Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pure Word

The most nutritious and tasting food is pure food. Do you enjoy food straight from the garden? I love garden fresh fruits vegetables such as corn, peas, beans, radishes, onions and strawberries.

Pure sugar is much better than artificial sweetners. Pure cream, butter and lard are the best for cooking and baking aids. Aunt Ruth Douglass cooked with lard her whole life; she died a few weeks before turning 97; she delivered food to the shut-ins through her 80s, and I believe early 90s.

Pureness provides an array of nutrients! Most nutrients are lost with artificial substitutions.

Are you in the Pure word of God? We consume the pure word of God when reading scripture and listening to his voice. Jesus says that his sheep know his voice. We consume pure scripture when acknowledging the pure authenticity of God's word. This acknowledgement includes confessing God's wisdom far exceeds our own. We are to understand that if scripture doesn't make sense or too 'far fetched,' our wisdom, knowledge and understanding are lacking.

Jesus is the word made flesh, a pure word is a pure Christ!

Beware, some preach an errant scripture, thus an errant Christ. Additionally, declaring portions as 'fiction' as I recently heard a pastor boldly proclaim, is judging "most Bible scholars..." to be wiser than God. A fictional Bible is fictional spiritual nutrition.

Enjoy purity and nutrition in both food and scripture. God is the creator of both.

See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer
See, Believe, Achieve Inc.

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