Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Prosperity Theology

Biblical Study

Prosperity Theology

February 28, 2013

1.     Experiences

Unfortunately, the cultural definition of Prosperity Theology easily results in Poverty Theology. Poverty Theology results from the causative effects of dwelling on God’s physical gifts while missing the infinite value of the spiritual gift of the Christian’s eternal relationship with the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Authentic Prosperity Theology/Gospel consists of:
The infinite value of the Christian’s eternal relationship with the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins of all who believe in Him, enable this relationship (John 3).


Moreover, the Bible defines Wisdom, and Understanding as greater than silver and gold (Prov 3:14, 8:11, 16:16). By defining the Prosperity Theology or “Health, Wealth Gospel” as attaining secular wealth, good health and a physically blessed life, we completely devalue true prosperity of Christian Theology, the Gospel.


The fruit of the Gospel’s eternal relationship prosperity provides peace beyond human comprehension in the midst of financial, emotional, physical and health ruin—including the loss of loved ones. Including those having little money to live on for ten days before any income is scheduled, or when they have no idea how they are going to pay rent or buy food for the next month. This peace from the eternal relationship remains amongst life’s biggest celebrations. Any amount of money does not and cannot attain this peace, only the prosperity of the Gospel. NO! I don’t believe God promises or guarantees health, wealth, or secular success.

I do believe that every Christian has the right to ask of anything in Jesus’s name. The eternal relationship enables the requester to seek and desire God’s desires for them above their own desires. Thus, the believer in communicative, prayerful relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit desires only that which God desires for them or whomever they pray for, despite secular logic.

Tuesday 28 November 2006, I stood by my dad’s hospital bed praying, begging God to heal him. Dad awakened for the first time all day, “No!” Three days later, he gained eternal healing as he physically died on Friday 1 December 2006. God’s wisdom surpasses Rick’s wisdom. His wisdom offers the true Prosperity of the Gospel.


My exposure to those seeking the culturally defined Prosperity Gospel, remains limited to a few acquaintances. In addition to errantly believing in rights or guarantees of success, they attempt to judge the spirituality of others based on their health, wealth, and secular success.


My spiritually mature friends view their eternal relationship with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as the greatest success, wealth and spiritual health possible. They, like me, view these as gifts rather than guarantees. The spiritually mature strive to live congruently with God’s will for our lives, encompassing being always joyful, praying and giving thanks in all circumstances (1 Thess. 5:16-18), money cannot buy these attributes or truthfulness.

These result in our enjoying a bounce to our step, sparkle in our eyes, glowing faces, uplifting conversations and desiring for the success of others as much as we desire success for ourselves, and our family—regardless of life’s storms. This results in our attractiveness to those with whom we interact.

These spirit-filled characteristics increase anyone’s likelihood of success, health and wealth—absent any rights or guarantees. I have had the gift of excellent health because of my faith induced positive attitude and constant praying for healing and good health. This lacks being a guarantee, rather a gift to use in glorifying God.


2.     Liberation Theology vs. Prosperity Theology

Both Liberation Theology and Prosperity Theology contain validity within the context that God desires for us to seek Him above all else (Mt 6:33) and love Him with all of our heart mind and soul, while loving others as much as we love ourselves (Mt 22:37-40).

Romans 9 explains that God will have mercy on whom He will have mercy. We should seek to serve and love Christ with all of our heart, soul, and mind, love others as much as we love ourselves, use our spiritual gift to the best of our ability and accept whatever He provides—both rewards and challenges.

Submitting to Christ and the Holy Spirit, striving to love God with all of one’s heart, mind, soul, and loving others as much as we love ourselves (Mt 22:37-39), frees concern of one’s economic or physical status. God has, does and will provide His people with different types of contrasting situations regarding money, property, health. However, when from God—all are blessings.


3.     What is the Theology of Prosperity

The danger resides in believing in always, rights and guarantees, instead of submission.

