Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mentor Wisdom: Dream

"God, show me the Dreams you have for me." ~ Charles M. Gibbs


As an eight year old, God provided five Dreams for me as I stood by the old windmill tower between our two story white farm home and the red barn virtually straight west. I failed to recognize these dreams as God-given at the time of their reception. However, the evidence only strengthens, illuminates and deepens with time and a perpetually increasing relationship with God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.


Four of the five dreams have materialized, while the fifth nears achievement. These five core dreams serve as the hub and ignition of additional sub-dreams and peripheral dreams. God's dreams create an internal fire of desire, causing you to do whatever is necessary to attain the dream. God's dreams ALWAYS correlate with scripture, and benefit others as well as you.


His dreams for you fail to indicate in any way indicate that life becomes easy.


Rather pursuing God's dreams for our lives, seeking His will for our lives, thus obeying Him to the best of our ability enables us to live with internal peace despite the outward circumstances. Moreover, pursuing His dreams for your life opens opportunities and resources previous unseen or unavailable to you. People and opportunity suddenly appear or appear in new perspectives.


As I pursue the fifth dream revealed to me as an eight year old on our Kansas farm, the Holy Spirit provides the necessary wisdom, knowledge and understanding along with then necessary mental and physical energy. Pursuing God's dream in your life will energize you beyond belief, increasing the spring in your step, spark in your voice, and twinkle in your eye—yes, a literal increase of these attributes, which attract others to us for God's glory.


God revealed a sub-dream to me approximately ten years ago, perhaps twenty years ago, however I doubted my ability to acquire this dream. In the past two days, two Christian men have independently assured my need to focus on this dream / vision that continues surfacing despite defying human / secular logic. All things are possible with Christ, when in obedience to Christ because this operates in cooperation with God's will for your life (Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27).


Right now, ask God to show you the dreams and visions He has for you. Record them in writing and vocally to the best of your ability, keep a recording advice available always—including by your bed to write as He reveals greater clarity. Record how these dreams benefit others. How will this dream enhance you serving others for God? Pursue these God given dreams with every ounce of energy you possess to the glory of God. Regardless of your current level of attractiveness, you will increase your attractiveness because of the Holy Spirit's radiance shining in and from you to the world—to each person with whom you interact.


"God, show me the Dreams you have for me." ~ Charles M. Gibbs


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer

See, Believe, Achieve Inc.


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