Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Leader Servant: Encouragement

"If we can encourage others, we should encourage them. If we can give, we should be generous. If we are leaders, we should do our best." (Romans 12:8)

Frequently, I receive promptings to encourage others. I try to respond immediately, yet I sometimes hesitate to act while seeking assurance of the source of the prompting. I received abundant blessings from others encouraging me throughout my life.

Unfortunately, some people do not like or doubt encouragement. Most likely caused by their low self-esteem, each of us has challenges. The enemy (Ephesians 6:10-18) often seeks to diminish the value of people, and discourage those—like you—offering encouragement.

Godly encouragement is authentic with pure motive of benefitting the receptor, and glorifying God the Father, Son—the Lord Jesus Christ—and the Holy Spirit. Godly encouragement lacks falsities, lacks exaggerations, and lacks the encourager's motive self—glorification.

Godly encouragement begins with Godly love, desiring the best for others. This includes consistent, diligent prayer, studying the Bible and genuine interest in others. Godly encouragement requires desiring the uplifting of God and others above you, with the possibility of others disliking you and questioning your motives from you obediently responding to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

"Encouragement is an instrument of divine change." ~ Charles M. Gibbs
Yes, some may doubt or rebuke your Godly encouragement. However, focus on serving only God. Error on the side of obediently responding and serving Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Generously encourage those whom God places in your life, contribute to divine change in your home, office, community and nation.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.


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