Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!

"But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.'" (Lk 2:10–11)

 Several years ago, I went through childhood belongings at my parents. As a child, I simply took for granted the many books and cards received from great-grandparents & great aunts and uncles, grandparents, parents and each of my aunts and uncles about the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Many of these people have passed away. I now recognize that while we gathered over the years for food, fellowship and abundant laughter; their primary focus hinged on pointing and encouraging my sister, cousins and me to an eternal relationship with Jesus Christ whose birthday we celebrate every Christmas.

How will your loved ones remember your focus at Christmas?

Rick E. Meyer         
Running on Faith Ministry, Inc.
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Jesus is My Coach

Running On Faith Ministry, Inc. Podcast:
"Jesus is My Coach" ~ Jim Ryun 3X Olympian and multiple World Records (880, 1500, Mile and various Relays)

My first marathon in Omaha, while living in Kearney and training with Univ. Nebraska-Kearney, illustrates the amazing benefits of a Coach (Lyle Claussen) guiding the way.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Running on Faith Ministry, Inc. Podcast: Complacency

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Glutathione: Amazing Benefits

The amazing health benefits of increase intra-cellular glutathione.

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Spiritual Approach to Decisions

Listen to the Blog Radio Program on Decision Making for Christians:
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Cellgevity: For YOUR Amazing Energy and Health

Switch: Reducing Your WAIStline

The Running Splits Referenced in Today's Program:
Began taking 8 daily Cellgevity on June 1, 2013

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.
Running on Faith, Inc.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Top Line vs. Bottom Line

Wednesday September 17, 2014

Week 3: Top Line vs. Bottom: 

Help support Running on Faith Ministry, Inc. with prayers and contributions.  We are touching lives for the cause of Christ across America and the world.

Click on the button below to make a monthly or one time donation. We appreciate your support.

For the Cause of Christ, who may you and I serve today?

Rick E. Meyer


Michelle Copeland joined me on Wednesday Sept. 3rds show to discuss gentleness, a component of the fruit of the Spirit.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Running on Faith Ministry, Inc.

Rick E. Meyer
Help support this ministry with a contribution to Running on Faith Ministry, Inc. We are touching lives for the cause of Christ across America and the world.

Click on the button below to make a monthly or one time donation. We appreciate your support.

Friday, September 5, 2014

"Lord, I need You!"

Have or do you recognize your complete dependence on God? In this podcast, I describe times I have pleaded for Him, as well as the result of a time when I thought I could depend solely on myself.

Podcast downloads available:

"Always Trust  God. Remember that son. Trust God, Always."

God = Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

Running on Faith - Trust God

Help support this ministry with a contribution to Running on Faith Ministry, Inc. We are touching lives for the cause of Christ across America and the world.

Click on the button below to make a monthly or one time donation. We appreciate your support.

Why do we Run?

What is the purpose of Running? Why do we Run?

Downloads available at

Running on Faith Ministry - Podcast Introduction

The introductive Podcast of Running on Faith Ministry, Inc.

You may download this or other podcasts at:

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Gentleness in Business

Gentleness is one of the components in the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

Recognizing God as CEO of Creation

Blog talk radio: Wednesday 27 August 2014

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Help support this ministry with a contribution to Running on Faith Ministry, Inc. We are touching lives for the cause of Christ across America and the world.

Click on the button below to make a monthly or one time donation. We appreciate your support.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Podcasts - Running on Faith

Podcasts are now available for download.

Here is one regarding how we deal with injuries.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Encouragement in Life's Far Corners

In a marathon--or any race--runners greatly appreciate the large crowds of screaming fans. However, we have equal and perhaps greater appreciation of the scattered individuals away from the crowds, in the far reaches of the course, offering encouraging words.

Remember to cheer for and encourage your family and friends when they're away from the crowds, in the far reaches of life's course, offering encouraging words.

I trust each of you overflow with Joy, Gratitude and Prayer this day in Christ!

