Friday, February 24, 2012

Greatness: Our Best vs. Deadlines

“Just do your best,” or “Did you do your best?” frequently traveled from my parent’s voice to my ears and mind while growing-up. This advice and rhetorical question continues as an adult. I usually believed that I did do my best on the farm, in athletics or in school. With hindsight, I fell short of my best in school because I failed to understand the ingredients of fully applying myself in school.

Conversely, in physical activities of athletics and farm work, I usually did my best. I fully exerted my energy by day’s end, perhaps working on some sort of project outdoors such cleaning the barn, feeding livestock or cutting wood with Dad. Our best includes mistakes; hopefully avoiding repeating the same mistakes. Every night, I went to sleep quickly, sleeping deeply; rarely I woke-up in the middle of the night—only in need of a drink or visiting the restroom.

My Dad’s best, like other farmers, included working around the clock in the tractor. I recall him stopping for fifteen to twenty minute naps immediately after eating a meal brought to him in the field. Even though he remained with-in ten minutes of the house, he rarely came-in to sleep during specific seasons. With his equipment, livestock chores and hours in a day, he completed the best he could, as soon as he could. He fought to keep the farm.

Yet, some self-professed speaking gurus claim, “Doing your best is never good enough.”

Really?! Your BEST includes two basic ingredients, (1) Loving God with all of your heart, soul, and mind (2) Loving your fellow man (includes women) as much as you love yourself. Our love originates from His love.

When my parents challenge me to do my best, they ultimately challenge me to love God with all of my heart. Loving God causes us to serve creation as best possible with my talents, knowledge and energy; prayerfully seeking wisdom.

Deadlines exist because we fail to do our BEST—lacking knowledge or desire; or as manipulation of other's efforts.

Your BEST completes achievements in the most favorable time and order, based on your alpha and omega knowledge—including morality—within the tasks duration.

Manipulating others oftentimes enables synchronization of current and future tasks beyond the scope and/or awareness of one person or subset group.

Your BEST encompasses loving God with all of your heart, mind and soul; and loving—desiring Christ’s BEST—for everyone you do and may impact. Does anything exceed God’s love?

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

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