Consider the persistence of someone asking for an item, opportunity or a favor. Whether the person is a toddler or retired business person, the clarity, diligence details and persistence with which we ask depends on our belief in the power, ability, love, and influence of the person we ask to deliver. Love seeks the best for all involved, consequently the absence of results may result from negative effects to ourselves or others which we either overlook or remain unaware of their occurring as a result of our request.
Your prayer life and my prayer life depends on our belief—as opposed to head knowledge—of God's power, ability, love and influence. God's love seeks the best according to God's wisdom, which equates to the best for us regardless of our agreement—lest you and I believe our wisdom exceeds God's wisdom.
Every conversation I have with Phil Krug from Salina, Kansas regarding our fraternity, he also reminds me to keep praying. Phil tells of starting out living in a 12' x 60' foot trailer house, followed by building a forty-three state insurance agency. He contributes his success to prayer, faith and work. Phil consistently recognizes God's hand in his business, and the necessity of prayer. Does Phil believe in the prosperity gospel, a belief that God provides everything we ask if only we are good enough or give enough money? NO!!!
Phil recognizes God's answer to prayer sometimes contrasts our human desires, God's wisdom far exceeds man. Yet, because of his relationship and the eternal salvation through the belief in Jesus' death and resurrection, Phil knows that his wife whom died from cancer several years ago is now with God the Father, Son—the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven. Despite this loss Phil continues praying for everything because of his faith and belief in the triune God.
As you pray and ponder your spiritual life, consider my fraternity's—Beta Sigma Psi—statement: "A life rooted with Christ in God is the only true goal of human existence."
During the fraternity's award banquet during its national convention in St. Louis—January 2013—alumnus and keynote speaker Jim Folkerts who retired as Vice President of Coca-Cola shared, "faith without deeds is dead" (James 2:17, 26) adding "Prayer is a deed."
Succinctly stated: Your prayer life and my prayer life directly reflect our belief in and our relationship with God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
What do you believe?
See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.
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