Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1 Corinthians 8 – Food to Idols

Sacrificing food to idols 8:1-13

Corinth possessed a plethora of temples, idol worshiping flourished. Pagan priests sacrificed nearly all the Corinth meat supply to the Gentiles' idol gods. Consequently, this presented a challenge to church members who believed it wrong to eat meat sacrificed to idols. A person can eat meat offered to idols in one of three ways, first in the idols temple, second by eating surplus meat in the marketplace, thirdly when eating as a guest in someone's home.


The Corinthian church members inquired of how to handle these situations, including those whom failed to see harm since they placed no value on idols. Paul's response commences with love, repudiating arrogant knowledge. Desire the absolute best for those you influence and with whom you associate. If eating the meat lacks any effect on someone because their faith in Christ removes any power from an idol, then eat the meat in good conscious. If one senses the slightest doubt, whether from your own conscience or your conscience of influencing others, avoid indulging. If someone engages in eating and hurts another believer who adamantly opposes eating this meat, they also "sin against Christ."


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!


Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.


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