiring his best for others. Godly love drives every success attribute such as our thoughts, words, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, diligence, prudence, preparation, execution, vision and desire.


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. (Proverbs 1:7)

How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than choice silver! (Proverbs 16:16)

Enjoy a blessed day. You are special, intentional, and wonderful! How will you positively impact someone today?


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!


Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.



Friday, September 21, 2012

How does one Repent?

Frequently we hear repenting defined as turning from our sins, reversing direction. In other words, if one has challenges with greed, alcohol, lust, or any number other sins, they are instructed by many Christians to repent with the intended meaning of turning from those sins, discontinuing in their practice along with being sorry for one's sins. I too have stated this and similar suggestions over the years.

Unfortunately, as Dr. Stanley Tousaint adamantly expresses, the above method teaches salvation by works. Dr. Tousaint rhetorically asks, "How many sins must you turn from, or be sorry for, to receive salvation?"

If repenting fails to include being sorry for our sins, or turning from our sins, how does one repent? Repent is turning to God. After turning to God—God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit—one then becomes sorry and changes direction. The latter results from repenting—turning to God.

As you read the Bible, substitute turn to God for repent. This exchange allows the continual smooth flow of the passages.


See Christ, Believe Christ, Turn to Christ, Achieve with Christ!


Rick E. Meyer See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Leadership Observations in the Life of David

  1. 1 Samuel 16:23 ̶ 17:45 (Overall through 1 King 2:11)
  1. David played the harp causing the evil spirit to leave Saul, refreshing and making him well (16:23)


  1. David woke-up and left the flock early in the morning with a keeper, allowing David to take supplies to his brothers as his dad Jesse commanded (17:17,20).

  1. David inquiries what will be done for the man who kills Goliath who taunts the armies of the living God (17:26).

  1. David offered his willingness to fight the Philistine to Saul (17:32).

  1. David explains his experience, preparation and God Confidence (Several years ago, I created a God Confidence Bible Study) (17:34-37).

  1. David took off uncomfortable and out of place armor (17:39)

  1. David took his stick / sling and chose five stones (17:40)

  1. David told the Philistine, I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted. (17:45)

  1. David repeats these principles through-out his life, with the exception of lust for Bathsheba and arranging for husband's, Uriah, death. (1 Samuel thru 1 Kings 2:11)

  • Leaders repeat successful principles

  1. David inquires of or seeks the Lord at least eight times (1 Samuel 23:2, 4; 30:8; 2 Samuel 2:1; 5:19; 7:18; 21:1; 24:17)

  • Leaders seek the Lord's wisdom and guidance in prayer, rather than relying on self.

Summarization of Leadership Principles

David has just begun his leadership after God selected him as a king for and by God following Saul's disobedience in sparing Agag and the Amalekites' spoils. The Spirit of the Lord resided with day from the day of his selection forward, God calls David a man after his own heart. Consequently, David recognizes and honors God's presence, blessings and power. David receives favor with men, women and in battles. When the people exalted David over Saul, David remained humble. Although, his affection for Bathsheba leading to placing her husband Uriah in battle to be killed results in the only stated occasion of God's displeasure with David. Lacking coincidence, David failed to inquire of the Lord in matters of women—specifically Bathsheba. As a leader, David exalts God's anointing of Saul and all lives in Godly favor. David's leadership reveals and reminds the significance of great leadership resulting from God's choosing and receiving his Spirit, along with our obedience.


Admirable skills/principles noted before battling Goliath the Philistine

  1. God sends Samuel to Jesse's house for His selected King
    1. "God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (17:7)
    2. "Now the Spirit of the Lord departed mightily upon David from that day forward." (17:13)
  2. David serves Saul, including comforting his torments from "an evil spirit from the Lord" that torments him.
    1. Playing the Harp
    2. Attending him
    3. Inviting him to feast with the nations' leaders
  3. David preparing for battle
    1. Delivers food to the front lines in obedience to his dad, Jesse
    2. Angered by Goliath taunting the armies of the living God
    3. Inquires of the award for the one whom kills Goliath, thus defeating the Philistine armies
    4. Angered by Goliath taunting the armies of the living God
    5. Reflects upon experience of shepherding and God leading him to victories over lions and bears
Admirable skills/principles noted while fighting Goliath

  1. Relies on God
  2. Relies on proven methods for David, remaining true to the person God created in him
    1. Selects Stones
    2. Embraces weapon—sling / stick
  3. Boldness in approaching the uncircumcised Philistine
  4. Confesses his approach in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel
  5. Confesses victory because the battle is the Lord's
  6. Moved quickly
  7. Fired—slung rock—confidently
Personal Application

David, like all God's selected leaders, received the appointment without applying for the job, or establishing a marketing plan. As Dr. Lanier Burns states, self-marketing is a pagan ritual as it places one's selfish ambition and reliance ahead of God's desires. David's marketing plan consisted of serving God, through whole heartedly serving his dad and family sheep business. David recognized and relied upon God's strength, power, and protection while battling the lions and bears amongst the sheep herd as well as when fighting the uncircumcised Philistine—Goliath. David also devoutly served Saul. David continued his Godly love for Saul after Saul continually tried to kill David, because David honored God's anointing of Saul. David possessed legendary leadership qualities!