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Greatest Love: Memorial Day 2005

youtube video
2005 Memorial Day, Leigh, NE

Monday, June 30, 2014

Philosophy of Change (7 Dec 2013)

Change may represent the best of times; change may represent the worst of times. Motive, purpose and communication influenced and defined within spiritual context determine the positive or negative nature of change. God superintends in and through chronological, cultural, economic, geographical, historical, and political context. One may view and consider each of the latter contextual attributes on a global, national, regional, state, community, organizational and individual basis.
Earthly change occurs by and through the thoughts, words and actions of individuals in response to, or rejection of, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit governs change and guidance through the prayer, internal promptings, and internalizing His Word by those strategically positioned in the previously listed attributes as well as those with whom we associate on a personal and professional level.[1]

Profitable change originates only from the Holy Spirit (Mt 7:21[i], 12:25[ii]; Mk 3:25[iii]). He indwells the heart of every believer (2 Co 1:22[iv]), and prompts and guides all people, including non-believers, to achieve His will (Exodus 2-13). As one who serves God in serving His people our responsibilities mandate pointing others to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. He guides our heart, mind and soul with His thoughts. God’s thoughts written on our hearts and minds result in our image and character more closely resembling His image. Everyone should rejoice in this change!



Christians, walking in the Spirit (Ro 8:5[v]), earnestly yearn for God’s guidance in their every thought, word and action. Considering that each new thought, word or action changes our mind, body or soul to some extent, life consists of constant change. Mature Christians continually submit all to God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Effective change mandates establishing, and continually affirming, God’s love and glory as the foundation of change (Mt 7:24-25[vi]).

As demonstrated, this paper establishes and acknowledges God’s sovereignty, provision and guidance as the bedrock of all change. However, we will focus primarily on strategies and implementation of change. The eternal triune God represents the only constant in creation’s entirety; He remains unaffected by the effects of time (Heb 13:8[vii]) that He created.

Considering Change


Frequently, speakers, leaders and those in authority presumptuously state, “People resist change.” Those walking in the Spirit resist only change that contradicts the Holy Spirit, because this creates internal turmoil instead of internal peace. The mature spirit-filled Christian receives internal peace that represents congruency with the Holy Spirit. However, wisdom mandates knowing that one’s degree of spiritual maturity affects the ability to recognize and accept this congruency. Consequently, we must remain lovingly patient in working with those striving, yet failing to grasp our level of comprehension. Others may comprehend the Spirit’s agreement or disagreement more rapidly than we do. Spiritual maturity[2] welcomes others perhaps ahead[viii] of us.

Charles Gibbs adamantly states, “I have no ego. My only reputation exists in the Lord.” This enables illuminating insight and empowerment when strategizing and implementing change. Those walking in flesh, only welcome change that pleases the flesh, such as the physical, financial and emotional realm. People typically resist change that they fail to understand or from a source whom they fail to trust.

Summarily, the acceptance and rate of change highly correlates with congruency with the Holy Spirit, communication, trust and each of the components embedded in these necessities.



Vision is the nitroglycerin of motivation. Vision—or dream—instigates, inspires and empowers change. While some may argue that vision and dreams differ, this discussion defines and uses them interchangeably. Change may represent a different direction, a different rate of action, a different type of action or all of these factors.

Dexter and Birdie Yager built the world’s largest Amway distributorship by focusing on the “DREAM!!!” for themselves and inspiring others to find and pursue their own God-given dreams. Dexter persistently described, invited and challenged the dream both in conversation and on stage speaking to tens of thousands of people.

During his two to four keynote addresses in the early hours of the morning, Dexter would hold the microphone close to his mouth with his hands cupped around it, “You gotta have a Big DREAM!!!! The Dream, the Dream, the Dream, it starts with the DREAM!!!” Dexter Yager counseled leader servants such as Ronald Reagan, Dave Thomas, Jerry Boggus[ix] and numerous others in his organization…..

Desire and urgency of change directly—perhaps exponentially—correlate with one’s dream or vision. Vision drives us to prepare and perform when battling complete exhaustion. Dreams and visions, when fully developed, involve all five senses and evoke all appropriate emotions. An effective dream or vision causes loss of breath, laughter, tears of joy and rolling waves of every other emotion that one experiences when attaining the dream or vision.