      1. Spiritual Authority—Christians can claim anything they want “in the Name of Jesus” and receive it, if they have enough faith and belief. Effectively, this group believes God to be their puppet.
      2. Cure and Prosperity—We are always cured and always receive prosperity based on our faith and proper method of asking.
      3. Positive Confession—Name it and claim it. The danger resides in failing to recognize that God’s wisdom exceeds man.
    1. Regarding Prosperity Theology (2Co 8:9):

From the prospective of the Prosperity Gospel extremes, they believe that since Jesus apparently became economically poor for us then we have an inherent right to economic wealth. However, Jesus does have the resources to feed 9,000 men plus women and children (9,000 x 2.5 (estimated factor to include women and children) = 22,500 people x $5.00 per meal = $112,500 for a couple of meals in 2013 dollars), in addition to medical services for healing blindness, bleeding, and bringing the dead back to life.

Jesus made no monetary purchase, yet wealth resides in access to resources as opposed to money alone. Rather he humbled himself in becoming man so that we may be rich with an eternal relationship with Him, God the Father and the Holy Spirit who will supply all our needs.

4.     Normative Teaching in the Epistles

1 Timothy 6:7-10, 17-19

Viewing and / or teaching godliness as a Cash Cow derives from evil, while yielding the stirring up of evil—arrogant, foolishness, falsities, “envy, strife, malicious talk, and evil suspicions.”

Real prosperity resides in contentment (v. 6). The key to economic wealth rests in maintaining one’s hope in God (v. 17-19), as opposed to one’s love and resulting hope in the wealth instead of God. False hope, the love of money over the love of God, leads to evil and carries the danger of departing from the Faith.

A retail agronomy business in northeast Nebraska once fired Rick for being “too honest,” following previous warnings to stop seeking Biblical truth in business instead of seeking profit at any cost for the employer. Any monetary profit should always originate from our serving God (Mt 6:33; 7:21) Succinctly stated: Wealth—any amount—should be used / viewed as tools for serving God, instead of becoming a god.

5.     Faith Healing and NT Teaching

    1. (James 5:14-16) Have the elders of the church pray over the sick; anoint the sick with oil in the name of Jesus (“the Lord”). Confession and forgiveness of sins precedes healing. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.
    2. (Job 2:4-10; Hab 3:17-19; 2Co 12:7-9) God sometimes allows us to suffer physically and financially, to test us and to keep us humble before Him; we are to accept this as joyfully as we do the good. His grace is sufficient for us.


6.     How Then Should We Pray?

Three Principles that Guide us in Prayer:

  1. Exaltation—Praising God for whom He is, the Holy Creator of All, Savior and Lord of the Universe.
  2. Provision—Asking and Trusting that He will provide everything we need when we need it, in the amount we need to achieve His will for our lives.
  3. Forgiveness—Acknowledging our need for forgiveness (Rom 3:23), and that salvation is found in Christ alone (Jn 3:16). We repent, turning to Him.

7.     What Can We Learn?

What happens when God does not gives us prosperity?

We are to stay faithful, prayerful, thankful and joyful (1 Thess 5:16-18). Lack of Faith? Is He not pleased with us? Is the Bible false? Wisdom mandates making evaluations to assure our proper heart, effort, approach, etc. This is done in prayer, Word, proper associations, and consulting with one’s spiritual mentor and/or pastor.


In a Paragraph, summarize what we can learn and what we should avoid from the Theology of Prosperity.

God’s owes us nothing. Yet, He loves us and strongly desires intimate, communicable relationship. He does not make arbitrary promises of everyone having a blank check to dictate to Him. However, we should believe that God will provide His desires for our hearts—not vice versa—we have to open our hearts to receive these.

Jesus told the blind men in Mt 9:27-37 that they would be healed “according to your faith”. We are to ask in reverence and submission, recognizing all as undeserved gifts. The Bible commands us to humble ourselves before the Lord, and He will lift us up (James 4:10). Humility lacks dictating to God or demanding unfounded guarantees, rather trusting in God’s wisdom and provision.


See Christ, Believe Christ, Achieve God’s will with Christ!

Rick E. Meyer


See, Believe, Achieve Inc.


An excerpt of a paper presented to Dr. J. Scott Horrell, Dallas Theological Seminary, in partial fulfillment for ST104A Soteriology.

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