Continual prayer, thankfulness and joy results in receiving escalating joy, gratitude and desiring additional prayer.
Thirty-six hours after my dad received a diagnosis of lung cancer, he requested that we "pray for God to bless everyone we know." His request contained complete inclusiveness of God blessing "everyone we know," absent any conditions of his relationship with them throughout his or their life.
This was the last prayer that I heard him request. Hydrocephalus, water on the brain, prevented future understandable conversations. He died three weeks later.
Praying, especially for God's blessings on others, yields amazing—immeasurable—gratitude and joy in one's heart and mind. The joy resembles the "runner's high" and easily surpasses any temporary euphoric experience from alcohol. Praying for God's blessings on others, everyone we know, becomes addictive and leads to praise and worship of God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
Picture the person(s) for whom you pray, along with their family and any of the specifics for which you may pray for them. I seek prayer requests from a few people, then write them down in a little black book. A common request includes assistance with writing papers for school. While praying, I visualize the person completing the paper with peace, contentment and joy.
I pray for others as the Lord places them on my heart and mind. Most have no idea that I pray, or you, pray for them. Yet, I am led to share with a few that I do pray for them. Most express immense gratitude, a few fail to respond. Our purpose in praying for them rests in our obedience to God as opposed to their approval or favorable response. We do not know what life challenges they are experiencing, and maybe they are not sure how to respond because you are the first non-family member to pray for them.
Regardless of the response or lack of response, we receive magnanimous joy and gratitude when we focus solely on serving the Lord in praying for others. Hold on tightly to your socks, lest this joy knock them off.
Pray for others,unconditionally, in obedient love for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.
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