First, David confessed and honored God's provision in everything—all of his successes. Amazing leadership qualities! Secularism says, "Look at me." I need to continually strive to recognize and honor God's presence in my life, including the victories. This includes recognizing that when victories lack, God is preparing us for victory as a coach prepares his athletes. This leadership lesson is one I must remember for myself and communicate with those in my organization. Secondly, David avoided the peer pressure of wearing Saul's armor for battle once he realized the armor conflicted with David's comfort, style, and experience. As a leader, I need to remember to remain true to my strengths in Christ, even when normal appears to offer greater security.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Listening: Pharisee or Greatness

If your favorite team's efforts in preparation and competition, matched your exerted efforts in your profession, would your favorite team's success match your desires for them?


I pose this question across America, and now the world? I then affirm that exerted effort, at least in this context, differs from time. In other words, how much of one's physical, mental, and spiritual ability does one exert in their current allotment of time?


Two people may each run from 6:00 AM until 7:00 AM, or work on professional project from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM. However, one may exert greater effort within these time frames than the other.


I recently shared this with a fellow student, who immediately began tearing apart every word spoken. He failed to understand that effort and the amount of time differ in this example. He proudly explained that he finds fault in most everything anyone says. Unfortunately, I too have been guilty of this more times than I care to admit.


I now call listeners like my friend and me Pharisee and Sadducee listeners. We seek to criticize instead of understand the person's message. We look for the wrong in someone's message instead of what is right.


Often times people explain the same concept using differing terminology based on our differing vernacular influenced by those with whom we associate. For example in college, Ben from St. Louis drank soda, Jon from Manhattan drank a "coke," while Jamie drank pop, while all three consumed Dr. Pepper.


Instead of criticizing Jon for saying "coke" when drinking Dr. Pepper, wisdom seeks Jon's true drink--the true meaning. Pharisee and Sadducee listening to criticize hinders relationships, while listening for what is right, what the person means enhances relationships.


The basis of the openning question recognizes we each differ in our "natural" abilities, yet we control our level of application. Over the long haul, the exertion generally makes all the difference.


For example, Dr. Ken McFarland told of meeting William Jennings Bryan when Ken was a nine or ten year old boy in Caney, Kansas--approximately 1918. Mr. Bryan stopped in Caney to campaign for the United States Presidency on a hot day. He arrived on the 10:10 Topeka, Santa Fe, Atchison line.


Mr. Bryan saw Ken standing barefoot in overalls, and nothing else. William Jennings Bryan approached young Ken McFarland, asking what he was doing out in the hot sun with no hat. Nine or ten year old Ken McFarland shared that he and his brothers listened to Mr. Bryan's "Cross of Gold" record on their families Victrola record player until they "plum wore it out."


"I want to raise my voice to the glory of God and the United States, like you said in your speech," declared Ken.


"You can do it. Yes, you can do it. You just get down on your knees every night and thank God that you live in this great land, and ask Him to give you gumption. With all that you can do the rest yourself." "Now I have come over here and told you something, I expect you to remember it," explained the great orator, William Jennings Bryan.


The young small town Kansas boy looked up exuding admiration, "Oh, I will."


Dr. Ken McFarland shares this story in a speech in 1984, adding "As you can see, I still remember it. I still get down on my knees every night thanking God that I live in this great country and ask Him to give me gumption." Dr. McFarland spent his life raising his voice to the glory of God and the United States of America.


William Jennings Bryan listened purposely to Ken, and sought to understand his message. Ken McFarland listened to understand and apply the reply from William Jennings Bryan.


Dr. Ken McFarland adds, "I continue thanking God for great men who took a little bit of their time to talk to (and listen) to barefooted boys in overalls. It makes all the difference."


What might have been the difference in Dr. Ken McFarland's life, as well as the millions of lives impacted by his messages while speaking for Goodyear, Readers Digest and all the organizations if William Jennings Bryan would have listened as a Pharisee with the intent of finding fault and criticism?