If one fails to experience some of these change causing emotions, either the vision/dreams needs further development or the person and the vision are incongruent. Only a properly founded vision or dream congruent with a person’s God given desires will ignite the internal fire of desire of pursuing the Holy Spirit inspired change. Discussions and evaluations should occur of any changes in the vision or the positioning of the person.

When the leader servant helps anyone find and develop their vision to include all five emotions—seeing, tasting, feeling, smelling and hearing as if living the event or the achieved the organizational structure—the person will strongly desire to make the necessary changes. For example, Coach Claussen scheduled a twenty-mile run for me on New Year’s Day 1995. A portion of my ministry vision included placing among the top ten Americans at the Boston Marathon.

The eighteen inches of snow packed streets and roads and sub-zero temperatures with wind-chill at minus twenty-five degrees initially caused me to consider changing my run from 20 to 15 miles due to the inclement weather. I then focused on my vision’s integration with my ministry. Instead of running the original twenty-miles, I ran twenty-five miles in absolute miserable conditions. While the complacent pontificate about “going the extra mile,” a Holy Spirit inspired vision causes one to go the extra FIVE miles[3]. Vision instigates significant change.



Trust accompanies the Spirit, especially with those also walking in the Spirit. We cannot cause someone to trust us. However God does at times give us favor with others, and we can speak with truth and transparency. Additionally, we should engage in all other characteristics of those who earn authentic trust.
Trust quickens the acceptance of change, which impact effectiveness in every organization. Trust originates from honesty and knowing that “I am looking out for your best interests” to the best of my ability within the context of my responsibility. In other words, our trust originates from loving our fellow man as much as we love ourselves.



“Encouragement is a divine instrument of change.” Charles Gibbs uttered this succinct and accurate message during one of our weekly mentoring phone this past year. I completely agree.

In my “Life and Soul Agronomist” presentation, I equate encouragement with water for crops. It is impossible for crops to experience positive change without water. So man needs encouragement for positive change. Water brings mobile nutrients to the roots, and softens the soil to allow roots to grow to immobile nutrients.

Encouragement provides nutrients of the mind, and soul such ideas and appreciation, among many others. Moreover, just like specific plants demand specific amounts and types of nutrients, each individual requires specific types and amounts of encouragement. Water carries nutrients through the plant to each specific location within the plant. We intentionally and specifically place our encouragement.

Water provides turgor pressure enabling the plant to stand up, and the leaves to have the proper angle for maximum light absorption. Through turgor pressure and nutrient and molecular movement, water is instrumental in photosynthesis. Encouragement enables others, amidst the change and growth in life, to stand tall, absorb the light of Christ in serving others and glorifying our Lord.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Featured Christian Speaker in Dallas on Gig Salad

[1] Rick E. Meyer, The Holy Spirit’s Guidance in Max International, Dallas Theological Seminary, Applied Research Project. 2013. 3,4.
[2] (Stanley D. Toussaint, TAI Series: People Come in Four Sizes,2012)

[i] Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.
[ii] And knowing their thoughts Jesus said to them, “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself will not stand.
[iii] If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.
[iv] who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge.
[v] For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.
[vi] “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. “And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock.”
[vii] Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
[viii] This may represent greater spiritual maturity. It may represent greater experience and perspectives in the specific context. “Ahead” in this context does not insinuate a secularly “higher” position.
[ix] Jerry Boggus is one of those I interviewed (staying two nights in his home near Augusta, GA) for my Applied Research Project: The Holy Spirit’s Guidance in Max International.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Grandma's Marathon 2014

Driving thru St. Paul, MN last Friday (6/20/2014) on the way to Duluth, I reflected on once entering the Twin Cities Marathon (TCM) with a sore leg just as I had on this drive to Duluth. Despite the leg hurting during warm-up and the first mile @ TCM, I managed a 2:27 followed by a solo 2:24 twenty-seven days later.

I reflected on this for optimism, while diligently praying for speed, strength and wisdom. Unfortunately, this time the leg also hurt during warm-up and failed to hold-up, I quit running after passing the 1st mile in a blazing 11+ minutes--far exceeding my previous mile PW.

