Each of my life's significant failures results from my all-absorbing laser-focus on my power and my absolute dependence on self and fellow man.
Conversely, each of my life's significant achievements result from my all-absorbing laser-focus on the power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in me and my absolute dependence on His power, sovereignty and provision. "It is not me, rather Christ who is in me," "I can't, He (Christ) can, We (Christ and I) are."
I have written several times about applying this while running races and facing tragedies such as my dad's death, the same all-consuming recognition and dependence occurs in every aspect of life. Running on Faith
Power of Light
At times, the enemy attempts to fog my awareness and dependence on Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with deceptive phrases such as, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is."
Jesus dying, resurrecting, and ascending in conquering death and forgiving the sins of each believer so they may have eternal life, magnanimously epitomizes "If it seems too good to be true," as does the reality of every believer of the Lord Jesus Christ receiving the indwelling Holy Spirit. Yet, both are true for each believer of Christ.
Satan and the demons seek to destroy our believing Christ as our Savior, they seek to fog our heart, mind and soul from recognizing, communicating and acting with the power of the Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Satan and his demons strongly desire for man's (includes both genders) reliance placed upon other people, thus away from God.
No believer in communication with, and dependence on, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit relies upon another man. Rather, he/she relies on God who works through other men and women.
The believer knows that God's sovereignty and provision exceed and prevail humankind's shortcomings and failures, thus the believer remains patient, peaceful, joyful, prayerful and trusting regardless of external circumstances. I have previously written about this internalized peace after being asked to resign because I am, "Too honest."
My friend Jacqueline just posted this on Facebook, I read her post after completing the previous paragraph (printed with permission):
"Car window was smashed and ipad + computer stolen, in broad day light. The police officer and I chatted for 1.5 hours about Christ, life, and not letting bad things distract us from the plans God has for us. Bummer when bad stuff happens. Choosing to respond with joy and faith."
"I really enjoy annoying Satan. Evil wants us to be distracted by trials so that we lose focus on doing good. God lets us fight evil with joy and comfort. Trust me, I am upset about the documents and hard work that is lost (it was a work computer)...and for a second, I started to condemn myself for leaving the stuff in the car. But then God reminded me that condemnation is useless, AND, that He has given a lot of really great opportunities for me to focus on accomplishing right now. I'll be more fulfilled using my energy to focus on producing good instead of wallowing in the negative and condemnation. I'm not mad at the thief at all, just a learning experience in aligning my thoughts with God."
"And something cool JUST happened. I have been praying for an opportunity to know my neighbors better. As a result of my broken window sitting in the parking lot, a neighbor JUST came and knocked on my door and I got to cha with her!! I believe even more good is about to result from this!"
"And something cool JUST happened. I have been praying for an opportunity to know my neighbors better. As a result of my broken window sitting in the parking lot, a neighbor JUST came and knocked on my door and I got to cha with her!! I believe even more good is about to result from this!"
Jacqueline's response radiates the presence, power, joy and peace of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in her life!!
Conversely, another friend Sue (not her real name) responded to her misfortune, "To the punk who smashed out my rear windshield...karma will be coming for you."
Sue's response radiates with the power of anger, and revenge of Hinduism and Buddhism (i.e. karma).
How will and do you respond to adversity? How does your relationship with Jesus Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit affect your attitude, perspective, goals, effort, performance and achievements?
See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.
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