Sunday, April 8, 2012

Words and Raindrops

The farmers’ smiles and optimism escalated as the gentle rain descended upon their farmland for several hours. “This soaking rain, answers our prayers.”

“Can’t imagine too much, if any, running off. We probably had a couple of inches” observes another—heads nod in agreement.

The minimal force with which the rain fell, enable soil pores to remain open. This factor optimized the soil’s rate of infiltration, which exceeded the rate of rainfall. Consequently, the soil absorbed all the rain—preventing run-off.

Absorbed rain provides a plethora of crop production benefits. The water provides moisture for seed germination, plant growth, herbicide activation, and nutrient uptake for certain plant nutrients. Water opens the double-layered clay soils, enhancing root-growth and nutrient availability of nutrients attached to the cations (cat-ions) in the clay soils.

This water loosens all soil, reducing or eliminating compaction and hard-pans to enable root penetration into the subsoil for additional water as well as benefit plant stability. Absorbed water during the winter months, provides freezing and thawing of the soil which increases it productivity through greater fragmentation.

These benefits occur with patience—let the rain soak in before driving or cultivating the soil, or lose some of the benefits. Steady, gentle rain produces more fruit, maximizing yield.

Conversely, a hard rain of the same volume often proves detrimental. Greater kinetic energy may result in a crust or surface seal, reducing or eliminating infiltration. This results in run-off of the rainwater, carrying productive soil off the field. Soil and water low in sodium results in reduced infiltration or less water absorbed into the soil. Jesus also warns about lacking salt, results rest in physical science as well as spirituality.

Intense rain reduces fruit production, minimizing yield.

Are you speaking a message of a soft, gentle, steady rain, yield much fruit? A soft absorbing message and a soft voice are two distinct factors. Tortures may whisper softly to their victims, while carrying a devastating message.

When speaking an intense message, regardless of volume, remember to include the salt of Jesus’ love, mercy, grace and forgiveness resulting from confession and repentance. Jesus’ salt, like appropriate sodium in soil, will open their pores to absorb your message. To avoid "run-off" and erosion, restrict the rate and volume of the message to the level of your audiences absorbtion rate--ability to comprehend and apply.

When carrying the message and love of Christ, your listeners will smile like farmers during a steady, gentle rain.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

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