However, the Lord did and does saturate my heart with Peace, Joy and Gratitude (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), just as during the more favorable results. Additionally, I am exceptionally Grateful and Joyful to see friends achieve amazing performances in Duluth. Congrats again to each of you!

Grateful precedes Greatfull! Always Trust God! (Prov. 3:5-6)

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Prosperity Theology

Biblical Study

Prosperity Theology

February 28, 2013

1.     Experiences

Unfortunately, the cultural definition of Prosperity Theology easily results in Poverty Theology. Poverty Theology results from the causative effects of dwelling on God’s physical gifts while missing the infinite value of the spiritual gift of the Christian’s eternal relationship with the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Authentic Prosperity Theology/Gospel consists of:
The infinite value of the Christian’s eternal relationship with the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins of all who believe in Him, enable this relationship (John 3).


Moreover, the Bible defines Wisdom, and Understanding as greater than silver and gold (Prov 3:14, 8:11, 16:16). By defining the Prosperity Theology or “Health, Wealth Gospel” as attaining secular wealth, good health and a physically blessed life, we completely devalue true prosperity of Christian Theology, the Gospel.


The fruit of the Gospel’s eternal relationship prosperity provides peace beyond human comprehension in the midst of financial, emotional, physical and health ruin—including the loss of loved ones. Including those having little money to live on for ten days before any income is scheduled, or when they have no idea how they are going to pay rent or buy food for the next month. This peace from the eternal relationship remains amongst life’s biggest celebrations. Any amount of money does not and cannot attain this peace, only the prosperity of the Gospel. NO! I don’t believe God promises or guarantees health, wealth, or secular success.

I do believe that every Christian has the right to ask of anything in Jesus’s name. The eternal relationship enables the requester to seek and desire God’s desires for them above their own desires. Thus, the believer in communicative, prayerful relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit desires only that which God desires for them or whomever they pray for, despite secular logic.

Tuesday 28 November 2006, I stood by my dad’s hospital bed praying, begging God to heal him. Dad awakened for the first time all day, “No!” Three days later, he gained eternal healing as he physically died on Friday 1 December 2006. God’s wisdom surpasses Rick’s wisdom. His wisdom offers the true Prosperity of the Gospel.


My exposure to those seeking the culturally defined Prosperity Gospel, remains limited to a few acquaintances. In addition to errantly believing in rights or guarantees of success, they attempt to judge the spirituality of others based on their health, wealth, and secular success.


My spiritually mature friends view their eternal relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as the greatest success, wealth and spiritual health possible. They, like me, view these as gifts rather than guarantees. The spiritually mature strive to live congruently with God’s will for our lives, encompassing being always joyful, praying and giving thanks in all circumstances (1 Thess. 5:16-18), money cannot buy these attributes or truthfulness.

These result in our enjoying a bounce to our step, sparkle in our eyes, glowing faces, uplifting conversations and desiring for the success of others as much as we desire success for ourselves, and our family—regardless of life’s storms. This results in our attractiveness to those with whom we interact.

These spirit-filled characteristics increase anyone’s likelihood of success, health and wealth—absent any rights or guarantees. I have had the gift of excellent health because of my faith induced positive attitude and constant praying for healing and good health. This lacks being a guarantee, rather a gift to use in glorifying God.


2.     Liberation Theology vs. Prosperity Theology

Both Liberation Theology and Prosperity Theology contain validity within the context that God desires for us to seek Him above all else (Mt 6:33) and love Him with all of our heart mind and soul, while loving others as much as we love ourselves (Mt 22:37-40).

Romans 9 explains that God will have mercy on whom He will have mercy. We should seek to serve and love Christ with all of our heart, soul, and mind, love others as much as we love ourselves, use our spiritual gift to the best of our ability and accept whatever He provides—both rewards and challenges.

Submitting to Christ and the Holy Spirit, striving to love God with all of one’s heart, mind, soul, and loving others as much as we love ourselves (Mt 22:37-39), frees concern of one’s economic or physical status. God has, does and will provide His people with different types of contrasting situations regarding money, property, health. However, when from God—all are blessings.


