Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ask for Wisdom

16 November 2008

Why should we pray for Wisdom? The bible states, God blessed Solomon with Wisdom, because Solomon only requested Wisdom from God. Intellectually we know this. Do you, like me, struggle to grasp why Solomon omitted praying for possessions - with the proper heart / grateful mindset.

The bible says Wisdom was present before and during creation.

Wisdom is the Substance of All existence, of All Creation; Wisdom gives Knowledge and Understanding. These allow us to know anatomy and physiology of all creation. Wisdom dwells with Prudence (Prov 8:12). Understanding is more valuable than silver. How many of us will flock to Silver and Gold yet view understanding with complacency? I have been guilty.

Equations, whether mathematical, financial, chemical, statistical, physics or any other discipline; involve symbols representing multiple in-depth calculations. Each of these calculations are unseen, simply represented with something such as E. A symbol in soil conservation equations may represent nearly a dozen calculations.

Wisdom represents prudence, diligence, understanding, and knowledge, seeking and submitting to the Holy Spirit. Wisdom knows what, when, where, why, how to do anything and with whom to associate. When we possess Wisdom in one micro discipline, compared to God's Wisdom of everything; we achieve success beyond our imagination. Wisdom knows to remain focused, narrow minded, on Christ. Solomon fell when he took his eyes off the Lord God.

Praying for a specific item is like praying for a beautiful home. We thoroughly enjoy it for quite awhile. Wisdom is finding and manufacturing the materials, how and where to build and maintain the house.

Anything less than Wisdom, may be a terrific blessing, but we shortchange ourselves with our limited vision, our very lack of Wisdom. God openly states He gives to whoever asks, He pleads us to request, and accept Wisdom.

Wisdom created the world and all existence! Wisdom creates all God intends for you, and any who seek.

With Wisdom, what creations will originate in your life: family, financial, spiritual, recreational, relational, and professional?

Wisdom is seeing molecularly! Wisdom is understanding molecular structure and interactions. This may be science or communication. "What effect will altering my voice tonality have on making this sale?" - tangible or intangible. The sale may be someone accepting your ideas, such as an expansion proposal. Just as all wisdom comes from God, we pray expecting wisdom, He often gives to us through our subconscious without us knowing we received a gift. This is another good reason to continually thank and praise Him for Wisdom once we ask.

Wisdom is seeing beyond the surface, in-between the molecular bonds.

Pray for WISDOM!!!!

With Wisdom, Make it a Great Day In Christ,
Rick E. Meyer

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