She entered the hospital the previous day for tests after having "the crud" for four days with no relief in sight. An hour prior to my phone call, the doctor presented the tests results. She has bone cancer.
"Our family has beaten this once and we will beat it again" she adamantly responded.
Last September (2014) she completed her chemotherapy and radiation to successfully defeat breast cancer after receiving the diagnosis in February 2014.
God willing, I know that she will also win this battle! Psalm 139, along other passages and the totality of scripture, assures us of God's complete sovereignty.
This complete sovereignty includes our willingness to hear and obey His commands. Solomon receives great wisdom and numerous other gifts after replying to God with a request for a discerning heart, which is literally a hearing heart.
Requesting a hearing heart does not guarantee our receiving a physically and financially glorious life. Rather, a hearing heart provides us with hearing God's wisdom, receiving His Peace, Joy, Gratitude and desire for continual Prayer (1 Thess 5:16-18) because this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus.
God placed on my heart the urgency to once again take Cellgevity which produces intracellular Glutathione, your body's master antioxidant.

With cancer having an affect on every member of my immediate family except me, prudence demands my taking precautions to avoid becoming a victim. Yes, I believe in prayer, a joyful heart, laughter, positive attitude and a healthy diet.
Yet, wisdom demands my accepting and using tools that God places in my path. For example, in the frigid temperature of winter I wear a hat, gloves and coat. Yet, I still accept the heater in my car, my home along with the furnace in my home.
Does wisdom demand you accepting and using tools that God places in your path? Perhaps your immediate family has no history of cancer. Great, neither did cancer exist in my parents' immediate families, yet they still received a diagnosis.
Does increasing your intracellular Glutathione guarantee that you never have cancer? Of course not, neither does following all of the traffic laws guarantee that an automobile will never strike you or that you will never die while driving. Increasing your intracellular Glutathione along with prayer, joy, laughter and good diet DOES increase your likelihood of avoiding cancer.
Glutathione enhances ones ability to exercise which increases one's overall health. Cellgevity increases intracellular glutathione to levels 300% (+/-) greater than other methods and products.
Read more about the benefits for YOUR FAMILY and YOUR HEALTH, -- Receive 30-days of Cellgevity with a Money Back Guarantee.
Let's put ourselves in a position to win with accepting the opportunity to increase our intracellular glutathione with Cellgevity.
Yes, I pray before I drive, yet I also wear my seatbelt and assure that my vehicle receives regularly scheduled maintenance. Let's continue praying for good, cancer free health, yet let's enhance our body's protecting cells with Cellgevity and increased Glutathione.
Your reading this blog and links is for a purpose (Ps 139:14). Would you agree, hearing your loved one answer the phone in tears breaks your heart? How will you respond?
See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!
Rick E. Meyer
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