Friday, January 23, 2009

One Way!

John 14:6 - Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."

Rev. Ben Bahr recently referred to a poll, I believe conducted by Pew research, finding 50% of "Christians" believe Jesus is wrong, that he lied! Those 50% believe Jesus is simply one of several ways to salvation.

Jesus is straight forward explaining He alone possesses the Way to Eternal life. My friend Chuck recently commented on Jesus being full of love; yet so many despise Him. Why is this? Chuck elaborated, Jesus demands accountability; our sinful nature despises accountability. We want to act and believe according to our worldly knowledge instead of Godly Wisdom attained by submittig our plans to the Lord; allowing Him to direct our thoughts.

Scripture is filled with proof of Jesus being the only way to salvation. Do we see this proof live out in the lives of Christians?

Allen, a 81 year old World War II veteran, sufferred a heart attack in 2005. The damage was severe, he was life flighted by a helicopter ambulance to Omaha. A day or two following the successful surgery, the emergency physician entered Allen's room. He inquired of Allen, "You must be a Christian?". Allen humbly responded, "I am, this was not on my form, and no one asked me before now, why do you ask?". The doctor explained he is able to differentiate Christians in life and death situations; as Christians remain at peace as the probability of death increases. Conversely, non-Christians, those who believe Jesus' death and resurrection is meaningless, become anxious and uptight.

Karen has been an EMT for nearly 30 years. Karen has seen numerous fatalities during her tenure. She too observed a distinct demarcation in the behaivior of Christians versus non-Christians as death approaches. Karen notes that non-Christians are uneasy, uptight, and selfish when they near death. Conversely, she too has observed the peace of Christians in physical death.

Karen related a story about Margaret who died in an automobile accident in the early to mid-1980s. Margaret initially survived the crash after accidently running a stop sign; however her internal injuries were beyond repair. While riding in the ambulance Margaret's concern were on the driver of the other vehicle, and her family. Margaret did not stop there, she prayed for the EMT's who rescued her and were at her side. She knew she would soon be entering her Father's house in heaven; she was at peace. However, she knew the EMT's would have to live with this tragedy, as she was dying, she asked our Lord to comfort them. Margaret, through her Christian faith continued her unselfish serving of our Lord as departed this life.

Despite health care, despite regulations of the EPA, OSHA and other Federal Bureaucracies, despite Global Warming or Global Cooling you and I are going to physically die. We do not know the day or the hour our Lord is allowing our earthly life to expire.

When death approaches you, are you going to be uneasy, uptight, and selfish as the unbelievers, or are you going to have an amazing peace which surpasses all human understanding, praying for those you leave behind?

Jesus is clear, He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him! (John 14:6)

Make it a Great Day in Christ!

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