3.     What is the Theology of Prosperity

The danger resides in believing in always, rights and guarantees, instead of submission.

      1. Spiritual Authority—Christians can claim anything they want “in the Name of Jesus” and receive it, if they have enough faith and belief. Effectively, this group believes God to be their puppet.
      2. Cure and Prosperity—We are always cured and always receive prosperity based on our faith and proper method of asking.
      3. Positive Confession—Name it and claim it. The danger resides in failing to recognize that God’s wisdom exceeds man.
    1. Regarding Prosperity Theology (2Co 8:9):

From the prospective of the Prosperity Gospel extremes, they believe that since Jesus apparently became economically poor for us then we have an inherent right to economic wealth. However, Jesus does have the resources to feed 9,000 men plus women and children (9,000 x 2.5 (estimated factor to include women and children) = 22,500 people x $5.00 per meal = $112,500 for a couple of meals in 2013 dollars), in addition to medical services for healing blindness, bleeding, and bringing the dead back to life.

Jesus made no monetary purchase, yet wealth resides in access to resources as opposed to money alone. Rather he humbled himself in becoming man so that we may be rich with an eternal relationship with Him, God the Father and the Holy Spirit who will supply all our needs.

4.     Normative Teaching in the Epistles

1 Timothy 6:7-10, 17-19

Viewing and / or teaching godliness as a Cash Cow derives from evil, while yielding the stirring up of evil—arrogant, foolishness, falsities, “envy, strife, malicious talk, and evil suspicions.”

Real prosperity resides in contentment (v. 6). The key to economic wealth rests in maintaining one’s hope in God (v. 17-19), as opposed to one’s love and resulting hope in the wealth instead of God. False hope, the love of money over the love of God, leads to evil and carries the danger of departing from the Faith.

A retail agronomy business in northeast Nebraska once fired Rick for being “too honest,” following previous warnings to stop seeking Biblical truth in business instead of seeking profit at any cost for the employer. Any monetary profit should always originate from our serving God (Mt 6:33; 7:21) Succinctly stated: Wealth—any amount—should be used / viewed as tools for serving God, instead of becoming a god.

5.     Faith Healing and NT Teaching

    1. (James 5:14-16) Have the elders of the church pray over the sick; anoint the sick with oil in the name of Jesus (“the Lord”). Confession and forgiveness of sins precedes healing. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.
    2. (Job 2:4-10; Hab 3:17-19; 2Co 12:7-9) God sometimes allows us to suffer physically and financially, to test us and to keep us humble before Him; we are to accept this as joyfully as we do the good. His grace is sufficient for us.


6.     How Then Should We Pray?

Three Principles that Guide us in Prayer:

  1. Exaltation—Praising God for whom He is, the Holy Creator of All, Savior and Lord of the Universe.
  2. Provision—Asking and Trusting that He will provide everything we need when we need it, in the amount we need to achieve His will for our lives.
  3. Forgiveness—Acknowledging our need for forgiveness (Rom 3:23), and that salvation is found in Christ alone (Jn 3:16). We repent, turning to Him.

7.     What Can We Learn?

What happens when God does not gives us prosperity?

We are to stay faithful, prayerful, thankful and joyful (1 Thess 5:16-18). Lack of Faith? Is He not pleased with us? Is the Bible false? Wisdom mandates making evaluations to assure our proper heart, effort, approach, etc. This is done in prayer, Word, proper associations, and consulting with one’s spiritual mentor and/or pastor.


In a Paragraph, summarize what we can learn and what we should avoid from the Theology of Prosperity.

God’s owes us nothing. Yet, He loves us and strongly desires intimate, communicable relationship. He does not make arbitrary promises of everyone having a blank check to dictate to Him. However, we should believe that God will provide His desires for our hearts—not vice versa—we have to open our hearts to receive these.

Jesus told the blind men in Mt 9:27-37 that they would be healed “according to your faith”. We are to ask in reverence and submission, recognizing all as undeserved gifts. The Bible commands us to humble ourselves before the Lord, and He will lift us up (James 4:10). Humility lacks dictating to God or demanding unfounded guarantees, rather trusting in God’s wisdom and provision.