Instead he listened with the intent seek the meaning, responding to lift up the small Kansas boy, on a hot summer's day, that stood barefoot in overalls?


I continue listening to a tape purchased twenty years ago of Dr. McFarland's 1984 speech in Pittsburg. Yes, exerting effort to listen makes all the difference in world.


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!


Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

(First draft 9 September 2012 7:47 PM CDT)


Friday, September 7, 2012

Prayer and Good

"The purpose of Prayer is to glorify the Kingdom of God." Dr. Stanley Tousaint

"What we call good, reflects our character." Dr. Charles Baylis

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thinking: What vs. How

When I reflect on the influtential leaders, coaches, and mentors in my life, thinking consistently surfaces among the cream of lessons--the best of the best. One method involves the great leaders sharing their stories experiences in common situations, or a variety of stories of similar but different circumstances. These stories are either left hanging, or followed by their recommended advice dealing with my inquiry. For example, Uncle Doug once told of wanting to remove soil, lower the top, from a waterway channeling runoff water to the Republican River. His father, my grandpa, advised him to leave the dike's height in place because a couple of heavy rains with few days inbetween would result in water nearing the top of the dike. If water exceeded the dike, their land could experience heavy flooding. Additionally, Grandpa remembered the 1935 Republican River Flood about a quarter of a century earlier. Uncle Doug believed the probability of two successive heavy rains remained low, additionally he--like most others--believed improved soil conservation practices would drastically reduce run-off of any heavy rains. Depite these ponderings he listened to his dad, obeying the commands to leave to levee as is. In the next seven to ten days, two 12-inch rains poured downstream from the drainage ditch. The water flowed within inches of the top. Do you affirmatively respond to the wisdom of your elders, even when their advice appears outdated? Another quick example includes Coach Lyle Claussen response to myself or another runner wanting to train at level beyond prudence. Coach Claussen may share a story about one of his many stand-out runners who chose to over-train then suffered a resultant injury from ignoring warnings from his body and coach and failed to achieve his goals. He followed this example with another standout who did listen to body and Coach, resulting in amazing performances. He would then say, "It is better to err on the side of caution." The second method involves questions either immediately following an inquisition or folled by a story. I once asked Coach Bill "Congo" Congleton if I needed to run in the morning in addition to our tough afternoon workouts. He simply responded, "Depends on how good you want to be, Rick Meyer." (This link allows listening to a 2008 7-minute District Toasmaster Championship Speech, Congo's Ideologies). A plethora of other examples of powerful questions exist. Is it worth it? What are the consequences at different levels and time frames? The above methods teach people how to think, instead of what to think. Sometimes all of us need direct orders, we need told what to think. However greatness often occurs with the freedom of learning how and engaging "how to think." Maturity and experience provide the foundation of learning how to think. We acquire these through our own life. However, great leaders, coaches, and mentors allow us to piggy back on their experiences, while their challenges enhance our maturity. Proverbs states, "As Iron Sharpens Iron so One Man Sharpens Another." Or as I have written many time, As Iron Sharpens Iron so One Champion Sharpens Another." Are you selecting and associating with leaders, coaches, and mentors whose experience and maturity enable your developing razor sharpness? Biblically, consider that the Old and New Testaments includes stories of God's interaction with his people. These stories, through prayerful study enable our learning how to think. The Old Testament Law, defined and taught what to think. Conversely, Christ's death, resurrection, conquering of sin for those who believe in him and Christ's sending the Holy Spirit to us from the Father in the New Testament empowers our ability on how to think. Do you respond or ignore the Holy Spirit's voice in your life? Every time I recognize my lack of appropriate response whether ignoring or complacency I repent. And when honest, I say, "Lord forgive me, you know that I try to listen and respond to your voice (non-audible rather in the heart). Help me learn and become better at hearing and appropriately respond to you every moment from now forward." When evidence--including 1.0 correlation with scripture--proves I did hear and appropriately respond, I praise Him for opening my heart and mind for this occurence. How do you respond to Him upon recognition or your inaccuracy or accuracy? While walking tonight, I passed several muslims. I strongly felt a prompting to lovingly smile and pray--while walking--for their recognition and acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior for eternal life with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--the one true God (not my specific words, rather my prayer message). Are you continually developing your ability of how to think? Does this development increase or decrease wisdom, knowledge, and understanding? I am blessed from associating with those whom share their experience and maturity to enhance my ability to think--yes, my room for improvement remains. Thank you for your past, present, and future endeavors in sharing and teaching others in your life how to think. See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve Thinking with Christ! Rick E. Meyer See, Believe, Achieve Inc.