Friday, April 8, 2011


When Jesus taught the disciples how to pray, he included: Forgive me of my mistakes, sins, as I forgive those who make mistakes, sins, against me.

At times in life I have been less than forgiving than at other times. For the most part; if someone sincerely apologizes, I am quick to forgive and ready to move forward. Forgiveness is forgiveness, let us forget the past to enjoy the present and future.

Jesus listened and spoke to the criminal on the Cross, once the criminal acknowledged his dependence on Jesus and asked Jesus to remember him; Jesus quickly stated: Today, you will be with me in Paradise. Jesus held no 'grudges.'

Do you find it interesting that Jesus avoided lecturing the criminal on his past sins? Jesus granted the criminal's request for forgiveness and joining Jesus; because the criminal recognized, confessed and repented of his sins.

When Jesus visited with the woman at the well, he verified her past actions; he forgave her. The Bible does not record Jesus lecturing the woman on the wrongs of her promiscuity. She was already aware of her wrongs, she turned away from her past sins; the Lord knew her heart. Once again, Jesus did not hold any 'grudge' against this woman.

Are we as good as Jesus at forgiving others? Probably not. Yet, we can ask Jesus, who resides in us, to saturate our hearts and minds with His love and forgiveness; including the ability to love and forgive others.

Are you, like me, most easily able to quickly and wholly forgive others when you recognize your need and acceptance of Jesus forgiving you? The next time someone seeks forgiveness for hurting you; consider how you prefer Jesus to forgive you.

If Jesus does not lecture after confession and repentance, holding no 'grudges,' should we hold a 'grudge'?

Forgive others, as you want Jesus to forgive you.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

In Christ,
Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

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