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve God’s will with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer


See, Believe, Achieve Inc.


An excerpt of a paper presented to Dr. J. Scott Horrell, Dallas Theological Seminary, in partial fulfillment for ST104A Soteriology.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Always Joyful

See update below:

Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, Minnesota on June 21, 2014 quickly approaches. My excitement escalates in anticipation and preparation of running my first competitive marathon in fourteen years.


This course appears serene, beginning in Two Harbors and traversing southwest along Lake Superior to Duluth. My heart rejoices as God blesses my body, mind and spirit with the necessary ability and desire for consistent seventy-five to one-hundred weekly miles of training.


Tempo runs, intervals, easy runs and long runs each provide encouraging progression. Increasing calorie usage and rate of metabolism enhance the body weight’s mandatory descent to competitive levels. These increasing fitness levels radiate the symbiotic relationship of speed, strength and appropriate body weight. Running fast and far is fun!


Joyfully, I continually thank and praise God for these blessings.


My daily consumption of Cellgevity increases intracellular glutathione, which reduces inflammation and serves as the body’s master anti-oxidant.  However, I inadvertently allow my Cellgevity supply to deplete before the next shipment arrives.


Running and the activities surrounding graduation from Dallas Theological Seminary distract me from assuring a continued supply of Cellgevity. A week after emptying the Cellgevity bottle, inflammation along the tibia in the lower right leg from a sprain prevents running.


Darts of apprehension and doubt immediately strike my mind, especially because of my high expectations for the quickly approaching marathon.

“How serious is this injury?”

“Will I recover in time to run this marathon competitively?”


Gentle, yet convicting, promptings of God’s word and sovereignty quickly extinguished the enemy’s fiery darts (Eph 6:12, 16).


aRejoice always; apray without ceasing; in everything agive thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thess 5:16-18).”


Scripture radiates God’s complete eternal control (Job 40, 41, 42:1, 2). He causes what He wants to cause and allows what He wants to allow. Who is man to question God?


Additionally, these promptings initiate reflection of my scripturally derived purpose of running and all of life; glorify God in everything. Additionally, I define success as achieving God’s will for my life (Mt 7:21). I have expounded upon this in numerous other writings, so will avoid doing so here.


In congruence to these principles, relationships—with God and people—comprise the foundation of each of my activities. As disclaimer, God’s grace, mercy and love fill in the vast perpetual shortcomings in every area of my life.


Acknowledging God’s sovereignty illuminates physical setback to my training for the marathon as part of God’s intended training program for me. Consequently, I am rejoicing in this sore leg as much as I rejoice when running a great twenty-miler training run or a personal record (PR) in a race.


 Life consists of relationships. This sore leg provides opportunities to meet and converse with new people. These conversations each lead to discussing our day-to-day relationships with Christ and His people.


We when seek to obediently serve Christ, He provides opportunities to glorify Him through serving others. Loving others and rejoicing in God’s abundance during the exceptionally good as well as the less than favorable moments provides great impact on those with whom we encounter.


A joyful heart, praising God while loving and serving others deepens our relationship with people and God!


Yes, I am excited about this sore leg. It will heal. I will, by God’s grace, run fast and far very soon. Most likely, I will run well in Grandma’s Marathon on June 21, 2014.

Yes, Joyfully, I continually thank and praise God for these blessings.


However, regardless of my health leading up to a marathon or any event, life never promises the tangible results that we often seek, such as a great marathon. Yet, running serves as a catalyst through which the Holy Spirit intertwines my life with others.


Yes, God is preparing me for Grandma’s Marathon and relationships with His people using methods that I failed to consider a few weeks ago. He is the ultimate coach. I greatly trust my running coach, Lyle Claussen and I certainly trust to eternal, perfect God of creation in everything.

Whatever challenges you encounter, probably putting my sore leg to shame in comparison, seek to obediently serve Christ. Then, rejoice in everything, pray always and be thankful. Because, this includes God’s training program for your life at this moment.


