Wednesday, July 21, 2010

God Willing

July 21, 2010

Did Jonah lack appropriate determination? Did he lack a clear vision? According to many so called motivational “experts” they lacked all of these attributes and more.

Jonah wanted to go to Tarshish, so he went to Joppa, bought a ticket and boarded the ship headed for Tarshish. Do you suppose Jonah said, “I will go to Tarshish!,” or “Tarshish is my destination, I will do whatever it takes; period!”? Jonah even had a clear vision of Tarshish.

Yet, would that have made any difference for Jonah?

Severe storms with heavy winds arose at sea, nearly tearing apart the ship that Jonah was a passenger. Regardless of Jonah’s confessions or vision; he omitted a short significant phrase, “God Willing.” God wanted Jonah to go to Nineveh, but Jonah preferred Tarshish. Guess who won? Hint: It was not Jonah.

If you are familiar with the story, you know Jonah was thrown overboard into the ocean. A whale, as commanded by God, swallowed him where he lived in the whale’s stomach for three days. God then commanded the whale to puke Jonah up on dry ground.

As you prepare your heart and mind for success, remember to include: “God Willing!” All other success attributes are meaningless absent this acknowledgement.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer

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