In so doing, you will glorify God in your race (1 Cor. 9:24). Trust God!

Grandma's Marathon 2014

Driving thru St. Paul, MN last Friday (6/20/2014) on the way to Duluth, I reflected on once entering the Twin Cities Marathon (TCM) with a sore leg just as I had on this drive to Duluth. Despite the leg hurting during warm-up and the first mile @ TCM, I managed a 2:27 followed by a solo 2:24 twenty-seven days later.

I reflected on this for optimism, while diligently praying for speed, strength and wisdom. U...nfortunately, this time the leg also hurt during warm-up and failed to hold-up, I quit running after passing the 1st mile in a blazing 11+ minutes--far exceeding my previous mile PW.

However, the Lord did and does saturate my heart with Peace, Joy and Gratitude (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), just as during the more favorable results. Additionally, I am exceptionally Grateful and Joyful to see friends achieve amazing performances in Duluth. Congrats again to each of you!

Grateful precedes Greatfull! Always Trust God! (Prov. 3:5-6)


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!


Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

a Phil 4:4
a Eph 6:18
a Eph 5:20

Monday, May 19, 2014

My Sheep hear My Voice

My Sheep hear My Voice (Jn 10:25-30)

 As I ponder the above passage the last few days, my farm background recognizes that Christ does not distinguish the age or other attributes of His sheep that hear His voice.


On the farm, we brought the cattle home from the pasture after corn harvest in the fall, they roamed and fed on the corn stalks throughout the winter. Cattle referred to the entire bovine herd, cows, calves and bulls. About this same time, we weaned the calves from their momma cows. Calves specified those young cattle born the previous spring.

All good ranchers, shepherds, cowboys and farmers similarly quickly clarify any differences that he (or she) communicates about their herd when applicable. Christ the ultimate shepherd (Jn 10:11), refers to the entire herd of sheep in this passage. He avoids any distinction of age or maturity of His sheep—such as lambs, ewes or rams—that hear His voice.

Conversely, God establishes precedent for specifying livestock age (ex. “young bull”) when necessary for the meaning of His message (Ex 24:5; 29:1).

In an effort to avoid false assumptions, thus striving to Teach Truth, I phoned my sister, Dee, and brother in-law this morning. Her husband, Brian, of 18 years has raised sheep for the last approximate 35 years, with the on-farm herd number varying from a few hundred to at or in excess of one-thousand sheep. They have experience with sheep!

Because of Brian and Dee’s longevity with sheep, working with thousands upon thousands—including different breeds. Additionally, they have raised sheep born on their farm, other farms in Nebraska, North and South Dakota as well as from Wyoming and I believe Montana.

Consequently, I give great value to their vast experience and observations characteristics of diverse sheep ranging from newborn lambs to older ewes and rams over several decades.

After exchanging pleasantries and proudly learning of my nephew and his best friend winning spelling awards at school, I inquired of the characteristics of baby lambs. Brian had long left the house to care for the sheep and the crops. 


Rick:   “Do baby lambs recognize your voice?”

Dee:    “Most of the time, sometimes it takes a while.”     


They (virtually all) really respond to Brian (their shepherd), they know him and his voice.”

The baby lambs quickly recognize and respond to their shepherd Brian’s voice, he feeds, waters, and cares for them every day. Just as Christ is our shepherd who feeds, waters and cares for us every day.

 In other words, their observations are based upon great numbers and great diversity of sheep as opposed to one time, or one year, with one small symmetric herd.

Considering Jesus’ complete knowledge of the attributes of sheep and men, it logically seems that His statement (Jn 10:27) includes infant humans that are His sheep. Just as some baby lambs take a while to recognize their shepherd, so do some people take time to recognize and respond to Christ. Those not in Brian’s herds fail to respond, just as some people fail to respond to Christ.


On the farm and ranch, the owner claims, feeds, and tends to all livestock that he owns. Just as an infant human baby knows the voice of their mom and dad, so Christ’s baby lambs know His voice.



Respond to the voice of Christ the Shepherd, belief in Him is the only way to salvation and eternal life (Jn 14:6-7).


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.